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SG5013 Business Management Internship Placement

SG5013 Business Management Internship Placement

SG5013 – Business Management Internship Placement   Academic Year 2022/23  
  Assessment Guide  
  Term 2  
  Module Leader  
Ann Olagundoye (FHEA, FCMI)
Student Hours:  
  Other Tutors  
Name: Tbc
Contact Details
Student Hours:  


Assessment Component 1 (Coursework – 100%) 
9 May 2023 at 4pm 


1.1 Details of Assessment Submission

Reflective Report Coursework (Weighting 100%)

Word Count: 3,000 words

LOs: 1- 8

Learning Outcomes for the module

At the end of this module, students will be able to:


  1. Define and describe the key operational characteristics of their host organisation (IC/CC)
  2. Discuss issues facing their host organisation and define the roles and responsibilities of management. (IC/CC)

Thinking skills

  • Critically evaluate their learning from work placement. (IC)

Subject based practical skills

  • Relate academic theory learnt as part of the taught degree to real situations in the workplace (COI)
  • Being able to link theory to practice on relevant issues. (COI)
  • Successfully apply for, and negotiate a role, placement position or an internship in either the private or public voluntary sector. (IC/CC)

Skills for life and work (general skills)

  • Carry out personal skills audit in relation to their work placement and identify any skills gap they may have and how these can be overcome (SEI/IC)
  • Being able to articulate what has been learned from an experience/experience. (SEI/IC)

Assessment Task

You are to produce a written assessment that reflects on the learning during the work placement/Internship including application for the role and description of the organisation (totalling 3,000 words). You must ensure that relevant experiential theory is applied to the experience gained on the placement.

Assignment Instructions

A suggested structure for portfolio of work:

Part 1: Preparation for Placement: (Approx. 500 words)

  1. This will include the brief introduction of the organisation you applied, it’s key business and operational activities, it’s products and services, and the role/position you have applied in the organisation.
  • Briefly undertake a skills audit (please download from the module site on Moodle) of your past learning experiences and set out a draft Training Plan of what you expect to achieve on your Placement. This will involve you researching into the type of employment available and will be of interest to you after graduation.

Part 2: Reflective Diary of Placement: (Approx. 1,500 words)

This part must include the following:

Reflective Diary: Include the screenshots of the weekly reflective diary completed on the Career Zone platform in the Appendix area of your report. Keep the sub-headings informative and specific to the element used in this section. This part must also include the application a relevant experiential theory taught in the module to underpin your discussion e.g. Gibbs, Kolb’s experiential learning theory, Dewey etc.

Summary of the activities completed in Learning Pathway section on Career Zone (500 words)

Part 3: Mentor’s feedback form (Appraisal by your Supervisor/Line Manager) (Approx.500 words)

You must provide a copy of your line manager’s completed Mentor Feedback Form (see the template of form in Appendix 3 of this document)

The format and referencing for the assessment.

Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font size 12, using a Arial or Calibri or Times New Roman font.
  • Line spacing of 1.5 be used. Distribute the text evenly between the margins (Justify).
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’ (large diagrams and tables can be in landscape orientation if that enables them to fit on fewer pages)
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2 cm.
  • Care should be taken with grammar and spelling and Harvard Style referencing must be followed.
  • Pages should be numbered and provide your word count at the start of each section of the report.

This module aims to link undergraduate level learning to the workplace. The focus is on the learning environment. The method of learning, teaching and assessment is based on actual work as far as possible. The emphasis is on reflective practice and the role of effective research to enable improved performance.

(Please refer to the Learning Pathway designed for this purpose at: https://careerzone.uel.ac.uk/service/home.html?currentUserLocale=en_GB)

We strongly suggest that you try to submit all coursework by the deadline set as meeting deadlines will be expected in employment.  However, in our regulations, UEL has permitted students to be able to submit their coursework up to 24 hours after the deadline.  The deadline is published in this module guide.  Coursework, which is submitted late, but within 24 hours of the deadline, will be assessed but subjected to a fixed penalty of 5% of the total marks available (as opposed to marks obtained).  If you submit twice, once before the deadline and once during the 24-hour late period, then the second submission will be marked and 5% deducted.  This rule only applies to coursework.  It does not apply to examinations, presentations, performances, practical assessments or viva voce examinations.  If you miss these for a genuine reason, then you will need to apply for extenuating circumstances, or accept that you will receive a zero mark.

Further information is available in the Assessment & Feedback Policy at

https://www.uel.ac.uk/Discover/Governance/Policies-Regulations-Corporate-documents/Student-Policies (click on other policies)

1.2 Specific Marking Criteria for this Assignment

Marking criteriaWeight
Provision of necessary background information related to ‘Preparation for Placement’ (through Part 1- Preparation for Placement)                                                                                            20%
The reflection of placement (through Part 2- Reflective Diary of Placement)  50%
The appraisal by the supervisor/line manager (through Part 3- Appraisal by your Supervisor/Line Manager)  20%
Overall presentation, structure and format of the report  10%


1.3 General Undergraduate Grading Criteria Used to Assess Work

In addition to the specific marking criteria for this assignment, general guidelines apply for the expected standard at different levels of study. The following grading standards generally apply to our undergraduate programmes (see Level 5):

GradeLevel 4Level 5Level 6
First (70% or above)Thorough understanding of relevant ideas.  Clear and well referenced argument.  Coherent structure.Ideas critically analysed.  Argument is clear, succinct and well supported.  Evidence of a wide range of reading and some independent thought.Critical work evidencing excellent synthesis and application of ideas.  Work is exceptionally well constructed and presented.
Upper Second (60-69%)Sound understanding.  Well written and relevant argument.  Appropriately referenced.Critical consideration of relevant ideas.  Arguments are precisely defined and appropriately referenced.  The work is structurally sound and well written.Ideas are critically applied and coherently presented.  Evidence of wide reading and some originality.  Well referenced
Lower Second (50-59%)Evidence of understanding and independent reading.  Adequate referencing, but some unsubstantiated material.  Weaknesses in spelling, structure & grammar.Reasonable understanding of the relevant concepts, but some inconsistencies in application.  Arguments are referenced, but disjointed.  Poor structure, spelling or grammar.Clear grasp of concepts and some critical application.  Appropriately referenced and relevant argument.  Reasonable structure and syntax.  Well presented
Third (40-49%)Indication of some understanding, but poor application of ideas.  Minimal referencing.  Generally weak structure.Generally descriptive work with limited evidence of a critical consideration of ideas.  Inadequate referencing.  Weaknesses in structure, spelling and grammar.Evidence of good understanding of issues, but crudely applied.  Work indicates some critical thinking, but tends towards description.  Argument may be unbalanced.  Poor structure and presentation
Fail (below 40%)Irrelevant or poorly analysed material.  Indication of weak grasp of concepts.  Inadequate structure.  Poor grammar and spelling.Uncritical.  Poorly referenced.  Argument indicates little use of relevant literature.  Chaotic structure and generally badly written.Poorly referenced and suggests inadequate exploration of relevant literature.  Chaotic structure and generally badly written.

1.4 Guidance on referencing

As a student you will be taught how to write correctly referenced essays using UEL’s standard Harvard referencing system from Cite Them Right. Cite them Right is the standard Harvard referencing style at UEL for all Schools apart from the School of Psychology which uses the APA system. This book will teach you all you need to know about Harvard referencing, plagiarism and collusion.  The electronic version of “Cite Them Right: the essential referencing guide” 9th edition, can be accessed whilst on or off campus, via UEL Direct. The book can only be read online and no part of it can be printed nor downloaded.

Further information is available at


1.5 Penalties for failure to comply with word counts (exceeding the assessment tariff

This assignment is 3,000 words.

Your word count should not include citations and reference lists. You should provide your word count on the front sheet. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail needed.

1.6 Submission to Turnitin and Turnitin Reporting

Notice is hereby given that all submissions for the assessment of this Module must be submitted to Turnitin.”  If you fail to submit the assessment  to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance provided on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component or the component concerned.

Submitting Assessments Using Turnitin:

Turnitin is required for coursework assessments, such as report/research papers or projects in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and in PDF format.  There are two main reasons we want you to use Turnitin:

  • Turnitin can help you avoid academic breaches and plagiarism.  When you use Turnitin before a submission deadline, you can use the Originality Report feature to compare your work to thousands of other sources (like websites, Wikipedia, and even other student papers).  Anything in your work that identically matches another source is highlighted for you to see.  When you use this feature before the deadline, you will have time to revise your work to avoid an instance of academic breach/plagiarism.
  • Turnitin saves paper.  When using Turnitin to electronically submit your work, you will almost never have to submit a paper copy.

Late Submissions Using Turnitin

UEL has permitted students to be able to submit their coursework up to 24 hours after the deadline.  Assessments that are submitted up to 24 hours late are still marked, but with a 5% deduction.  However, you have to be very careful when you are submitting your assessment.  If you submit your work twice, once using the original deadline link and then again using the late submission link on Turnitin, your assignment will be graded as late with the 5% deduction.

Turnitin System Failure

Best advice: Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your assessments electronically.  If you experience a problem submitting your work with Turnitin, you should notify your lecturer/tutor by email immediately.  However, deadlines are not extended unless there is a significant systems problem with Turnitin.  UEL has specific plans in place to address these issues.  If UEL finds that the issue with the system was significant, you will receive an email notifying you of the issue and that you have been given a 24 hour extension.  If you don’t receive any email that specifically states you have been given an extension, then the original deadline has not been changed.

1.7 Feedback and return of work

Feedback will be provided in the following ways:

  • Class discussions on related topics will allow you to reflect on and    revise the content of your work before submission.
  • You are always welcome to clarify any aspects that are unclear with the Module Leader.  However, I will not read multiple drafts of your work – one draft per student.
  • Submission of the written assignment via Turnitin allows you to check your originality report to avoid plagiarism.
  • After the assessments have been marked, general feedback for the assessment will be posted on Moodle, and where possible, it will also be presented in class.
  • Feedback on your work together with your work will be within three working weeks of the submission deadline.

1.8 Reassessment Information

In order to pass the module, you need to achieve a grade of at least 40% overall, and you need to achieve at least 30% in each assignment.

You will need to retake an assignment if any of the following occur during the semester:

  • You fail to achieve 30% or more for the assignment.
  • You fail to achieve 40% for the module and you failed to achieve 40% or more for the assignment.

You will be expected to improve upon the same piece of work for your re-assessment. More details will be available in Moodle.  Re-assessments are normally due within 30 days of the results being published.


Guidelines to undertake a successful skills audit, follow the below.

1. Identify (and describe) the list of your skills

Write down a comprehensive list of skills you have gained from previous or current work experience, education and any personal experiences. It may help to think about specific skills that you have developed during the MSc IBM course at the University.

2. Rate your expertise for each of the skills (Confidence)

Using a scale of 1 (being low) and 5 (being high) rate or evaluate how experienced you are with each skill. It is important to be honest with yourself – choose a rating based on what you actually are rather than what you would like to be – as this will help you identify any areas for improvement.

3. Evidence/Example of how the skills were developed

Provide example/s of how the skills were developed. It is important to know which situations (like presentations in seminars) have helped the student to develop the specific skill..

4. Identify how the skills are transferable to the future employment

You could use example or scenarios related to actual work where the skills developed will be useful for the organisation or to be able to successful in the employment roles.

5. Identify any gaps between the skills you have, and the skills required to do your job in the organisation/job

Identify your level of skill and identify any gaps between the skills that you have and anything can be improved to do the job more effectively in future. Again, it is important to be honest with yourself in spotting any gaps, and look at what you need to do to develop the required skills.

APPENDIX 2: Work Based Skills/Organisational Competencies*

1Problem SolvingBeing able to solve complex problems and make decisions Establish criteria, using appropriate decision-making techniques including identifying, formulating and solving business problems The ability to create, identify and evaluate options The ability to implement and review decisions
2Decision MakingAbility to contribute to the design, development, construction, commissioning or maintenance of business projects, processes, systems or services.Using information and knowledge effectively in order to abstract meaning from information and to share knowledge, including the use of quantitative skills
3Management and LeadershipSelecting appropriate leadership style for different situations; setting objectives, motivating, monitoring performance, coaching and mentoring The ability to recognise and address ethical dilemmas, corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues, applying ethical and organisational values to situations and choices.  
4Strategic Thinking and planningManage the creative processes in self and others;Organise thoughts, analyse, synthesise and critically appraise. This includes the capability to identify assumptions, evaluate statements in terms of evidence, detect false logic or reasoning, identify implicit values, define terms adequately and generalise appropriately  
5Commercial AwarenessCommercial awareness.Contractual awareness.
6ResilienceAbility to overcome setbacks
7InnovationContribute to the improvement of established work processes or business projects/products. The ability to recognize the need for and initiate change and to be able to manage change
8Interpersonal Skills and CommunicationNetworking, listening, oral and written communication of complex ideas and arguments, using a range of media, including the preparation of business reportsUnderstanding the needs of others and empathy towards them;Sensitivity to diversity in people and in different situationsEffective performance within team environments and the ability to recognise and use individuals’ contributions in group processes and to negotiate and persuade or influence others;
9Professional commitmentUnderstanding and compliance with appropriate professional bodies Code of Conduct. Commitment to current and future CPD of self and others. – Minimum 2 daysA personal commitment to professional standards, recognizing obligations to society and the profession.

Appendix 3: Mentor Feedback Form

Student Name:

Placement Organisation:

Start Date:                                                                           Finish date:

Reporting to:

Please briefly state their duties:       

Please comment on the following personal characteristics shown by the student during the time spent with you.

Punctuality & attendance                      Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Competency in tasks given                  Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Interaction with others                         Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Working on own initiative                    Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Overall performance                             Excellent / Good / Average / Poor

Were the aims and tasks well defined at the beginning of the placement? 
Did the student receive a Health and Safety Induction? 
Which areas of the company did the student work in? 
What area of work did you feel the student excelled in? 
Did you consider the placement useful to the company?
List the 3 most important things you feel the student achieved?
Is there anything the student could have done to improve your perception of the experience?

We are extremely grateful to you for providing the student
with this work placement.

Would you be able to offer such experience next year? Yes / No (please circle)

Signed by:                                                                    Print Name: