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The University has asked you, an expert in the principles of psychology, to provide background information for a program for first-year students. The purpose of this program is to help students make a successful

The University has asked you, an expert in the principles of psychology, to provide background information for a program for first-year students. The purpose of this program is to help students make a successful transition to collegiate level work. You can choose if you are focusing on traditional day students or non-traditional online students. You are going to create a research report that will provide them with the necessary information to create this successful program. Here is what you need to do.

1.     Section 1: Developmental Considerations. Write a few paragraphs where you discuss the typical age range for your students and what is happening during this time of development (emotionally, socially, cognitively, physically). Also, discuss any changes in their brain at this age that might be important to know. (Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 5: Developmental Psychology and Chapter 2: Biological Basis of Behavior).

2.     Section 2: Effective Study Techniques. Write a few paragraphs where you discuss what research has supported as effective study techniques for collegiate level work. Highlight any concepts you wish you had known as a new student. (Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 8: Memory).

3.     Section 3: Reinforcing Desired Behavior. Write a few paragraphs where you discuss how students (and teachers) could use the principles of operant conditioning to encourage positive behavior and discourage maladaptive behavior. Choose at least one example of each (reinforcing a positive behavior; discouraging a negative behavior; Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 7: Learning).

4.     Section 4: Coping with Stress. Write a few paragraphs where you discuss the common stressors that college students face and a few strategies for how to positively cope with stress (Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 12: Emotions, Stress & Health).

5.     Section 5: Dealing with Group Work. Write a few paragraphs where you discuss the different factors that influence group work and how to make the best of the experience (Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 13: Social Psychology)

6.     Section 6: Evaluating the Program. Write a few paragraphs describing how you could use either an experimental design or non-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of your program (Helpful hint: For this section of the report, you’ll want to reference Chapter 1: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science).

7.     Include a reference page with any sources used.

Please bold any terms from the text that you use. You should aim for at least two terms per section. Feel free to use outside resources (although they are not required). If you do use outside resources, please cite them and include them in the references page.


Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 1: Developmental Considerations

o Emotional development at this age
o Social development at this age
o Cognitive development at this age
o Physical development at this age
o Brain development at this age
o Included at least 2 terms from the text
o Discussed how knowing this developmental information helps with the transition to college

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 2: Effective Study Techniques

o Identified at least 3 effective study techniques supported by research from the text
o Highlighted 1 strategy they wish they had known
o Included at least 2 terms from the text

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 3: Reinforcing Desired Behavior

o Discussed how knowing the principles of operant conditioning can help with reinforcing desired behavior and discouraging maladaptive behavior
o Gave at least one specific example of how to encourage/reinforce a desirable behavior in college
o Gave at least one specific example of how to discourage an undesirable behavior in college
o Included at least 2 terms from the text

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 4: Coping with Stress

o Wrote at least one paragraph on the common stressors in college
o Discussed at least 3 examples of how to effectively cope with stress in college
o Included at least 2 terms from the text

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 5: Dealing with Group Work

o Wrote at least one paragraph on different factors that influence group work
o Wrote at least 3 pieces of advice on how to make the most out of group work
o Included at least 2 terms from the text

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 6: Evaluating the Program

o Described either an experimental or non-experimental design that could assess the effectiveness of the program
o Included at least 2 relevant terms from the text

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReference Page

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting

3 pts

Total Points: 35