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<div>You have been tasked with examining management policies and procedures (e.g., OH&S, cross-cultural awareness, sexual harassment, drug & alcohol,

Assessment Instructions
The executive management of an engineering company has assigned you the task of evaluating how the four main management functions (Planning, Organising, Leading, Controlling) are operationalised within the company, and to consider how they may be improved.
You have been tasked with examining management policies and procedures (e.g., OH&S, cross-cultural awareness, sexual harassment, drug & alcohol, business ethics, anti-discrimination) since these are likely to impact management functions, and to research current bestpractice in relation to the functions. The result is to report to executive management on how management functions could be improved. Part 1: The Report You will need to:
1. Identify at least two best-practice principles for each of the 4 management functions of Planning, Organising, Leading, and Controlling.
2. Select an engineering company (or one with engineering focus) and conduct research on the company in relation to its performance against identified principles in step 1.
3. Perform a SWOT analysis on the company.
4. Provide recommendations for improvement.
Write a 15-20 page (4,000 word) report addressed to the executive management of the engineering company which includes the following:
? Section 1: Introduction
? Section 2: Company background and description with sufficient detail to support analysis.
? Section 3: Best practice relating to management functions identifying at least two best-practice principles for each of the 4 management functions of Planning, Organising, Leading, and Controlling
? Section 4: Analysis of company performance against best practice
? Section 5: Analysis of the company’s policies and procedures against best practice.
? Section 6: Analysis of the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats relating policies and procedures to best practice.
? Section 7: Recommendations
? Section 8: A reflection on the challenges and lessons learnt in working on this report.
? Section 9: Identification of Engineers Australia Stage 1 Professional Competencies you have met in completing this task, the extent and justification for your claims.
CRITERIA High Distinction (80-100) Distinction (70-79) Credit (60-69) Pass (50-59) Fail (0-49)
Style and Structure
10% All sections in the report are present including the Executive Summary and Appendices. Precise and fluent expression which flows easily. Sophisticated and complex style with structure (introduction, conclusion and body paragraphing) suitable for report audience. Uses a wide-range of highly appropriate vocabulary and discipline-specific terms. All sections in the report are present including the Executive Summary and Appendices. Clear, concise and cohesive expressions with logical flows. Style, structure (introduction, conclusion and body paragraphing) are appropriate for report audience. Uses a range of appropriate and accurate discipline-specific vocabulary. All sections in the report are present including the Executive Summary and Appendices. Well expressed and clearly flows. Style, structure (introduction, conclusion and body paragraphing) are generally appropriate for report audience. Uses vocabulary and discipline-specific terms accurately. Most sections in the report are present including the Executive
Summary and
Appendices. Generally flows well. Basic organisation and style show an understanding of report audience. Structure (introduction, conclusion and body paragraphing) needs work. Uses mostly appropriate vocabulary and key discipline- specific terms. Very few or none of the sections in the report are present. Lacks flow and may be difficult to follow. Style and /or structure is inappropriate for report audience. Paragraphing is needed or used incorrectly. Uses limited vocabulary or inappropriate word choices; discipline-specific terms are misused or missing.
Technical Writing Skills 5% Uses varied and complex sentence structure. Almost error-free punctuation and grammar. Uses varied sentence structure. Occasional errors in punctuation and grammar. Produces mostly error free sentences. Infrequent errors in spelling and punctuation which do not impede understanding. Produces sentences with some variety and accuracy. Errors in spelling, punctuation and/ or grammar occasionally impede understanding. . Produces sentences which are repetitive or simplistic, incomplete or run-on. Errors in grammar, spelling and/or punctuation obstructs understanding.
Referencing 5% Citing and referencing in APA style is accurate throughout. Citing and referencing is generally appropriate and accurate. Some errors in citing and referencing may persist. Citing and referencing is attempted, but with errors. Referencing is consistently inaccurate or not attempted.
Section 2: Company background
5% Relevant and detailed background information and description about the chosen company is provided. An organisational chart is provided. Relevant background information and description about the chosen company is provided. Mostly relevant background information and description about the chosen company is provided. Some relevant background information and description about the chosen company is provided Little or no background information about the chosen company is provided
Section 4: Analysis 20% A thorough and insightful analysis of the company’s
policies and their potential impact on management processes. A comprehensive analysis of the company’s policies and their potential impact on management processes. A clear analysis of some of the company’s policies and their potential impact on management processes. A basic analysis of some of the company’s policies and their potential impact on management processes. Limited or no analysis of the company’s policies and their potential impact on management processes.
Section 5:
Best Practice
10% Current Engineering management best practice has clearly and comprehensively been evaluated and consistently supported by scholarly research. Current Engineering management best practice has been clearly evaluated and often supported by scholarly research. Current Engineering management best practice has been evaluated and sometimes supported by research. Current Engineering management best practice has been superficially evaluated and occasionally supported by research. Current Engineering management best practice has been superficially or not evaluated and rarely or not supported by research.
Section 6: Company strengths and weaknesses
15% A rigorous critical evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is provided that considers policy information, and evidence of scholarly research, which consistently evaluates credibility. A critical evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is provided based on policy information and evidence of scholarly research, which usually evaluates credibility. An evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is provided based policy information and scholarly research, which evaluates credibility. An evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is provided based on policy information, limited scholarly research evident. Limited or no evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is provided, limited or no scholarly research evident.
Section 7:
10% Comprehensive conclusions and recommendations have been provided. Each recommendation details who is to action them, and by when. Clear conclusions and recommendations have been provided. Most of these recommendations detail who is to action them, and by when. Conclusions and recommendations have been provided. Some of these recommendations detail who is to action them, and by when. Some conclusions and recommendations are provided. A few of these recommendations are related to sections of the report. Few or no conclusions or recommendations have been provided.
Section 8 Challenges, and lessons learnt
15% The key challenges of working on this report have been comprehensively identified. Innovative strategies for overcoming these challenges have been proposed. Most of the key challenges have been identified. Realistic strategies for overcoming these challenges have been proposed. Some key challenges have been identified. Basic Strategies for overcoming these challenges have been proposed. Some challenges have been identified. Superficial strategies for overcoming these challenges have been proposed. Limited or no challenges of have been identified. Limited or no strategies for overcoming these challenges have been proposed.
Section 9
Demonstrated competencies 5% The report provides comprehensive details of the Stage 1 Competency Standard for professional Engineers, demonstrated. The report provides clear details of the Stage 1
Competency Standard for professional Engineers, demonstrated. The report provides clear details of some of the Stage 1 Competency Standard for professional Engineers, demonstrated. The report mentions some Stage 1 Competency Standard for professional Engineers competencies demonstrated. The report mentions limited or no Stage 1 Competency Standard for professional Engineers competencies demonstrated