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Your main task for the Group Portfolio assessment is to choose a brand and critically analyse and evaluate its digital marketing activities, and then provide relevant recommendations on how this brand can improve its digital marketing strategy

Assessment Component 1 - Group Portfolio This component includes two assessment elements: (a) Group presentation (70%) and (b) Group Coursework (30%). Deadline: 21st of March by 15.00 (please note - only one submission from each group is required).
In order to complete this component of the Group Portfolio, students must form a group (min. 4 - max. 6 group members).
All groups must be formed by week 3 (Term 2) in order to start working on the Task in advance which will give students better chances to successfully complete this assessment component.
Your main task for the Group Portfolio assessment is to choose a brand and critically analyse and evaluate its digital marketing activities, and then provide relevant recommendations on how this brand can improve its digital marketing strategy.
To complete this task students must produce a group presentation followed by a written report provided by the group.
The details are provided below.
(a)The Task for Group Presentation: Module Guide 2022/23 p.8
Choose a brand and, as a group, conduct an enhanced Digital Marketing Audit and analysis of the customer journey.
Your analysis should uncover the following:
1. Overview of the brand and organisation you have chosen. Clearly identify unique selling point(s).
2. An analysis of the market. Here the students should identify and evaluate the organisation’s main/key competitors .
3. An assessment and evaluation of the digital customer needs/wants and detailed customer personas.
4. The creation of the customer journey map. Also, identification and evaluation of all digital touchpoints.
5. Identification and evaluation of all digital marketing tools and the types of content which are used to communicate/engage with consumers. Explain why this content has been created and who it is for.
6. Based on your analysis: explain if there are any inconsistencies, gaps, problems, flaws and/or opportunities for this brand. Note: Your presentation should be supported with relevant data and examples. You also must identify relevant theoretical concepts and apply them where relevant. Please carefully think about the structure of your presentation.
Presentation Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
• Font style, Lucida Sans, at least size 20.
•Not too much clutter on each slide.
• Your name should not appear on the presentation.
Group presentation Marking Scheme/Cover Page Component Comments Weight (marks) Actual mark Knowledge of the Material and integration of the relevant theoretical concepts 20
Delivery of Presentation 20
Ability to work as a Team 20
Ability to Answer questions 20
Overall slide presentation, Professionalism and Referencing 20
Module Guide 2022/23 p. 9
(b)The Task for Group Report – 3000 words. Deadline: 15th of April by 15.00 (please note - only one submission from each group is required).
Based on your findings/analysis from your group presentation, each group must write a group report and provide recommendations on key digital marketing decisions and clearly explain: • How can the organisation improve its digital marketing activities and improve its overall marketing communication strategy. The students must provide the following information in this report in order to successfully complete this part of the assessment:
1. Introduction
2. Main body. This includes: - Clearly outlined gaps, problems, flaws and/or opportunities which you have identified in your group presentations. Provide justification. - Develop a digital marketing plan to improve existing digital marketing activities. This should include development and identification of relevant objectives, messages, customer personas, tactics and channels which can be part of an existing or new campaign(s).
3. Conclusion Note: You have to complete this assessment component by using professional sources such as industry reports, books, journal articles and other reliable sources. Group report Marking Scheme/Cover Page Component Comments Weight (marks) Actual mark Justification of the identified problems and opportunities 20 Analytical/critical thinking, application of the relevant concepts and synthesis of ideas 30 Creativity and quality of the provided ideas 30 Overall Slide presentation, Professionalism and Referencing 20 Module Guide 2022/23 p. 10
Assessment Component 2 Individual Report (3,000 words) Deadline: 21th of April 15.00 The World Wide Web transformed traditional marketing and it represents a ‘’pull’’’ medium for marketing rather than ‘’push’’.
In order to complete this part of the assessment, the student must produce an individual written report which critically evaluates the continuously changing digital marketing field and its role in contemporary marketing and global consumption.
The student must evaluate current digital marketing trends, opportunities and issues around data, privacy and consumer sovereignty. Note: In this report, you must demonstrate that you have engaged and critically evaluated relevant academic journals (at least 20 peer-reviewed academic sources) and reports in order to justify/argue your ideas. You must include relevant data and examples in order to provide strong arguments. Structure of your report The work that you write/ submit must be in the format of a report. Please only use the structure below:
1 – Introduction Introduce your report to the reader. What is the structure and purpose of the report and what are its main ideas?
2 – Main body. Please use relevant subheadings in the main body of the report to guide the reader. A. Evaluate how the World Wide Web has transformed traditional marketing, from both consumer and business perspectives. B. Discuss current digital marketing trends and main opportunities for marketers. C. Evaluate/discuss issues around data, privacy and consumer sovereignty.
3 – Summary Provide a strong and informative summary of the report and its main ideas together with a conclusion.
4 – References (not included in the word-count.) Module Guide 2022/23 p. 11
Individual report Marking Scheme Component Comments Weight (marks) Actual mark Evidence of research
– integration of relevant academic sources and relevant examples 20
Synthesis of ideas, critical and analytical thinking. 30
Justification of provided ideas Identification and evaluation of relevant theoretical concepts.30
Quality of academic writing and professional presentation, including referencing, structure of the report and flow of ideas.20
Skills Advice Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions.
Pay particular attention to:
• Your introduction
• Your conclusion
• The use of headings and/or signpost words
• Paragraph structure Do refer to Info skills at http://writeitright.uelconnect.org.uk/home/ and http://infoskills.uelconnect.org.uk/ Referencing The university expects students to use Harvard referencing as specified in the book Cite them Right.
• Refer to http://www.uel.ac.uk/lls/support/harvard.htm for further advice and a link to an online version of Cite them Right Module Guide 2022/23 p. 12
• You should be careful to include citations within your work as well as a reference list at the end.
Unreferenced work will fail. Word Count Your word count should not include your abstract, contents, reference list or appendices.
You should provide your word count at the end of your essay.
Exceeding the word count by more than 10% will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required. How to submit your work: All submissions for this component(s) of this Module must be submitted according to these instructions. If you fail to submit this component as directed, a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component. All submissions for this component(s) of this Module must be submitted according to these instructions. If you fail to submit this component as directed, a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component. All assessment elements must be submitted via Turnitin (links will be available on Moodle) Turnitin (via Moodle)?is?required for coursework assessments, such as?report/research papers or projects in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and in PDF format.?
There are two main reasons we want you to use?Turnitin:? - Turnitin?can help you avoid academic breaches and plagiarism.? When you use?Turnitin?before?a submission deadline, you can use the Originality Report feature to compare your work to thousands of other sources (like websites, Wikipedia, and even other student papers).? Anything in your work that identically matches another source is highlighted for you to see.? When you use this feature?before the deadline,?you will have time to revise your work to avoid an incident of academic breach/plagiarism.??
? - Turnitin?saves paper.? When using?Turnitin?to electronically submit your work, you will almost never have to submit a paper copy. The Module Leader does not accept hardcopies of assignments via email. Return of your work: Arrangements for the publication of results is stated in the Course Handbook. Formal results are ONLY available in UEL Direct, and will be published within 8 working days of the Board, where results are formally confirmed. Any other results are provisional/indicative but not approved.
REASSESSMENT ARRANGEMENTS Module Guide 2022/23 p. 13 The reassessment will be a resubmission of this report, with track changes made in response to the feedback given. The date for Reassessment is 30-working days after the first submission. Re-Assessment for (1) Group Presentation and Group Report: - You have submitted at the first opportunity but failed:
The students should use the provided feedback for the first submission and complete the task(s) again by improving their first submission accordingly. Deadline TBC. For the re-sit students must submit an annotated presentation - there will be no actual presentations. - You have not submitted at the first opportunity: in this case you have to complete the (1) Group Portfolio individually (please see instructions above).
Deadline TBC. For the re-sit students must submit an annotated presentation - there will be no actual presentations. What is an annotated presentation? An annotated presentation is one in which you use the notes section of each slide to provide a detailed explanation of the points made. Re-Assessment for (2) Individual Report - You have submitted at the first opportunity but failed: The students should use the provided feedback for the first submission and complete the Assessment component 2 again by improving their first submission.
Deadline: TBC - You have not submitted at the first opportunity: in this case you have to complete the Assessment component 2 (Individual Report) - please see instructions in the Module and Assessment