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The purpose of this part is for you to critique and justify your research design in terms of your methodology (e.g. reflexive dialogic action research

Assessment Brief

The assessment involves formative and summative assessments. The formative assessment prepares you for the summative assessment – Individual Research Report.

Section A: Introduction and Research Design

Research Aim, Research Context and Literature Review

For this research you choose one (1) of the research aims:

  • Making sense of feelings and emotions
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Understanding and making sense of a trigger (‘A Critical incident’).

The research context is based on which professional identity you feel describes you now and or your future aspirations:

Section B: Research Design, Methodology and Method

The purpose of this part is for you to critique and justify your research design in terms of your methodology (e.g. reflexive dialogic action research; reflexivity; autoethnographic practices; arts-based or bricolage of methodologies) and your method (Cycles of reflection e.g. Gibbs cycle or Gardner Cycle; JOHARI window; your personal cultural texts including your approach to coding these as qualitative data) and a critique of the research design (this is where you discuss and evaluate your researcher voice and the challenges you faced completing this critical qualitative inquiry). You should also include the personal data sources used in the research and the type of storyboard adopted for presenting the reflection.

Section C: Digital Storyboard 

This is the presentation of the analysed personal cultural texts in the form of a ‘storyboard’. You must use a suitable storyboard type to present your reflection. The storyboard can be presented as either