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the nature of assignments concerning Cases to Brief and your Case Briefs: 1. In this course there are at least eight (8) Cases to Brief. The Cases to Brief are posted in the Content Area of Blackboard entitled, "CASE LAW".



This Handout 2 is designed to assist in accessing the Cases to Brief and in uploading your Case Brief to Blackboard.  Please consult the Course Syllabus and Handout 1 for information concerning the importance of submitting Case Briefs.

This Handout consists of two parts.   PART ONE outlines the nature of assignments concerning Cases to Brief and your Case Briefs prepared in response thereto. PART TWO outlines the process to follow in downloading cases from the Case Law section of Blackboard and for uploading you Case Brief  to the Case Law section of Blackboard.

PART ONE - the nature of assignments concerning Cases to Brief and your Case Briefs:

1. In this course there are at least eight (8) Cases to Brief. The Cases to Brief are posted in the Content Area of Blackboard entitled, "CASE LAW".  The Chapter in the text with which each Case to Brief is associated is set out in the Class Schedule.

2. The Case to Brief are listed by the Chapter Number with which it is associated.  The style of the Case to Brief will appear following the reference to "Attached Files:".

3. On each of those occasions you are required to download the case and prepare a Case Brief in accordance with Handout 01 "On Briefing a Case", and upload that Case Brief to Blackboard.  The response must be posted before the deadline in order to receive a grade.  Failure to do so will result zero (0) points for that brief.

4. The deadline (date and time of day) for uploading your Case Brief for each case is set out in the Course Schedule.

5. Each Case Brief will be graded on a scale of 0 to 5.  Consult the Course Syllabus for more information on the grading of Case Briefs.

PART TWO - the process of downloading Cases from the Case Law Section of Blackboard and uploading Case Briefs to Blackboard: [There are actually at least two ways to access the Case to Brief. The one described in this Handout has fewer key strokes.  If any one wants to know the other way, let me know.]

A. To Access and Download the Case to Brief:

1. Go to My Courses and select this course.

2. Select CASE LAW from the list on the left panel of the window.

3. Locate the case you want in the list of cases displayed in the main window. To the left of the case name you will find an icon of a page on which a pencil and a ruler are superimposed, followed by the Chapter Number. (For example, for the practice case following that icon you will see the words: "PRACTICE CASE - Artukovich v. Reliance Truck Co.").  Below that you will find "Attached Files:" followed by the style of the case.

4. Click on the style of the case following "Attached Files:"

HANDOUT02 - On Cases to Brief and Case Briefs

Created 19 August 2019; Last revised 12 August  2023

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5. That should open a new window containing the selected Case to Brief.

6. Download and print it for use in the drafting assignment.

7. IMPORTANT:  If you have any difficulty downloading a Case to Brief, please let me know by email as quickly as you can.

8. Maintain the print out of the Case to Brief to study before taking quizzes and exams and for your files.

B. To upload your Case Brief:

1. Once you have completed your Case Brief and are satisfied with your work, export to and save as a PDF file.

2. Return to the CASE LAW section for this course and find the case you have briefed.

3. Instead of clicking on the style of the case following "Attached Files:" (as you did in order to open the case), click on the top line containing the icon of paper, pencil, and ruler.

This will take you to a window entitled "Upload Assignment: .  .  . " followed by the words "ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION."  Beneath that you will see the "Due Date" and "Points Possible".  Beneath that appear the words "Assignment Submission"

4. Further down, in an area marked by dashes, containing the words "Attach files". click on "Browse My Computer", then click on the pdf file that contains your Case Brief.  PLEASE UPLOAD ONLY PDF formatted files.  If submitted in any other format you will receive a score of 0 points.

5. If you wish to add additional comments or ask questions, go to the window following "ADD COMMENTS" and include your comments or questions in the space below. This is a very useful way to let me know if you have specific questions about the process or any thoughts or reactions to the content or nature of the case itself.  Or, to let me know of any thing else you would like to share with me.

6. Click on Submit when you are ready to submit your brief. Remember that you may make only one submission so be sure everything is as you want it to be before submitting your response.

7. IMPORTANT:  If you have any difficulty uploading your Case Brief, please let me know by email as soon as you can.

8. Keep a copy of your Case Brief to use during your review before taking Quizzes or Exams and for your use.

HANDOUT02 - On Cases to Brief and Case Briefs

Created 19 August 2019; Last revised 12 August  2023

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