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To assess the opinions and theories put forth in a reading, you will need to consider the following questions: What evidence does the writer offer to support his/her ideas? Does the writer seek to challenge certain

For this assignment write about what you think of the topics covered in the readings. You’re free to discuss any topic, however the objective of this assignment is to show critical thinking, so tell me your thoughts on this !!! Use quotes from the readings and  feel free to add topics related to your personal experience, your culture, or current events!  MLA format, single spaced, 2 pages.


 To assess the opinions and theories put forth in a reading, you will need to consider the following questions:

  1. What evidence does the writer offer to support his/her ideas?
  2. Does the writer seek to challenge certain popular assumptions/stereotypes or not?
  3. What is the social, cultural, or economic position of the writer with respect to the group/community of which s/he writes?
  4. Does the writer acknowledge and engage objections to or potential criticisms of his/her positions?
  5. How do your own preconceptions affect your critical reading of this writer's


  1. What has the author assumed her or his readers are familiar with? What surprised you about the piece?
  2. Do you agree with its conclusions? Focus on specific passages, which you should quote. Grapple directly with the actual text, not simply your generalized memory of it: go back and reread underlined or marked

passages which made an impact on you.

  1. How can you make use of the evidence and analysis provided by this writer to construct your own argument, or state your own position on the subject at hand?


Theme of the readings: Identity, Positionality, and Feminist Politics:


The Bridge Called my Back, Sections I , II & III https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.182997/page/n17/mode/2up


How we Get Free - Demita Frazier


How we Get Free - Barbara Smith


How we Get Free - Beverly Smith



How we Get Free - Alicia Garza
