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You will also have to use a credible article about the history of your object to provide some historical background. Students have written essays on atomic clocks,

You will also have to use a credible article about the history of your object to provide some historical background. Students have written essays on atomic clocks, water bottles, fish hooks, bullets, cat eye glasses, Van's sneakers, a rosary, a piece of handmade pottery, brooms, and encyclopedias. I have had essays on weave, on cast iron pans, on Dolly Parton's wigs, on the mirror that hangs in Gianni Versace's mansion in Miami, on the cubetas (buckets) used by farmworkers, I have had essays on grandpa's F 150 and one on a sword grandpa brought home from WW II. It's easier to write the essay if you choose an object you have a connection to--like the young woman who wrote from the point of view of her Italian Grandmother's rosary which she inherited.
Although you will be creating a persona for your object and letting it tell its own story, you must also
do some research. However, you shouldn't just retell the history of your object. Your object should have a personality--like the penny that was upset that no one picks it up off the ground! I do have a list of topics I don't want to see: No computers, phones, video games or headphones.
ry Research
Please note: We will have assignments specifically related to the article summary AFTER you write a rough draft of the essay--which will be assigned after Spring Break. I like for students to get started on what they know about the object before they get into the research. For that part of the
assignment-which is separate- you will need to create a summary and citation, MLA Style. This will
include a copy of one article that discusses the history or use of your object as well as your summary
of the article. You will write the citation MLA style.
ckly Attendance
Your paper will be written in first person, from the point of view of your object. Be creative. You must also include in this piece bits of information you gathered: bits of the history of the object, and references to how it is used. NOTE: An essay that doesn't include evidence of research will not pass.
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