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SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS  Overview-Important Definitions Holistic Nursing: The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA & ANA 2013. p. 1) c


 Overview-Important Definitions

Holistic Nursing: The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA & ANA 2013. p. 1) created the following definition in 1998; “all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal....honors the interconnectedness of self, others, nature, and spirituality."

 Spirituality: The feelings thoughts, experiences, and behaviors that arise from a search for meaning. That which is generally considered sacred or holy. Usually though not universally, considered to involve a sense of connection with an absolute, imminent, or transcendent spiritual force, however named, as well as the conviction that meaning, value, direction, and purpose are valid aspects of the individual and universe. The essence of being and relatedness that permeates all life and is manifested in one’s knowing, doing and being. The interconnectedness with self, others, nature, and God/Life Force/Absolute/Transcendent. Not necessarily synonymous with religion (AHNA & ANA, 2013, p. 91)


“Spiritual assessments not only glean religious beliefs and practices, but also query a person’s meaning and purpose in life and how that may have changed due to the present health experience” (AHNA & ANA p. 12).


AHNA & ANA. (2013). Holistic Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 2nd Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Nursebooks.org.



First read chapter 22 in Blais and Hayes and complete the Spiritual Assessment WebQuest. 



Then complete a spiritual assessment on someone in your community. Use the form found below the rubric. Use bullet points or numbers rather than complete sentences. Be sure to choose an appropriate tool. You can use the assessment from the chapter on spirituality found in your textbook, or choose one found in the literature or online such as the

HOPE tool: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2001/0101/p81.html 

FICA tool: http://smhs.gwu.edu/gwish/clinical/fica/spiritual-history-tool

FACT tool: https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.mnsu.edu/doi/full/10.1080/08854726.2015.1015303

During the interview you will choose an appropriate spiritual nursing action based on your assessment and state how/why you chose the nursing action. What was the result of the action (e.g. what did the interviewee think of the nursing action and/or how did they respond to the nursing action?). What are your thoughts on the experience of doing this assessment (e.g. main takeaway(s), surprises, reactions). Please keep the form to three or fewer pages.





Fully Addressed


Partially Addressed


Insufficient or Not Addressed

Pts Poss

Pts Earned

       Appropriate assessment tool chosen, Source & Reference Included (2 pts)






       Assessment sufficiently covers all areas of the tool






       Nursing intervention appropriate

       Nursing intervention based on the assessment (specify assessment data supporting your intervention) and how chosen

       Results of action included 






       Includes own thoughts/takeaways on experience of doing the assessment






Spelling, Grammar, APA

Free of spelling, typographical, and grammatical errors, uses bullet points or numbering, reference in proper APA






Total Points

















(Please keep information you fill in to two-three pages)

Date: __________ Interviewee Initials________ Age ______Gender______

Pertinent Diagnosis (if any) _________________________________________

Short description of interviewee and how you know them (don’t give away person’s identity): _______________________________________________________

Name of tool__________________ 

Source (Citation)______________ (include reference at bottom of form):

Questions Asked-use bullet points

Interviewee Responses-use bullet points

















Nursing Intervention(s) and assessment data supporting the intervention-use bullet points

Why Chosen-use bullet points









Result of Nursing Action:  Interviewee thoughts/reactions-use bullet points

Your own thoughts/take-aways-use bullet points








