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Your team of specialist consultants have been tasked, by the partner in the consulting firm where you are employed, to undertake a six-week Agile project to perform a conceptual feasibility study to prepare the industry partner (case study} for what to

Assessment Task

Write a 1000-word-case study report in response to the provided case study. While most of the material can be found in both the case and study notes, you wili be required to do further research in the topic area to broaden your knowledge. The topic in the case study relates to Business Information Systems, Business Processes and how organisations use Business information Systems to achieve their strategic goals and objectives.
This group assignment is an Agile project focusing on the topic of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, where the group will use Agile techniques to produce a final report of 2500 words outlining a solution plan. In the process of developing the final report, each group will first prepare a team contract, prepare two scrum boards and a short presentation as part of their weekly learning activities in Module 1. Each of these learning activities will provide evidence of the Agile process the team has followed to research, develop and deliver the final report.


The aim of this assignment is to introduce you to the fundamental principles of Information Systems in a business context, which serves as foundation for the rest of the course, i.e., BBIS (Bachelor of Information Systems). Information Systems are everywhere in business. In this assignment, you will develop skills in reviewing a case, identifying key concepts within the case that need to be addressed, researching these concepts, synthesising ideas about these concepts and writing a business report which offers context-based recommendations. This will give you an opportunity to develop work-ready skills in the process of researching, planning and writing a business report.

Agile project management is rapidly emerging as a commonly used project management methodology in contemporary IT departments. The main aim of this assessment is to develop an iterative and incremental approach to achieve better project outcomes.

• Scrum is one of the Agile project methodologies which aims to ensure that the team works together with regular 'check-ins'.

• Short-time boxes — in this case weekly — are used to break the tasks that need to be completed into bite-sized components to ensure incremental delivery and to avoid a 'crunch' on resources at the final points of delivery.

This assessment is prescribed to achieve two things:

• Simulate a mini-Agile project to allow you to build knowledge of the process via experiential learning.

• Allow you to explore the concepts associated with implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and offer solutions to a simulated organisation.


Your team of specialist consultants have been tasked, by the partner in the consulting firm where you are employed, to undertake a six-week Agile project to perform a conceptual feasibility study to prepare the industry partner (case study} for what to expect as they transition into a new way of running their business by removing the information silos.

Please read carefully the MISlOOAssessment 2_Case Scenario (located in the Assessment 2 folder} to understand the concepts being discussed in the case.

Review your course notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Re­read any relevant readings that have been recommended in the case area for the subject. Perform additional research in the area of investigation and select five additional sources which will add value to your report in the relevant area of investigation.

Plan how you will structure your ideas for your report and write a report plan before you start writing.
Team Formation and Registration

• Form teams of 3-4 members.

• The deadline for team registration is 11:45 pm AEST Friday end of Module 3.1 (Week 3 or Week 6).

• To register your team, you are required to send your Learning Facilitator an email with "[MIS100] Team Registration" in the subject line. In the body of that email, please list the names and student ID numbers of all the members of your team.

• You are required to send the registration email to your facilitator before the registration deadline.

• After the registration deadline, those students who are not in a team will be allocated to a team by the Learning Facilitator.

Case Scenario

• Please read the MISlOOAssessment 2_Case Scenario.

Team Contract

• Please read the MISlOO Assessment 2_Team Contract (located in the Assessment 2 folder).

• Each team is required to complete their team contract as part of the learning activity for Module 2.2 (Week 2 or Week 8)

Scrum Boards

• Each group is required to complete scrum boards as part of learning activities for Module 3.1 (Week 3 or week 6) and Module 3.2 (Week 4 or week 6).

• You will receive feedback from your Learning Facilitator for each of these scrum board learning activities. It is expected that your group take this feedback into consideration when writing the final report.

Final Group Report

Please write a 2000-word group report following the structure outlined below:

Title page

You will need to include the subject code and subject name, assignment title, all student's names and student numbers in the group, and the Learning Facilitator's name.

Executive summary:

While this report is brief, it does require an Executive Summary, which does not form part of the overall word count.

Introduction (300-350 words):

This introduction will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report. This means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You need to inform the reader of:

a. your area of research and its context

b. the key concepts you will be addressing, and

c. what the reader can expect to find in the body of the report.
Body of the report (1200-1500 words):

Your group will need to respond to the specific requirements of the case scenario. The areas you will be required to cover are the following:

a) What are the major objectives of an ERP system and how are they similar or different to a Functional Area Information System?

b) What are the benefits and limitations of ERP systems?

c) What are the core mdules of an ERP system, and what would the extended modules be? Which module would you recommend for implementation first and why?

d) What are the different available implementation models that the business can consider for their ERP implementation, and the benefits and limitations of these different implementation models? Which one would you recommend to your client?

e) Which functional departments are likely to be impacted in the business as they transition to a world where ERP supports cross-functional and cross-departmental processes?

f) What ethical and professional standards could be impacted in this case scenario? Include this in your report.

The conclusion (300-350 words): It will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report


Please include the following documents in the appendices:

Completed Team contract

Completed Scrum board 1

Completed Scrum board 2

Report Format and Layout The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, will be line-spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading and have page numbers in the footer.

Where diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning and references as required

Additional notes:

• It is important to check your similarity in SafeAssign. All sentences highlighted must be either paraphrased in your own words or put in quotes and referenced accordingly. You should be aiming for as low a similarity score as you can. Similarity highlighted in a contents page, reference list or appendices is nothing to be concerned about.

• You are advised to include a minimum of five (5) academic references which should be textbooks or academic journals. Appropriate websites may be used in addition to these. [1]

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research* Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage. It is expected that you reference any lecture notes used and five additional sources in the relevant subject area based on sources and further research*

Submission Instructions

One person representing the group should submit this assessment via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in MIS100 Foundations of Information Systems* The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades*

Academic Integrity

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitato

[1]        The attached learning rubric guides the marker when awarding marks for your paper. You will need to review your paper in line with this, to ensure there is nothing you have missed.




{Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49%










High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100%

Use of academic and discipline conventions:

Formal tone.

Meets the assignment brief regarding introduction, body and conclusion.

No use of first person perspective. Appropriate use of credible resources. Correct citation of key resources using APA style of referencing.

Percentage for this criterion = 25%

Poorly written with informal tone, using first person pronouns. Does not adhere to the assignment brief of the requirements.

No introduction and conciusion attempted. Inconsistent and inadequate use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.

No use of in-text references, or no reference list at the close of the report. There are many mistakes in using the APA style.

Written according to academic genre. Minor errors in the use of first-person pronouns. Introduction attempted, but it is very generic and does not clearly state the purpose of the report as well as what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report.

Conclusion attempted but does not include summation of key concepts discussed in the report and/or key conclusions or recommendations.

Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.

Little use of in- text referencing. Some mistakes in using APA style.

Written according to academic genre as per the assignment brief. Consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas.

Introduction is structured, but does not clearly state either the

purpose of the report or what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report.

Conclusion is written well, and it

succeeds in either the summation of key concepts discussed, or key conclusions or recommendations, but not both.

Good use of in-text referencing. Minor errors in using the APA style.

Well-written and adheres to the academic genre as per the assignment brief. Expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading.

Introduction is well- structured. Clearly states the purpose of the report, and what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report.

Conclusion is well- structured and succeeds in summation of key concepts discussed and key conclusions or recommendations.

Very good use of in-text referencing. No mistakes in using the APA style.

Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Expert use of high- quality credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading.

Excellent use of the introduction- Secures the attention of the reader, and clearly states the purpose and what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report. Excellent use of the conciusion. Succeeds in the confident summation of key concepts and conclusions, and gives the reader a clear sense of the next steps required.

Excellent and meticulous use of in text-referencing. No mistakes in using the APA style.