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The process recording is a written account of an interaction between staff and the client. You will have the opportunity to examine the communication skills and therapeutic use of self in the interaction.

211 Mental Health Nursing                                                                      Process recording form

Process Recording Assignment

Students will write a response reflection after viewing a process recording video.

Rationale: The process recording is a written account of an interaction between staff and the client. You will have the opportunity to examine the communication skills and therapeutic use of self in the interaction. You will also examine your self-awareness about feelings, thoughts, values, attitudes, assumptions and verbal responses. The process recording will also provide an opportunity to retrospectively analyze a client’s behavior and provide valuable insight into helping the client function more effectively.



  • Write down everything you can remember that the client said in the Client Said column, and write down what the staff said in the Staff Said column. (Add as many cells to the table as needed to document the conversation, typically 1 minute = 1 page in the form.)
  • Next fill in the Student’s Thoughts and Feelings column before finally completing the Analysis column last. After reading over the data, write a 1-2 page summary of the interaction on a separate page.
  • Include a Title Page with the number and name of the course, your name, the date submitted, and your instructor’s name. The process recording will be evaluated by your instructor using the following rubric:
  • When you turn in this assignment include the summary content below as well as your completed process recording table.


Process Recording Summary


In narrative form, write a paragraph addressing each of the following items.  Openness about problems encountered during the interaction will facilitate helpful feedback that will enhance your communication skills and therapeutic use of self.


Note: Before writing this paper, you are strongly encouraged to read Chapter 9


  • Defense Mechanisms: Identify any defenses that you thought the client manifested (acting out, denial, intellectualization, rationalization, splitting, repression, undoing, projection, etc.).


  • Client Resistance: Provide examples of the client’s resistance to dealing with existing or potential problems along with any verbal or nonverbal behaviors that indicated resistance (if any).


  • Ineffective Responses: Identify responses to what the client said that were ineffective (closed questions) or nontherapeutic (e.g. giving false reassurance, challenging the client, showing disapproval, giving advice without the client’s permission, etc.) along with any other barriers to facilitating your relationship with the client.


  • Discrepancies and Inconsistencies: Identify discrepancies between the client’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Identify inconsistencies between what the client is saying and doing or between the client’s situation and efforts to function effectively.


  • Expectations and Assumptions: Identify your expectations and assumptions about the client and how they influence your perceptions of and responses to the client. Assess how your values, beliefs, and attitudes influence your responses to the client.


  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in the interaction and describe how you can enhance your communication skills and therapeutic use of self for future interactions. Identify any insights you gained from doing this assignment.





















Process Recording Form

Staff Said

Client Said

Student’s Thoughts and Feelings


Document verbatim statements

Document verbatim statements

Document your thoughts (indicated with “T” and feelings indicated with “F”) in response to the interaction.

Identify the verbal communication techniques you used that facilitated (F) and inhibited (I) the interaction.  Provide specific alternative responses to any inhibiting techniques you might have used.