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explaining the biological, psychosocial, cognitive, and spiritual development of adolescence. Students will discuss at least one theory (for example, Erikson, Fowler) related to adolescence

Students will write a 2-4 page paper explaining the biological, psychosocial, cognitive, and spiritual development of adolescence. Students will discuss at least one theory (for example, Erikson, Fowler) related to adolescence, and provide a discussion about how this information is relevant to the counselor as well as how the theory

Task 12: The Research Proposal, Proposal Defense, & IRB SubmissionThis is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings.Your submission will include the following

Task 12: The Research Proposal, Proposal Defense, & IRB Submission This is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings. Your submission will include the following: Title Block Last Name, First Name Cognate Research Paradigm Research Design (Fixed, Flexible. Mixed Methods) Research Method • Topic The body of the document will
1 min read

Directions For this essay, you are writing an analysis of one of the characters in one of our 10-minute plays: What Are You Going To Be?, Magic 8 Ball, The Blizzard and Zombie Love.

Drama Essay: Character Analysis By the due date assigned, submit your three-paragraph character analysis essay as a Microsoft Word attachment. This short essay should be at least 500 words and at least three paragraphs in length, including an introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion. Directions For this essay, you are writing
1 min read

Which of the skills discussed in this chapter do you see yourself employing in the human service field? Why? Include a citation at the end in APA format. For APA guidelines, go to the Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab

In a 1-2 page paper create a list of strategies that you have used to cope with crises in your lives. Which of the skills discussed in this chapter do you see yourself employing in the human service field? Why? Include a citation at the end in APA format. For
1 min read

When communicating, we make decisions regarding what information to include and what information to exclude from our messages. Communication decisions have legal and ethical dimensions. Business communicators

Please review the  APA Sample PaperLinks to an external site. From Purdue Online Writing Lab regarding APA format for Assignment 3: Ethics and Communication Paper. When communicating, we make decisions regarding what information to include and what information to exclude from our messages. Communication decisions have legal and ethical dimensions.
1 min read

Assignment Overview In this first Case Assignment, you will be researching some of the key economic terms and concepts presented in the required and outside readings. You will then turn you

ECO CASE 1 Module 1 - Case INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS Assignment Overview In this first Case Assignment, you will be researching some of the key economic terms and concepts presented in the required and outside readings. You will then turn your theoretical research into practice by defining the terms and
1 min read

MRKT 4335 Healthcare Marketing Project 1. The student is required to follow the guideline as much as possible. 2. All sources used should be cited in a bibliography. No particular formatting is required. 3. Absolutely no p

MRKT 4335 Healthcare Marketing Project 1.    The student is required to follow the guideline as much as possible. 2.    All sources used should be cited in a bibliography. No particular formatting is required. 3.    Absolutely no plagiarism, chat GPT or AI. Your work will be run through a plagiarism software
1 min read

Marketing Plan PowerPoint – Requirements and Rubric Create a PowerPoint presentation incorporating highlights of your marketing plan. • Slide show should be 12-15 slides

Marketing Plan PowerPoint – Requirements and Rubric Create a PowerPoint presentation incorporating highlights of your marketing plan. • Slide show should be 12-15 slides • If appropriate, include pictures, graphs, and charts • Incorporate a title slide to begin and a conclusion slide to end • Each main point of the marketing plan should be
1 min read

Assignment 2: Compare/Contrast Essay The compare-and-contrast essay has a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both with the reason for doing so. The thesis

Assignment 2: Compare/Contrast Essay The compare-and-contrast essay has a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both with the reason for doing so. The thesis could emphasize comparing, contrasting, or both. The essay should provide relevant information to the reader. This paper
4 min read

PSY 355 Module Five Milestone Guidelines and RubricOverview Gender schema theory (Bem, 1981) frames gender as a product of the assumptions and expectations that are established and transmitted within a culture. Similarly, socia

PSY 355 Module Five Milestone Guidelines and RubricOverview Gender schema theory (Bem, 1981) frames gender as a product of the assumptions and expectations that are established and transmitted within a culture. Similarly, social role theory (Eagly, 2012) suggests that social role stereotypes emerge from socially constructed assumptions and expectations. Through
3 min read

Assignment 3 - Research Paper- An inquiry-based research paper of 1500-2000 words. Choose a topic from the list below. These are broad topics and you will need to find a narrow focus within them. Your paper should have at least five (5)

Assignment 3 - Research Paper An inquiry-based research paper of 1500-2000 words. Choose a topic from the list below. These are broad topics and you will need to find a narrow focus within them.  Your paper should have at least five (5) academic reference courses.  This should not include your
4 min read

You are the chief nursing officer for a 500-bed regional medical center on the East Coast. Nurses are in very short supply in your region, and you are constantly struggling to meet staffing needs. Explain what you can do to work with the hu

Journal Assignments Unit IV Journal Assignment Content 1. You are the chief nursing officer for a 500-bed regional medical center on the East Coast. Nurses are in very short supply in your region, and you are constantly struggling to meet staffing needs. Explain what you can do to work with
1 min read

1.Read a novel or watch a movie about a cultural group other than your own. 2. Explain your reasons for selecting the experience (lecture, novel or movie). 3. Briefly describe the experience only. Do not re-tell the entire story, lecture or film.

Your answers should be clear, concise, well organized, and contain a sufficient amount of information in order to make your point. Support your answers with details and examples. If you need assistance choosing your subject, email your instructor for recommendations. PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION. Each answer to questions (2-8). 1.
1 min read

At the end of each module, you are challenged to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the week's material by putting course resources and discussion into thoughtful conversation with

At the end of each module, you are challenged to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the week's material by putting course resources and discussion into thoughtful conversation with your own life and the life of the world. Remember that your goals are to demonstrate that you understand and are applying
2 min read

Create a Argumentative client scenario depicting an interaction between an NP and a client. Describe the setting and type of encounter. Describe the client’s challenging behaviors related to the

Create a Argumentative client scenario depicting an interaction between an NP and a client. Describe the setting and type of encounter. Describe the client’s challenging behaviors related to the topic assigned. Examine the potential impact of the client’s behavior on the client-provider relationship. Analyze techniques to enhance communication

The starting point of any recruitment is Employer Branding. This research assignment will examine the concepts of employer branding, what it is and why it is important.

The starting point of any recruitment is Employer Branding. This research assignment will examine the concepts of employer branding, what it is and why it is important. The research essay paper must thoroughly answer the following: 1. An explanation of employer branding and employee value proposition (EVP) and why it
2 min read

Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established

Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established in 2005 and is a family business established by James and Nancy Anderson. Ozhouse Clean’s key focus is providing quality services to all their
2 min read

OzHouse Clean convenes a range of meetings, including regular staff meetings, meetings to discuss specific projects or issues, management meetings and client meetings. Only the executive team should arrange and chair meetings. No informa

Meeting Policy and Procedures Meeting policy OzHouse Clean convenes a range of meetings, including regular staff meetings, meetings to discuss specific projects or issues, management meetings and client meetings. Only the executive team should arrange and chair meetings. No information should be shared with other staff unless agreed on at
3 min read

Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information to others.Remember: You will be creating a presentation to present material to two different groups of

Section 1: Planning communication 1. Describe the organisation you are basing this project on. 2. What is the name of the organisation? 3. What are the main activities of the organisation? 4. What are the organisational objectives? 5. Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to
3 min read

Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In your answer: define tone, style and structure as they relate to communication. explain how the tone, style and

* Subject Code :BSBCMM511 * Country :Australia Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In your answer: * define tone, style and structure as they relate to communication. * explain how the tone, style and structure impacts others.
1 min read

Write a brief epidemiological report of a public health issue of your choice. This could be HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal mortality and so on. You can look at the issue at the country level, the region level or globally.

Write a brief epidemiological report of a public health issue of your choice. This could be HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal mortality and so on. You can look at the issue at the country level, the region level or globally. Please ensure that you pick a topic that has literature on
1 min read

Children's development is greatly influenced by early childhood education. Childhood is the time when children develop fundamental skills and acquire knowledge which will serve as the foundation for their lives as they grow older. There have

Criteria –1 1. General information about curriculum models ECE 2. Impotence of curriculum models 3. Identify two curriculum models 4. Describe the two curriculum models 5. Compare and contrast characteristic (provide intext citations) Teaching approaches, teaching methodology, learning material, family engagement, aesthetic classroom, peer relations (collaboration), community engagement 6. Appraise
4 min read