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Underground Railroad Open Thread

Underground Railroad Open Thread

No outside sources 

Take a look at the attachment files from the assignment please 

Your post on the novel is open to any themes or topics you wish to introduce. Your post should be about 200 words in length, clearly state the task you aim to complete, clearly articulate the point you are making, and present specific textual evidence from the readings (including page numbers), making sure to explain explicitly how the evidence relates to your overall point.

In addition to topics of your own design, you can usethe options below to guide your writing and thinking (you can also use these frameworks for the directed threads as well):

Working through Confusion

Share a passage from the week’s reading that confuses you in some way. Describe why you are confused by the passage, and offer a tentative interpretation of what causes you the problems. Extra engagement can be demonstrated by responding to each other and working through confusion collaboratively.

Structure and Meaning

Offer your observation of some particularly striking, strange, or significant surface feature(s) of one of our texts, and explain how that feature(s) contributes to or drives the meaning of the text in that passage or overall.

Offering an Interpretation

Contrive some kind of interpretive statement about a text from the week’s reading and support with an explanation of relevant and strong textual evidence.

Criticizing a Perspective

In all of our texts, you will encounter characters, groups, and authors who seem to be communicating particular perspectives on the world.  Describe whether you agree or disagree with this perspective, and what about the text drives your agreement or proves problematic for the perspective you discuss.