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Working individually in the trimester’s final class, create a video presentation supported by a slide deck examining the following concepts in the context of a case study to be made

Your Task

Working individually in the trimester’s final class, create a video presentation supported by a slide deck examining the following concepts in the context of a case study to be made available 30 minutes prior to the class: (i) interpersonal conflict; (ii) team-based performance; and (iii) stakeholder management.

Assessment Description

Thirty minutes prior to the commencement of Week 12’s class, you will be granted access to a case study on MyKBS under the Assessments tab. This document will contain all the necessary facts you need to answer the following questions for this assessment.

Question 1:

  • ·         What are the primary evidence-based causes of your team’s underperformance? (5 marks)

Question 2:

  • ·         Which risks will be exacerbated if this issue remains unresolved and how will these be mitigated? (5 marks)

Question 3:

  • ·         What steps will you take to resolve the conflict with your colleague and in which sequence will you perform those steps? (5 marks)

Question 4:

  • How will you repair the relationship with your most critical internal customer and what specifically makes them your most critical internal customer? (5 marks)

Question 5:

  • ·         How will you prevent the recurrence of this situation? (5 marks)

The remaining 15 available marks in this assessment will be awarded for the caliber of the video presentation and the accompanying slide deck as per the criteria on the following page.

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:

LO1Determine the factors of success for IT professionals that align with the expectations of diverse stakeholders.
LO2Plan for the mitigation of risks associated with ethical, societal, legal and privacy-related IT issues.
LO4Communicate complex IT-related concepts, problems, solutions, and outcomes to diverse stakeholders via the use of various communication methods.

Assessment Instructions

  • ·         Your face must be visible throughout the video recording.
  • ·         The sound quality must be such that your voice is clearly audible.
  • ·         Ensure background noise and interruptions are minimal.
  • ·         Incorporate the slides throughout the recording.
  • ·         Avoid the reading of notes or slides by talking instead to the camera.
  • Creativity is important: it’s not just what you say but how you say it that matters.
  • ·         Proofread your slides to make certain they are free of errors and inconsistencies.
  • ·         Your presentation and slides must reflect high standards of business professionalism.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties?

Click here for answers to these questions: https://www.kbs.edu.au/about-us/school-policies

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

TECH2100 Introduction to Information Networks Assignment Help

Assessment Marking Guide

Question 1

Criterion~ 1 mark~ 2 marks~ 3 marks~ 4 marks~ 5 marks
  Demonstrated analysis of the interpersonal conflict with reference to key concepts, theories, and practices.  Mainly inaccurate analysis with negligible reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies exist in the analysis, the delivery can be difficult to understand, and there is only a superficial reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies are obvious but minor. Improvement is needed in the clarity of the analysis and there is sufficient reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistences are barely noticeable. Minor improvement is needed in the clarity of the analysis and the reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices is conveyed articulately.  Complete and articulate analysis demonstrated without errors and with clear links to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.

Question 2

Criterion~ 1 mark~ 2 marks~ 3 marks~ 4 marks~ 5 marks
  Demonstrated evaluation of the IT- related risks and their mitigation with reference to key concepts, theories, and practices.  Mainly inaccurate evaluation with negligible reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies exist in the evaluation, the delivery can be difficult to understand, and there is only a superficial reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies are obvious but minor. Improvement is needed in the clarity of the evaluation and there is sufficient reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistences are barely noticeable. Minor improvement is needed in the clarity of the evaluation and the reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices is conveyed articulately.  Complete and articulate evaluation demonstrated without errors and with clear links to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.

Question 3

Criterion~ 1 mark~ 2 marks~ 3 marks~ 4 marks~ 5 marks
  Demonstrated plan for the resolution of the conflict with reference to key concepts, theories, and practices.  Mainly inaccurate and unconvincing plan with negligible reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies exist in the plan, the delivery is mildly convincing, and there is only a superficial reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies are obvious but minor. Improvement is needed in the clarity of the plan and there is sufficient reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistences are barely noticeable. Minor improvement is needed in the clarity of the plan and the reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices is conveyed articulately.  Complete, convincing, and articulate plan demonstrated without errors and with clear links to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.

Question 4

Criterion~ 1 mark~ 2 marks~ 3 marks~ 4 marks~ 5 marks
  Demonstrated justification for the prioritisation of this internal customer and the plan to repair the relationship.  Mainly inaccurate and unconvincing justification and plan.  Errors and inconsistencies exist in the justification and plan while the delivery is only mildly convincing.  Errors and inconsistencies are obvious but minor. Improvement is needed in the clarity of the justification and plan.  Errors and inconsistences are barely noticeable. Minor improvement is needed in the clarity of the justification and plan.  Complete, convincing, and articulate justification and plan demonstrated without errors and inconsistencies.

Question 5

Criterion~ 1 mark~ 2 marks~ 3 marks~ 4 marks~ 5 marks
  Demonstrated plan for risk prevention and organisational learning with reference to key concepts, theories, and practices of professionalism in the IT sector.  Mainly inaccurate and unconvincing plan with negligible reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies exist in the plan, the delivery can be difficult to understand, and there is only a superficial reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistencies are obvious but minor. Improvement is needed in the clarity of the plan and there is sufficient reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices.  Errors and inconsistences are barely noticeable. Minor improvement is needed in the clarity of the plan and the reference to relevant concepts, theories, and practices is conveyed articulately.  Complete, convincing, and articulate plan demonstrated without errors and inconsistencies.

Video presentation and slide deck

Criteria~ 3 marks~ 6 marks~ 9 marks~ 12 marks~ 15 marks
  Quality of video presentation and slide deck  The vision and audio are difficult to see and hear, the student is barely visible or audible, there are excessive interruptions, the presentation appears scripted, and there is no evidence of creativity.   The slides are replete with grammatical errors and typos, they are inconsistently formatted and not to a professional standard, there is excessive text on almost every slide, they have not been incorporated within the video recording, and are referenced either incorrectly or not at all.  The vision and audio are often difficult to see and hear, the student is not sufficiently visible and audible, there are frequent interruptions, the presentation appears to be mostly scripted, and the attempt at creativity is either negligible or ill- suited to business professionals.   Most slides contain grammatical errors and typos, they are either inconsistently formatted or not to a professional standard, there is excessive text on a majority of slides, the slides have been incorporated within the video recording but not in a seamless manner, and there are obvious errors and shortfalls in the referencing.  The vision and audio are occasionally difficult to see and hear, the student is only generally visible and audible, there are occasional interruptions, the presentation appears to be scripted in parts, and the attempt at creativity is obvious but ill-suited to business professionals.   Some slides contain grammatical errors and typos, the formatting is generally professional though inconsistencies are obvious, there is excessive text on numerous slides, the slides have been incorporated within the video recording but improvements in slide transitions are needed, and there are several errors and shortfalls in the referencing.  The vision and audio are only rarely difficult to see and hear, the student is almost always visible and audible, there are just one or two interruptions, the majority of the presentation appears to be unscripted, and the attempt at creativity is obvious and professional but less engaging.   Only a few slides contain grammatical errors and typos, the formatting is professional with barely noticeable inconsistencies, there is excessive text on just one or two slides, the slides have been incorporated within the video recording with transitions that rarely falter, and the errors and shortfalls in the referencing are all minor.  The vision and audio are clear, the student is visible and audible throughout the entire duration, there are zero interruptions, the presentation appears completely unscripted, and it is engagingly and professionally creative.   The slides are free of grammatical errors and typos, they are consistently and professionally formatted, there is a balance of text and visual aids, the slides have been incorporated within the video recording seamlessly and are fully refe