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You are required to develop a Python 3 program that reads data from a file, processes it, and writes the results to a new file. The program should implement control flow, loops, functions, and classes to manipulate data

TECH1200 Fundamentals of Programming

Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code:TECH1200
Subject Name:Fundamentals of Programming
Assessment Title:Coding Assignment Analysis
Assessment Type:Individual
Word Count:1000Words(+/-10%)
Weighting:40 %
Total Marks:40
Submission:Via Turnitin
Due Date:Week 13

Your Task

This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will develop a Python 3 program that reads and writes data to a persistent storage using a module. The program should implement control flow, loops, functions, and classes to manipulate data stored in lists, dictionaries, and files.

Assessment Description

You are required to develop a Python 3 program that reads data from a file, processes it, and writes the results to a new file. The program should implement control flow, loops, functions, and classes to manipulate data stored in lists and dictionaries. You are also required to use modules to handle file input and output. The assessment is designed to test your ability to interpret program specifications, develop a high-level model, transfer it into a software application, and use coding best practices.

The code below is a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a customer and contains their name, age, email, and phone number. This data can be used to demonstrate read and write data to a persistent storage.

Text Box: customer_data = [
"name": "John Smith", "age": 35,
"email": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "phone": "0413-535-124"
"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 28,
"email": "janedoe@yahoo.com", "phone": "0401-655-568"
"name": "Bob Johnson", "age": 42,
"email": "bjohnson@hotmail.com", "phone": "0433-515-912"

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:

LO1Interpret simple program specifications.
LO4Use an integrated development environment to develop, debug and test a solution written in a programming language.
LO5Use a programming language to read and write data to a persistent storage.

Assessment Instructions

Assessment instructions for this assessment:

  1. Use the sample data (code provided in the previous page) to develop a Python 3 program that meets the requirements specified in the assessment requirements document. The program should utilise all the topics covered in Weeks 1-12 of the subject.
  2. Test the program using the provided test data and ensure that the output matches the expected output.
  3. Submit your Python 3 program, along with a report that documents your program design, implementation, and testing.
  4. Ensure that your report includes the following:
  5. Explanation of the algorithm used in the program.
  6. Discussion of coding best practices used in the program.
  7. Explanation of any issues encountered during development and how they were resolved.
  8. Any other relevant information.
  9. Submit your Python 3 program code and report to the designated submission platform by the due date.
  10. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

Important Study Information

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What is academic integrity and misconduct?

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How can I appeal my grade?

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TECH1100 Professional Practice and Communication Assignment Help

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

Marking Criteria            | 40 marksF (Fail) 0 – 49%P (Pass) 50 – 64%C (Credit) 65 – 74%D (Distinction) 75 – 84%HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100%
Program Design and Development                | 16 marksProgram design is poor and does not meet the requirements of the task. Code is difficult to read and understand.Program design meets the requirements of the task but is not optimal. Code is generally well- organised and easy to read.Program design is well- structured and efficient. Code is well-organised and easy to read.Program design is highly efficient and demonstrates a deep understanding of the task. Code is very well- organised and easy to read.Program design is exceptional and demonstrates mastery of programming concepts. Code is well- organised, easy to read, and uses advanced techniques to solve the task.
Functionality              | 5 marksProgram does not run or produces incorrect output.Program runs and produces correct output but does not fully meet the requirements of the task.Program runs and produces correct output that meets the requirements of the task.Program runs and produces correct output that exceeds the requirements of the task.Program runs and produces correct output that far exceeds the requirements of the task, with additional advanced features.
Testing              | 3 marksLittle to no testing is performed.Basic testing is performed but is not comprehensive or effective.Comprehensive testing is performed and is effective in identifying and resolving issues.Comprehensive testing is performed and is highly effective in identifying and resolving issues.Comprehensive testing is performed, is highly effective in identifying and resolving issues, and includes advanced techniques.
Code Quality              | 3 marksCode is poorly written and contains numerous errors and violations of coding best practices.Code is generally well- written and adheres to coding best practices but contains some errors and violations.Code is well-written, adheres to coding best practices, and contains few errors or violations.Code is very well- written, strictly adheres to coding best practices, and contains no errors or violations.Code is exceptionally well-written, strictly adheres to coding best practices, and contains no errors or violations, while using advanced techniques to solve the task.
Data Persistence              | 3 marksNo use of data persistence is demonstrated.Basic use of data persistence is demonstrated, but not fully implemented or effective.Effective use of data persistence is demonstrated and is integrated into the program design.Highly effective use of data persistence is demonstrated and is integrated into the program design in an optimal manner.Exceptional use of data persistence is demonstrated and is integrated into the program design in an optimal and highly efficient manner.
Report and Code Comments              | 10 marksLittle to no documentation or code comments are provided.Basic documentation and code comments are provided but are incomplete or unclear.Sufficient documentation and code comments are provided and are clear and useful.Comprehensive documentation and code comments are provided and are highly useful.Exceptional documentation and code comments are provided, are highly useful, and include advanced explanations of code functionality and design choices.
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