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You are playing the role of a community service worker supporting a young adult son who is 18 years old who is seeking an order to protect himself from family violence perpetrated by his step-father at home where the son lives with his mother and

Assessment 2: Practical Report (30%)
Due Date: Friday of Week 8
Word Count: 1400-1600 words
You are playing the role of a community service worker supporting a young adult son who is 18 years old who is seeking an order to protect himself from family violence perpetrated by his step-father at home where the son lives with his mother and step-father. You are required to investigate your local court and relevant support services and submit a written Support Plan for your client (i.e., the 18 year old son).
Based on your individual research, your written Support Plan must include the following:
(a) The location and role of the local court in the context of seeking a family violence protection order;
(b) A summary of the legal process as it relates to protecting the adult son from family violence by order of the court;
(c) An overview of the local support services available in connection with the court and external to the court that would assist your client;
(d) An explanation of how you (as the community service worker) would prepare if you received a subpoena to both submit your file notes, and attend court as a witness in this case;
(e) Identify and discuss two ethical issues that could arise for you in your role as a community service professional assisting the adult son in this matter. Include a description of how you would respond to the ethical issues that you have identified.
The format of your report will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
You must use APA 7 Referencing. You must include a reference section in your report and acknowledge any sources that you use, including all web-based sources. Please include at least 5 sources. Do NOT utilise sources such as www.tutor2u.com and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignment. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment. Assessment Criteria
Criteria Weighting 100% HD D C P F
Court location and role 20%
Summary of the legal process 20%
Support services 20%
Preparation 15%
Ethics issues and worker response 15%
Paragraph and sentence structure 10%
TOTAL /30%
Criteria for report High Distinction 80% -100% Distinction 70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail
Local court and role (20% weight) Assessed the role of the local court comprehensively and accurately. Assessed the role of the local court in a way that is generally detailed and accurate. Assessed the role of the court in a way that is generally detailed and accurate. Assessed the role of the court with some inaccuracies. Superficial and inaccurate assessment of the role of the court.
Legal process
(20% weight) Synthesized the legal process comprehensively, and accurately, focusing on areas of direct relevance to the elderly father and the worker. Summarized the legal process comprehensively and accurately. Summarized the
legal process in a way that is generally detailed and accurate. Attempted to summarize the legal process with some inaccuracy. Superficial and inaccurate summary of the legal process.
Support services (20% weight) Support services at court and external to the court are comprehensively and accurately detailed, with clear links to the legal matter and the father’s needs. Support services and activities are comprehensivel y and accurately detailed. Support services and activities are presented in a way that is generally detailed and accurate. Support services and activities are presented with some inaccuracy and limited detail. Superficial and inaccurate presentation of support services and activities.
(15% weight) Comprehensive and accurate description of the role of the worker in providing documentary evidence and as a witness present in court. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the preparation needed. Good description of the role of the worker in providing documentary evidence and as a witness in court. Demonstrates a good understanding of the preparation undertaken. Description of role of the worker in providing documentary evidence and as a witness in court that is generally detailed and accurate. Description of the role of the worker in providing documentary evidence and as a witness in court with some inaccuracy and limited detail. Superficial and inaccurate description pf role of the worker in providing documentary evidence and as a witness in court.
Ethics (15% weight) Two key ethical issues are clearly and accurately detailed with an excellent discussion of the worker response. Two key ethical issues are clearly and accurately detailed with a good discussion of the worker response. Two ethical issues are identified with some discussion of the worker response. An ethical issue is identified and described in some detail. Limited discussion of the worker response. Ethical issues are not identified and no discussion of the worker response.
Paragraph & sentence structure & referencing (10% weight) Clear presentation and structure. Wide range of good quality contemporary sources that are well cited. Clear presentation and structure. Range of good quality sources cited. Mostly clear presentation and structure. Sources are adequately cited. Large sections of the support plan are unclear and unstructured. References were basic with frequent errors of citation. Unclear presentation and disordered structure. Referencing missing from major sections of content