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The Reality Check “Snapchat: When Is a Company’s Product Responsible for Causing Injuries?” presents an opportunity to consider the ethical chal

Week 7-Application Paper

MBA 615 –

The Reality Check “Snapchat: When Is a Company’s Product Responsible for Causing Injuries?” presents an opportunity to consider the ethical challenges associated with negligence.  The authors explain that “negligence involves having the ability to foresee the consequences of our acts and failing to take steps to avoid the likely harmful consequences” (p. 314)(Chapter 8-Ethics and Marketing). For this application paper, read the Reality Check on page 314, and then craft an academic paper that addresses the four sets of questions it posed:

  1. What liability, if any, should Snapchat have for the damages caused by this accident?  No one denies that the driver bears primary responsibility, but did Snapchat also contribute to the harms caused?
  2. What uses could Snapchat have reasonably foreseen for this speed filter?  What could Snapchat reasonably be expected to know about the users of its products?
  3. Was the advice contained in the terms of service sufficient warning to protect Snapchat from any misuse of its products?
  4. Do you think that the speed filter is a dangerous product?  Was Snapchat negligent in marketing this product?