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You are required to develop a digital artefact analysing how digital technologies/digital marketing and consumer behaviour trends are impacting the organisation of your choice. Your artefact should focus on presenting an in-depth analysis of the digital

MKT7008 Digital Marketing Environment

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Digital Marketing Environment assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a high-level overview of the main components of the digital marketing environment with reference to appropriate underpinning literature and theoretical frameworks.
  2. Critically evaluate the implications of technology and data on marketing activities and customer’s behaviour.
  3. Synthesise emerging themes within the digital marketing environment integrating relevant and contemporary strategic frameworks.
  4. (GA6) Lifelong Learning


Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and the exact word count of your submitted document; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in AU Harvard system. You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.

You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University operates anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the identity of the student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number.

Maximum word count: 5000 words

Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies section here: Arden University | Regulatory Framework

Please note the following:

Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the assessment.

The word count includes everything in the main body of the assessment (including in text citations and references). The word count excludes numerical data in tables, figures, diagrams, footnotes, reference list and appendices. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count.

Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a 10-percentage point deduction.


Assignment Task

You are required to develop a digital artefact analysing how digital technologies/digital marketing and consumer behaviour trends are impacting the organisation of your choice.

Your artefact should focus on presenting an in-depth analysis of the digital technology and digital marketing trends affecting your organisation and the wider industry you have chosen to focus on. Your critique should include how the application of these trends will affect consumer behaviour and the marketing objectives of your chosen organisation.

Students must present a 5000-word artefact which can take the form of a blog, vlog, podcast, or another platform of your choice. The artefact should include text, audio, video, images, animation, or a combination of all these.

Your artefact should follow the structure below:

  1. Introduction: to the assignment task, stating the purpose of the artefact and which organisation you have chosen to focus on. (10%)
  2. Academic review: of how your organisation and industry are adapting to changing digital consumer behaviour.The articulation/analysis/synthesis of this discussion, along with supporting evidence, will equate to 30%.
  3. Critique: of the digital marketing and digital technology used within your organisation and the wider industry, highlighting any key successes or challenges. Benchmarking examples of best practice is expected here (at least two examples).The articulation/analysis/synthesis of this discussion, along with supporting evidence, will equate to 30%.
  4. Conclusion: summary of key findings and recommendations for further research. (10%)
  5. Approach to Artefact: marks will be presented for how the artefact is presented in terms of style of communication and the quality/professionalism of the artefact itself. (10%)
  6. References: quality, range, and extensiveness of references (at least 30 references across different sources are expected). References should also include datasets (indexes, statistics, industry reports etc). The currency of the data (how recent is the data) and the triangulation of references (cross- referencing data to add further justification to points) are critical.

Marks for references will also be embedded with the sections above, but the extent, presentation, currency and quality of the references will account for 10%.

(5000 words)

(100 marks)

(LOs: 1,2,3 & 4)

End of questions

Formative Feedback

You have the opportunity to submit a draft artefact to receive formative feedback.

The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you develop your skills as an independent learner.

If you are a distance learning student, you should submit your work, by email, to your tutor, no later than 2 weeks before the actual submission deadline. If you are a blended learning student, your tutor will give you a deadline for formative feedback and further details.

Formative feedback will not be given to work submitted after the above date or the date specified by your tutor – if a blended learning student

Referencing Guidance

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system(s).

Follow this link to find the referencing guides for your subject: Arden Library

Submission Guidance

Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0% fail.

Your assessment can be submitted as a single Word (MS Word) or PDF file, or, as multiple files.

If you chose to submit multiple files, you must name each document as the question/part you are answering along with your student number ie Q1 Section A STUXXXX. If you wish to overwrite your submission or one of your submissions, you must ensure that your new submission is named exactly the same as the previous in order for the system to overwrite it.

You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is available on the A-Z key information on iLearn.)

Assessment Criteria (Learning objectives covered – all)

Level 7 is characterised by an expectation of students’ expertise in their specialism. Students are semi-autonomous, demonstrating independence in the negotiation of assessment tasks (including the major project) and the ability to evaluate, challenge, modify and develop theory and practice. Students are expected to demonstrate an ability to isolate and focus on the significant features of problems and to offer synthetic and coherent solutions, with some students producing original or innovative work in their specialism that is potentially worthy of publication by Arden University. A clear appreciation of ethical considerations (as appropriate) is also a prerequisite.