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You should by now have reviewed all the resources listed or provided on the Week 3 Learning Resources page. Analyze the questions below considering the assigned readings and other resources you find. Being able to clearly articulate your thoughts

You should by now have reviewed all the resources listed or provided on the Week 3 Learning Resources page.
Analyze the questions below considering the assigned readings and other resources you find.
Being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas is almost as critical as the depth of those thoughts and ideas. At this stage in your education, you have had ample opportunity to practice your writing skills; therefore, the expectation is that this document will be professionally written and meet the standards of APA formatting.

The Joint Commission. (2021). 2021 National patient safety goals. Retrieved from https://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2019). Nursing and patient safety. Retrieved from https://psnet.ahrq.gov/primers/primer/22/Nursing-and-Patient-Safety

1st Paragraph: Identify the facility type where your currently work OR if you are not working, choose the type where you had a clinical nursing rotation. On the Joint Commission’s Site (2021) of national patient safety goals, select the facility type where you currently work. (If you are not working, select the type in which you had a clinical rotation in nursing school). Identify 1 (no more) patient safety goal for that type of facility and describe how the chosen goal relates to the current health care challenges resulting from SARS CoV 2 and COVID 19. (Cite and reference)
2nd Paragraph: Identify if your chosen safety goal (Note: COVID 19 itself is a biomedical issue, but the goals surrounding containment, detection, and treatment would be biomedical, technical, or systems process.) addresses the biomedical, technical or systems process arena. (To do this you must first provide a cited definition of either biomedical, technical, or systems process. Then state how your chosen safety goal relates to the definition). (Cite and reference per the instructions)
3rd Paragraph: Identify the 5 essential competencies for all health professions.(Cite and reference) Choose the one that is most likely to support reaching your identified safety goal and provide a cited definition. Then describe how this competency can support reaching your identified goal. (Cite and Reference)
4th Paragraph: How do nurse staffing and or work conditions relate to the safety goal? What can nursing do to address the safety goal specifically as it applies to SAR CoV 2 and/or COVID 19 (Cite and reference).