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Writing Assignment (WA 1): Secondary Data Analysis-Literature Review Total Points Possible: 50 pts. (See Syllabus for Due Date) ________ Write a summary analysis of the journal article g

Writing Assignment (WA 1): Secondary Data Analysis-Literature Review Total Points Possible: 50 pts. (See Syllabus for Due Date) ________ Write a summary analysis of the journal article given to you on Canvas (currently only one option available). For the majority of the essay, you are writing the article summary analysis in your own words, but you must demonstrate the ability to know when and how to use APA style in-text citations to give credit to your source for quotes and paraphrases, and your sources ideologies, definitions, dates and statistics. You also need to create an APA style reference page (at the end of your essay). Give a good but brief introduction and be sure to explore the following phases of the articles research process in your review: theory, methodology, findings and conclusions (keep in mind you are summarizing your sources application of theory and use of methodologies and their research findings). Three-to-four-page maximum length. Show your ability to apply terminology from the assigned readings and classroom discussion into your essay when appropriate. It is very important to note that this class is a discipline specific writing class, and we will be using APA style citations. You must demonstrate the ability to use the APA style tools you have learned in-class in all your writing assignments this semester. Type your name, writing assignment number, class meeting time and date in the upper right/left hand corner, this header should be single spaced. The writing assignment should be in proper left align paragraph format. The body of the text should be double spaced using a 10 or 12 font size with 1” borders. To guarantee the assignments do not accumulate late points they must be turned in on or before the beginning of the class period of the assigned due date. If you send the assignments as an E-mail attachment, make sure your file is sent as a MS Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) document or I may not be able to open it—which is the same as not receiving it. Remember, there is a loss of 5 points per each day the assignment is late (see syllabus). For this assignment you are only working on the two highlighted phases of The Research Process below: Abstract Introduction -Methodology: Analyze secondary data (the lit review is what we are doing for this assignment) Theory Methodology (primary data collection not conducted but explored) Findings Discussion & Conclusions -References