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Song Analysis Instructions Using the Song Analysis Worksheet located in your Brightspace classroom: Please select any song from this week's required listening and complete your own

1. Song Analysis Instructions Using the Song Analysis Worksheet located in your Brightspace classroom: Please select any song from this week's required listening and complete your own song analysis using the worksheet posted on Brightspace. If writing into the document itself, please write your responses in red and attach the document to the assignment page on Brightspace. Taking a cell phone pic of your assignment and posting the photo is acceptable for this assignment, but please make sure the picture is oriented correctly when uploading. 2.Different Musical Perspectives on Economic Inequality or Injustice Instructions Create a Word document responding to the following: Based on the two book excerpts this week, the Delta Blues (1920s-30s) and Soul Music from the 1970s, were both genres that regularly confronted issues of economic inequality in America – particularly in relation to issues of race and social segregation. Woody Guthrie’s music in the 1940s also regularly confronted economic themes, but most often from an autobiographical (White) perspective. What are the general themes/narratives presented about poverty or economic inequity as put forward by these three genres (based on our required listening)? Delta Blues Folk (Woody Guthrie) 1970s Soul Music How would you compare the tone of these genres in regards to the themes considered this week? Which song stood out to you from our week's listening as making the most powerful or interesting statement regarding themes of economic inequity? Is there a contemporary song that you can think of (from the past 15-20 years) that addresses similar themes of economic disparity? What is the same, and what lyrics stand out to you as particularly relevant to this conversation? 3.McCarthyism and Modern Parallels Assignment In this written response assignment, you will address the following prompts: Briefly define McCarthyism and offer a synopsis of the political conditions that emerged around the 1950s in relationship to Communism in America. This definition should include a reference to important facts and figures that led to the use of this term in the first place, and also how this term has been levied politically in the years since. How is this McCarthyist episode related to the American Union movement and thereby Folk music, in the 1950s? Is there a political issue or debate today that you believe is at all similar to the McCarthy-led Red Scare of the 1950s? If so, what is the issue that comes to your mind? Is there a contemporary song (or artist) that addresses the modern political issue you referenced? Please embed the song in your response. 4. Song Analysis Worksheet Assignment Using the Song Analysis Worksheet located in your Brightspace classroom: Please select any song from this week's required listening and complete your own song analysis using the worksheet posted on Brightspace. 5. Sexuality and Identity in Modern Music Discussion Topic In this discussion, please respond to the following prompt; Select a contemporary song (last 15-20 years) that challenges ‘traditional’ American views regarding Gender and/or Sexuality. Embed a video of the song Briefly discuss the message of the song and how you think it might qualify as a protest song in regards to the themes of this week. Upload your original post no later than Thursday at 11:59 pm EST. You must upload your original post before viewing other student posts. Response to two other student posts uploaded no later than Sunday at 1159 pm EST. 6.Sexual Identity as Manifested in the Classic Blues and the Disco Revolution Assignment Please create a Word document and address the following: Using the two Readings from this week (Blues Legacies & Discophobia) please respond to the following prompts; Part 1: Angela Davis puts forward a theory in Blues Legacies about the centrality of sexuality in the music of the Classic Blues as being unique when compared to other popular music styles that regularly invoke sex in lyrics. Davis makes this point specifically in regards to the African American men and women performing this music at the turn of the 20th century. What is her general argument? Part 2: From Discophobia and the class PowerPoint, what was the ‘Disco Backlash’ of 1979 and how did it manifest culturally? What does Gillian Frank (Discophobia) attribute this backlash to? Taking a cell phone pic of your assignment and posting the photo is acceptable for this assignment, but please make sure the picture is oriented correctly when uploading. 6. Sexual Identity as Manifested in the Classic Blues and the Disco Revolution Assignment Please create a Word document and address the following: Using the two Readings from this week (Blues Legacies & Discophobia) please respond to the following prompts; Part 1: Angela Davis puts forward a theory in Blues Legacies about the centrality of sexuality in the music of the Classic Blues as being unique when compared to other popular music styles that regularly invoke sex in lyrics. Davis makes this point specifically in regards to the African-American men and women performing this music at the turn of the 20th century. What is her general argument? Part 2: From Discophobia and the class PowerPoint, what was the ‘Disco Backlash’ of 1979, and how did it manifest culturally? What does Gillian Frank (Discophobia) attribute this backlash to? 7. Research Paper Submission Assignment Please submit your 3-4 page midterm research paper on the international protest artist you have selected for your presentation, and more details on what should be included in this assignment are articulated in the Assignment PDF. 8. Midterm Video Presentation & Comments Discussion Topic Please submit a 1-2 minute presentation video that provides a brief synopsis of your paper on this discussion thread. Additionally, please embed a video of a representative song from the artist you covered in your research. Instructions for embedding a song are included in this announcement post. I also included a couple of short tutorials below. More details on what should be included in this assignment are Assignment PDF. After submitting your synopsis and representative song, take the time to read and listen through the other presentations and comment on at least two other presentations by Sunday. How to Embed a YouTube Video on Brightspace (a different approach from what I introduced last week, but maybe a simpler solution for some) How to Make a Video Note on Brightspace (for Presentation Video) Your original video synopsis is due no later than Friday at 11:59 pm EST. Comment on at least two other presentations no later than Sunday at 11:59 pm EST.