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Your team of specialist consultants have been tasked, by the partner in the consulting firm where you are employed, to undertake a six-week Agile project to perform a conceptual feasibility study to prepare Wiliiamstown Cupcakes for what to expect

MIS100 Foundations of Information Systems
Assessment 2: Case Scenario

Sisters Jacqueline Marquette and Sarah Brooks founded Wiliiamstown Cupcakes in 2017 after they both finished University. Both lifelong bakers, they were inspired by their grandmothers and their own love of something sweet.

When they first started, they baked from 5:30 am to 7:30 pm most days, and although they allow employees to scoop batter into tins and check the ovens, they pipe the frosting on every single cupcake themselves. On average, the store sells between 2,000 and 3,000 cupcakes Tuesdays through Fridays (up from 800 when it opened in February), 4,000 on Saturdays and 2,000 on Sundays. Do the maths: At $2.75 each, that conservatively adds up to sales of more than $38,000 a week and $2 million annually. And that was when they first started!

They now have shops in Ffawthorn, Doncaster and Fitzroy North and ship Australia wide.

The business has grown, and they now need help with their Information Systems. While they know a great deal about cupcakes and social media marketing, they know very little about systems. With the business about to expand with two more stores opening, they need help.

As Information Systems consultants, your intended audience is the Executive Leadership Team of Wiliiamstown Cupcakes.

The Executive Leadership consists of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer who oversees the Production function, Chief Financial Officer who oversees Finance and Accounting functions. Chief Information Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, and the Genera! Manager of Fluman Resources.

As the cupcake stores have grown up organically with little planning, they are running on different functional platforms for accounting, finance, human resources, production and marketing. It is vital for the business to take the next strategic step to breakthrough the information silos that exist to take the business forward in its next phase of growth.

Your team of specialist consultants have been tasked, by the partner in the consulting firm where you are employed, to undertake a six-week Agile project to perform a conceptual feasibility study to prepare Wiliiamstown Cupcakes for what to expect as they transition into a new way of running their business by removing the different systems and integrating them into one.

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