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You are a first year Bachelor of Nursing student attending your first clinical placement for NRS173. Your first 2 week allocation is in a geriatric unit of a local regional hospital. You are excited as most students

Value: 40%
Due Date: 6-Sept-2023
Return Date: 28-Sept-2023
Length: 1000 words
Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online)
The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 2 folder – you have likely already downloaded a few!)
• DESCRIPTOR WORDS (document to assist with your understanding of the rubric)
These have been kept separate to avoid submission to Turnitin (the TEMPLATE is the only document to be uploaded to Turnitin)
Using the provided scenario and the information available in Modules 1 and 2 in the NRS162 Interact2 site, provide responses as they apply to the SPROUT model of reflection. Please note, you may include learnings from Module 3a if you feel comfortable and find it is relevant to your application of SPROUT.
Using the SPROUT reflective model, address each of the following points as they relate to the provided scenario (see below)
• Situation: describe the events of the scenario. In your description, ensure you include your thoughts and feelings connected to the scenario. (approx. 100 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? Where were you located? What were you doing? What did you do? Who else was there? What was the outcome?
? What was the main issue in the scenario?
? How are you feeling and what are your thoughts surrounding this situation/ issue?
• Past & previous: describe one (1) previous learning that has influenced your thoughts and feelings when viewing the scenario. This can be either a theoretical or physical experience you have encountered previously. (approx. 100 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? How can you relate your thoughts and feelings mentioned in the previous paragraph?
? Have you had a physical experience that you can relate this situation to?
? Can you relate these thoughts and feelings to a theory such as those you have learnt previously in the degree?
• Read & refer: describe evidence-based understanding (using sources from the literature) to further inform your knowledge and supports your understanding the scenario. (approx. 150 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? What evidence can be related to this scenario?
? Was there any breach in scope of practice from anyone? In your response, define and describe scope of practice for the student Registered Nurse in Australia and how it differs from that of the RN. This definition requires support from the literature (this means – references!)
• Other information: describe one (1) internal and one (1) external factor that has influenced your experience when viewing the scenario. Include at least one (1) example from the scenario in your response. (approx. 150 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? What are your personal values and beliefs in relation to the doing the right thing?
? Did the student or yourself demonstrate a lack of awareness and understanding of the WPL handbook?
? Is there any external pressure to do well or to meet certain expectations when on workplace learning?
• Understanding: outline the information gathered in the previous stages and include at least one (1) example from the scenario in your response to make a connection between each stage. (approx. 200 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? What would you do on a future placement if a similar incident arose?
? Should you or the other students have intervened as those aware of the situation? Could there be any implications for you or the other students?
? Does this link to any broader circumstances such as advocating for your patient, a medication error or even a more serious event such as major misconduct or negligence? Could these ‘minor’ issues lead to more serious ones?
? Consider the reputation of the university at the facility, integrity/ reputation of the student, delay of unit & course completion, increased costs for the student & university (if student is sent home from placement due to breach); consider what failing the ANSAT (this is a legal document and an assessment item) means for a student. For example, failing this assessment item means failing the subject.
• Take it forward: outline what knowledge has been taken from this reflective process. Included in your response should be one (1) strategy on how you will share this new knowledge in your professional or personal lives. (approx. 200 words)
o Guided Thoughts
? Include at least one (1) SMART goal as your action plan
? What would you do to avoid this type of incident from happening again?
? Are there courses you can take, people you should speak to, policies to follow?
Please note that an introduction and conclusion is not required.
A reference list will be required as will in-text referencing to support your thoughts throughout your paper.
At least 3 sources are expected to be awarded a passing grade
Consider including the following as supporting literature
- BN WPL Handbook
- RN Standards for Practice
- The Code of Conduct for Nurses
- The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses
- The Road to Nursing textbook
- The Clinical Placement textbook
- Any other relevant sources related to scope of practice, workplace learning (clinical placement, work integrated learning), values of healthcare professionals along with legal and ethical requirements in healthcare
You are a first year Bachelor of Nursing student attending your first clinical placement for NRS173. Your first 2 week allocation is in a geriatric unit of a local regional hospital. You are excited as most students had received placements in Residential Aged Care Facilities and you have not worked in a hospital before. As this is your first placement, you are hoping to do well and very keen to practice the skills you have learnt in NRS163 and, this far, in NRS174.
You are attending placement with three other first year students. All four of you have passed the NRS174 OSCE based on medication administration and wound assessment and management.
At lunch on Friday of the first week, you have a discussion with the other students about your experiences so far. You are excited to share you have participated in vital sign monitoring, documentation, wound dressings and medication administration with your RN preceptor. One of your colleagues mentions that they administered paracetamol to a patient as they complained of pain. They state they did this without the RN as the patient had “pleaded with them to do something”. This student also mentioned they are an AIN with a medication administration competency so know how to administer paracetamol safely.
Back on the unit, you overhear the student talking with a patient’s family about how they should have been given credit for their first year. The student stated they had been working for a long time as an AIN and can complete many tasks without the RN present. They also shared the RN takes too long when they are ready to undertake a task and do not want to keep the patient waiting.
You are unsure how to proceed with this information and the other 2 students who were present at lunch did not say anything. You decide to approach your preceptor to discuss the situation during your debrief at the end of the shift.
10 marks equates to 100 words; 15 marks equates to 150 – 200 words
PASS Described: provide an account of, outline the features
CREDIT Discussed: consider from more than 1 point of view; provide arguments for and against and draw a conclusion
DISTINCTION Explained: provided a detailed account, offer reasons why, describe cause and effect
HIGH DISTINCTION Examined: describes in detail, explores the meaning and implications
HD (85-100%) DI (75-84.5%) CR (65-74.5%) PS (50-64.5%) FL (0-49.5%) Mark
Describe the events of the scenario including your thoughts and feelings about the scenario. You have examined the events of the scenario.
You have examined your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(8.5 - 10 marks) You have explained the events of the scenario.
You have explained your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(7.5 - 8.4 marks) You have discussed the events of the scenario.
You have discussed your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(6.5 - 7.4 marks) You have described the events of the scenario.
You have described your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(5 - 6.4 marks) You have not described the main events of the scenario.
You have not described your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(0 - 4.9 marks) /10
Past & previous:
Describe at least one (1) previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings when viewing the scenario.
You have examined and applied your previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
You have made connections from your previous learning or experience with the scenario and discussed why or why you have not been guided by these previous learning.
(8.5 - 10 marks) You have explained your previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
You have made connections from your previous learning or experience with the scenario.
(7.5 - 8.4 marks) You have discussed your previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(6.5 - 7.4 marks) You have described at least one (1) previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(5 - 6.4 marks) You have not described one (1) previous learning or experience that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
(0 - 4.9 marks) /10
Read & refer:
Describe evidence-based understanding (using sources from the literature) to further inform your knowledge and supports your understanding the scenario.
Include at least one (1) source in your response.
You have examined multiple evidence-based sources to support to further informs your knowledge and supports your understanding of the scenario.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(12.7 - 15 marks) You have explained multiple evidence-based sources to support your knowledge and supports your understanding of the scenario.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(11.2 - 12.6 marks) You have discussed evidence-based sources that further informs and supports your knowledge.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(9.7 - 11.1 marks) You have described evidence-based sources to support your knowledge.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(7.5 - 9.6 marks) You have not described evidence-based literature to support your knowledge.
There are no sources used in your response.
(0 - 7.4 marks) /15
Other information:
Describe one (1) internal and one (1) external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario. Include at least one (1) example from the scenario and at least one (1) source in your response.
You have examined one internal factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
You have examined one external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
Multiple examples from the scenario have been included in your response.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(12.7 - 15 marks) You have explained one internal factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
You have explained one external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
Multiple examples from the scenario have been included in your response.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(11.2 - 12.6 marks) You have discussed one internal factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
You have discussed one external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
There are at least two (2) examples from the scenario included in your response.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(9.7 - 11.1 marks) You have described one internal factor and one external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
There is at least one (1) example from the scenario included in your response.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(7.5 - 9.6 marks) You have not described one internal factor and one external factor that has influenced your thoughts and feelings about the scenario.
There are no examples from the scenario included in your response.
(0 - 7.4 marks) /15
Outline the information gathered in the previous stages and include at least one (1) example from the scenario in your response to make a connection between each stage.
You have examined the information discussed in previous stages and made connections to how it relates to the scenario.
Multiple examples from the scenario have been included in your response.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(12.7 - 15 marks) You have explained the information discussed in previous stages and made connections to how it relates to the scenario.
Multiple examples from the scenario have been included in your response.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(11.2 - 12.6 marks) You have discussed the information in previous stages and made connections to how it relates to the scenario.
There are at least two (2) examples from the scenario included in your response.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(9.7 - 11.1 marks) You have outlined the information in previous stages and made connections to how it relates to the scenario.
There is at least one (1) example from the scenario included in your response.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(7.5 - 9.6 marks) You have not discussed the information in the previous stages and have not made connections to how it relates to the scenario.
There are no examples from the scenario included in your response.
(0 - 7.4 marks) /15
Take it forward:
Outline what knowledge has been taken from this reflective process.
Outline one (1) strategy, in the form of a SMART goal, about how you will share this knowledge in the future.
Include at least one (1) source in your response You have examined the knowledge that has been taken from this reflective process.
You have examined one (1) strategy on how you will share this knowledge in the future.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(12.7 - 15 marks) You have explained the knowledge that has been taken from this reflective process.
You have explained one (1) strategy on how you will share this knowledge in the future.
Multiple sources have been used in your response.
(11.2 - 12.6 marks) You have discussed the knowledge that has been taken from this reflective process.
You have discussed one (1) strategy on how you will share this knowledge in the future.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(9.7 - 11.1 marks) You have outlined the knowledge that has been taken from this reflective process.
You have outline one (1) strategy on how you will share this knowledge in the future.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(7.5 - 9.6 marks) You have not outlined what knowledge has been taken from this reflective process.
You have not outlined one (1) strategy on how you will share this knowledge.
(0 - 7.4 marks) /15
Communicates Professionally (Academic writing and presentation).
Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, concisely, and in a formal academic style, with few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(8.5 – 10 marks) Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, and in a formal academic style, with occasional minor spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) The meaning is apparent to the reader, although text contains minor errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and/or structure, and lacks clarity occasionally.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(6.5 – 7.4 marks) The meaning is apparent to the reader, although text contains many errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and/or structure, and lacks clarity occasionally.
Presentation guidelines have been followed and/or 10% over or under the set word limit.
(5-6.4 marks) Presentation guidelines have not been followed with multiple errors.
Frequent, intrusive errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice and/or structure prevent the meaning from being apparent to the reader.
(0 – 4.5 marks) /10
Uses evidence to support and build knowledge in practice (Academic referencing).
The assessment is supported by & related to a wide variety of peer reviewed references which include journal articles, professional manuals and documents, textbooks, and module readings.
Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and is error free for the APA 7th ed. style conventions.
(8.5 – 10 marks) The assessment is supported by & related to a variety of peer reviewed references which include journal articles, professional manuals and documents, textbooks, and module readings.
Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to APA 7th ed. style conventions, with one or two errors.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) The assessment is supported by more than three (3) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA 7th ed. style conventions.
Up to five (5) minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices have no impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
(6.5 - 7.4 marks) The assessment is supported by at least three (3) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA 7th ed. style conventions with few minor errors.
Up to ten (10) minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices that have no impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
(5 - 6.4 marks) The assessment is supported by less than three (3) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents, and/or no references are evident
Referencing is not accurate according to APA 7th ed. style conventions.
Errors or omissions in style and formatting choices have an impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
(0 - 4.9 marks) /10
Academic Integrity
Turnitin report indicates adherence to academic integrity principles and referencing conventions. Turnitin similarity report indicates a clear attempt has been made to adhere to academic integrity and referencing conventions and avoid plagiarism. It is evident that the student has taken steps to show respect for and acknowledge others’ work appropriately, as per the Charles Sturt Academic Integrity Policy https://policy.csu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=387 .
SY Turnitin similarity report indicates the student has not adhered to the Academic Integrity Policy.
MARK /100
Title page
Please remove or replace all italicised and highlighted writing from this template prior to submitting your assessment. Please remove all subheadings (marks will be deducted for failing to do so; these are in reference to presentation guidelines).
Feel free to create your own title page for your assessment, being as creative or simple as suits you.
Your title page must include:
• Subject name and code: (NRS162 Nursing Workplace Learning 1)
• Assessment Title (Assessment Item 2: Reflection on Workplace Learning Scenario)
• Due Date
• Subject Convenors name (and campus academic if you wish)
• Student name and number

Situation (100 words)
Paragraph 1: Describe the events of the scenario. In your description, ensure you include your thoughts and feelings connected to the scenario.
Past and Previous (100 words)
Paragraph 2: Describe one (1) previous learning that has influenced your thoughts and feelings when viewing the scenario. This can be either a theoretical or physical experience you have encountered previously.
Read and Refer (150 words)
Paragraph 3: Describe evidence-based understanding (using sources from the literature) to further inform your knowledge and supports your understanding the scenario.
Other Information (150 words)
Paragraph 4: Describe one (1) internal and one (1) external factor that has influenced your experience when viewing the scenario. Include at least one (1) example from the scenario in your response.
Understanding (200 words)
Paragraph 5: Outline the information gathered in the previous stages and include at least one (1) example from the scenario in your response to make a connection between each stage.
Take it forward (200 words)
Paragraph 6: Outline what knowledge has been taken from this reflective process. Included in your response should be one (1) strategy on how you will share this new knowledge in your professional or personal lives.

References (this must be on a new page)
APA 7th edition; minimum 3 sources (apply the CRAP test)
Don’t forget to remove or replace all italicised and highlighted writing from this template prior to submitting your assessment