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Self-esteem serves a motivational function by making it more or less likely that people will take care of themselves and explore their full potential.

PART ONE: Introduction and Alignment Your sense of confidence and self-respect is vital in building authentic self-esteem and understanding how to implement strategies and goals for improving it. Self-esteem serves a motivational function by making it more or less likely that people will take care of themselves and explore their full potential. To build high self-esteem, people must accept their limitations, take responsibility for their decisions, and engage in strength building. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to: Assess the development of self-esteem, your personal self-esteem, and generate strategies to increase it. Resources 1) Read: Chapter 4 in the textbook: effective humans relations by Barry l reece and Monique reece 2) Complete: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale https://wwnorton.com/college/psych/psychsci/media/rosenberg.htm Instructions: From the readings, reflect on the development of self-esteem, characteristics of people with low self-esteem and high self-esteem, and things you want to change in your own life regarding personal self-esteem. Now that you have spent time reflecting on the readings and the self-esteem inventory, construct a 1-2 page reflection paper using the following guidelines. Label your paper Part 1 and Part 2 Part 1: Personal Self-Esteem Assessment: What does a healthy level of self-esteem mean to you? Why is self-esteem important in developing confidence and a positive self-image? How comfortable are you with where you view yourself and feel about yourself? What authority figures/family/friends from childhood and adolescence impacted your self-esteem in a positive and negative way. When you look in the mirror what are some things that initially come to mind? Are they positive or self-sabotaging? Explain Part 2: Strategies for Improving Self-Esteem: What positive habits can you develop to improve self-esteem? How can you transform painful experiences/ events from the past into positive lessons? How can you surround yourself with people who encourage you? What have you learned that would lead you into a better future? apply the required APA formatting style. PART TWO: Introduction and Alignment We communicate with much more than words: when we interact with someone, our body has a language of its own. The way we sit, the gestures we make, the way we talk, how much eye contact we make – all of these are non-verbal ways of communicating that impact the messages our words are sending. While most of us are aware of and use verbal communication on a regular basis, nonverbal communication is most commonly not intentional, but it gives us a lot of information about people and situations. Because nonverbal communication is an essential part of having excellent communication skills, we need to take time to understand the body language and facial expressions of others, as well as to develop the ways we use nonverbal communication. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to: Evaluate your own nonverbal communication and identify ways to improve it. Resources: 1) Read: Chapter 1 (pgs. 29-32) in your textbook: effective humans relations by Barry l reece and Monique reece 2) Watch: Type of Gestures in Nonverbal Communication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsL1bey_ki4&feature=youtu.be 3) Watch: The Power of Nonverbal Communication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRl0dvPRkSI&feature=youtu.be Instructions: Nonverbal communication plays an important role in how we convey meaning and information to others, as well as how we interpret the actions of those around us. This assignment will help you begin to understand your own nonverbal communication and its impact on your interpersonal message. Construct a 1-2 page reflection response using the following guidelines: Label the guidelines of your paper 1, 2, 3, and 4 Do you believe that understanding the impact of nonverbal communication is important for improving communication, or do you think it should just happen naturally? Why or why not? Be specific. Reflect for a moment how you typically use nonverbal communication: How do you sit and stand? Do you use gestures to help emphasize when sharing or speaking? What kind of facial expressions are typical for you. Write an evaluative summary of how you truly feel you communicate nonverbally. Include a couple of specific examples from your real life (personal or professional) to back up your assessment. Much of nonverbal communication is said to be particular to a given culture. What nonverbal cues do you think vary the most between cultures? Give at least one example of a nonverbal cue that communicates meaning in your own culture that would not be recognized or would be recognized differently in another culture. Check yourself for any deeply ingrained habits (twisting your hair, clasping your hands, touching your face, licking your lips, etc.) that are part of your nonverbal communication. What do you think it communicates to others? What are some steps to make yourself more aware of these habits as you communicate? apply the required APA formatting style.