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Select one of the three given case vignettes from below. Complete the assignment according to the instructions.  Case 1 Makeba (30 months old)  Makeba lives with her family in a small apartment near the

Select one of the three given case vignettes from below. Complete the assignment according to the instructions.

 Case 1 Makeba (30 months old)

 Makeba lives with her family in a small apartment near the city park. Makeba’s father recently lost his job, and her mother works the evening shift at the local grocery store.

Makeba spends her mornings at a local preschool program and her afternoons with her parents and older brother, who is 4 years old. Her mother, Imani, has noticed that Makeba is not talking like Makeba’s brother did when he was the same age. Makeba is only saying five words but seems to understand most of what she hears. She is starting to have tantrums by screaming, crying, falling on the floor, and kicking her legs when her parents have difficulty understanding what she tries to say.


Imani shared her concerns about Makeba’s communication and behaviour with the family’s paediatrician, who suggested a referral to the local early childhood intervention program.

Case 2 Benjamin (20 months old)


Benjamin (Ben) seems to be developing as expected all the way until one year old. He showed cooing and babbling before but stopped around 20 months old. He is currently quiet most of the time, and when he needs something he tends to resort to screaming and crying. Ben’s parents say he never points to anything and does not indicate what he wants. He would tantrum by throwing himself to the floor or banging the back of his head. He can walk although quite wobbly.


Ben enjoys looking at storybooks and likes it when others read to him. However, he never points to any pictures in the book in response to a “what” or “where” question. Ben’s parents say that he is very sensitive to noise. He will cover his ears and cry if the vacuum cleaner or hairdryer are turned on. He loves playing with water taps and will turn on the tap, feel the water or drink from the tap whenever he has access to it.


The family is hoping to have an educator monitor Benjamin’s progress since Benjamin stays at home with his grandmother most of the time while both parents are out for work.

Case 3 Alex (16 months old)

Alex’s parents knew from the prenatal amniocentesis examination that he has Down syndrome. His mother had a normal pregnancy and he was born at full term. Nonetheless, doctors are concerned about the possibility of abnormalities in his immune system, thyroid and heart. According to Alex’s dad, Alex had “every medical test” during his first year, and he often got upset and restless when transiting between various medical tests and treatments.

Alex’s parents are considering sending him to a nursery in the coming year. They are particularly concerned that Alex is very attached to his mother. According to them, Alex is not showing any major developmental delays. He can walk a few steps when holding on to handrails or furniture for support.

 Alex’s mother:

“He babbles and coos during play, he would try to imitate words and simple gestures. He seems to understand what I say, and he can turn to me when I call him. He can say “Mama” and “Papa” but doesn’t use these words often. When I hide behind the cloth during “peek-a-boo” he cries very hard. Maybe he thinks I disappeared. He is very picky with food, prefers eating crisps and crunchy textures. He loves his drink bottle and will only take drinks from it. He is currently wearing diapers and just started to walk with support. ”

This Assignment contains 3 parts:
Part A: Identification 10 marks
Highlight the main characteristics of the learning difficulties/special needsof the
case. Explain how these may impact the child’s participation in a mainstream
Part B: Assessment plan 10 marks
Based on the case vignette, plan an assessment interview with the family togather
more information about the child’s development and needs.
Part C: Recommendations & adaptations 10 marks
Recommend services for the child and their family and plan the adaptations to be
put in place to support the child.

Part A: Identification 10 marks
1. Identify the features, behaviours or symptoms which may indicate a delay
in the child’s development.
• Explain each item one by one using developmental
milestones and literature
2. Identify the key obstacles for this child to learn and participate in a
mainstream classroom.
• Explain how each of these learning difficulties/special needs may
impact their learning, participation or engagement usingliterature
e.g. “The child struggles to stay focus on one engagement activity. This will
hinder his learning in a mainstream classroom where he is
expected to stay focused for a period of time.”

Part B: Assessment interview 10 marks (approximately 300 words)
1. You are planning to make a home visit to gather more information
about the child’s symptoms and development. (**Imagine that you
need to have a home visit with that case vignette)
a. Interview with family
Explain what further information you will gather about these
Draft 5 questions that you will ask.
Base your questions around the child’s natural environments and
routines. For each question, explain the rationale behind asking this
question and what information will be obtained.
E.g. the child seems to have a delay in his eye-handcoordination.
Your question may be:
“During meal time, what will he do if you give him a bowl of
strawberries which is his favourite food? Can you describe how he
would eat them?”
Rationale and information to be obtained:
Meal time is a daily routine where the child needs to apply their eyehand coordination skills for finger food. Strawberries are typically eaten
by hand or with a fork. Both can reflect the child’seye-hand
coordination skills. Based on the caregiver’s description, I will gain
information on whether the child is able tocoordinate his movements to
bring to food to his mouth without support.
Your questions should be objective, professional and unbiased.

Part C: Recommendations and adaptations 10 marks (approximately 250words)
1. Recommend the next steps for the child and their family. (4 marks)
− What can the family do next?
− What services will you recommend that will benefit this child and their
− How can the family access these services?
1. Adaptations (6 marks)
− Choose ONE area of the child’s delays that you want to work on.
Suggest and explain one adaptation of each of the following thatcan
support the child’s development: (50 words each)
a. learning activity in the classroom
b. learning materials
c. one of the child’s daily routines
Note: Please use appropriate APA referencing and choose references that are
relevant. (can u add links for me to check the websites)