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Select ONE diagnosis from the following:1. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis2. Wernicke’s aphasia3. Pharyngeal phase dysphagia4. Bilateral vocal fold nodules 2.Create a brief client description

1.Select ONE diagnosis from the following:1. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis2. Wernicke’s aphasia3. Pharyngeal phase dysphagia4. Bilateral vocal fold nodules

2.Create a brief client description to provide a frame of reference on which to build the rest ofyour paper [i.e. Kim is a 35 year old woman who was diagnosed with x. She came into the cliniccomplaining of ... then launch into the rest of your paper]. You will use your research to fleshthis out. What type of clients typically present with this type of disorder? What age might theybe? What might their occupation be? What might they do in their free time? What might theirlife circumstances look like? How might this contribute to their diagnosis potentially?

3.Organize your paper by subheader.

4.Using the following commonly used speech pathology databases, write a double spaced 2-3page paper encompassing your chosen diagnosis’ ETIOLOGY, SYMPTOMOLOGY, ANATOMICALand PHYSIOLOGICAL findings and ONE common TREATMENT TECHNIQUES associated with thisdiagnosis.

5.You must use a minimum of 3 sources. One of the sources can include the text book.

6. Data bases should include but are not limited to: ComDisDome, NIDCD[https://www.nidcd.nih.gov] The National Institute on Deafness and Other CommunicationDisorders], The Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, and the ASHA LEADER. You haveaccess to each of these databases via your tuition directly through the library website as well asthrough the internet directly.Please Note:If you need help, did you know that the Communication Disorders department hastheir very own library liaison? Her name is Anne Deutsch. If you need any help at all in accessingthe data bases please reach out to her at: deutscha@newpaltz.edu

7.Things to search for and include in each domain listed above are as follows:1. ETIOLOGY: what are the common causes of the disorder? Is the disorder typicallypresent at birth [chronic] or can it come on suddenly due to disease or trauma [acute].2. SYMPTOMOLOGY: This section can be bullets. This is the only section that can be inbullets.3. ANATOMICAL and PHYSIOLOGICAL findings: What SPECIFICALLY is happening in the caseof your chosen diagnosis? Your paper must include a thorough discussion of allanatomical structures involved in that diagnosis as well as what is happeningphysiologically if applicable based on the diagnosis.

Heres an example:

Case History [Dysphagia]:Michael is a 72 year old retired Navy general and father of six grown children and ten grandchildren. He has been married to his wife for 57 years. She provides him consistent social and emotional support. Michael is a self described "foodie" and greatly enjoys the act of shopping, preparing and eating food for his large extended family. In his spare time he reads cook books and enters amateur cooking competitions. He is also very active in his local VFW. Last year, Michael won first prize for his chocolate cake in the state fair.   Immediately after the contest, Michael noted that he began forgetting steps involved in his more complex recipes.In November of last year, Michael experienced a mild Cerebral Vascular Accident after which he reported an increase in coughing after drinking thin liquids. He has also noted an increase in residue in his buccal [back cheek] area after eating "smallish" foods such as rice and crackers, and often doesn't notice that this residue is there until he goes to brush his teeth at night. He complains that things get "stuck" in his throat quite a bit and that he often needs to swallow several times to clear them. Michael expressed serious concern regarding fear that he wouldn't be able to eat his favorite foods. He is motivated to do whatever it takes to "get back to normal" and be able to share his "love of food" with his family again.Note the inclusion of the following elements:-Name-Age-Employment status-Marital status [support system]-Social interests possibly related to disorder- Specific complaints related to disorder-Quotes taken from the client related to the disorderI suggest that you begin your literature review prior to completing the case history portion of the project. Once you start to read through articles pertaining to your chosen diagnoses, you will find that your case history will start to take shape.

Here is another example:

Title: Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis: Etiology, Symptomology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Treatment Techniques

Client Description: Kim is a 35-year-old woman who was diagnosed with Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis (UVCP). She came into the clinic complaining of hoarseness and vocal fatigue. Kim is a professional singer and vocal coach. In her free time, she enjoys participating in community theater productions. Kim's busy lifestyle and vocal demands may have contributed to her diagnosis of UVCP.

ETIOLOGY: Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis can have various causes. Some common etiologies include:

Surgical Complications: UVCP can occur as a result of neck or chest surgeries, especially those involving the thyroid or cardiovascular system.

Neurological Damage: Trauma or injury to the vagus nerve or recurrent laryngeal nerve, which innervates the vocal cord muscles, can lead to UVCP.

Infections: Viral or bacterial infections affecting the nerves or muscles in the larynx can result in vocal cord paralysis.

Tumors: Growths or tumors in the neck or chest region may compress or damage the nerves responsible for vocal cord movement.


  • Hoarseness and breathiness in the voice
  • Vocal fatigue with prolonged speaking
  • Difficulty projecting the voice
  • Reduced pitch and volume range
  • Ineffective coughing and choking during eating or drinking

ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FINDINGS: In the case of Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis, one of the vocal cords becomes paralyzed and remains in a paramedian position, whereas the unaffected vocal cord functions normally. As a result, the paralyzed cord cannot adduct (close) fully, leading to incomplete glottal closure during phonation. This gap between the vocal cords causes air to escape, leading to the characteristic hoarseness and breathiness in the voice.


Voice therapy is a common treatment technique used to address Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis. This therapeutic approach aims to optimize vocal function and reduce the impact of the paralysis on speech and swallowing. The technique includes the following components:

Resonant Voice Therapy: This technique focuses on improving the resonance and projection of the voice. It involves using specific vocal exercises to maximize vocal cord vibration and improve voice quality without straining the vocal cords.

Vocal Cord Adduction Exercises: These exercises aim to increase the coordination and strength of the unaffected vocal cord to improve glottal closure during phonation. Adduction exercises can involve using visual feedback or tactile cues to enhance muscle control.

Breath Support Training: Since individuals with UVCP often experience vocal fatigue and reduced volume range, breath support exercises are essential. These exercises help in better breath control, leading to improved voice projection and stamina.

Swallowing Therapy: In some cases, UVCP can also affect swallowing function. Speech therapists may include swallowing exercises to enhance the coordination and strength of the muscles involved in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing.

The theoretical basis for voice therapy in UVCP is to promote compensatory strategies that allow the unaffected vocal cord to work more effectively and reduce the impact of the paralyzed vocal cord. By optimizing vocal cord closure and enhancing breath support, individuals can regain better control over their voice and improve their overall vocal function.

In conclusion, Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis is a condition characterized by the paralysis of one vocal cord, resulting in hoarseness and reduced vocal control. Voice therapy is an effective treatment technique that can help individuals with UVCP improve their vocal function and communication abilities. Early intervention and appropriate therapeutic techniques can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals with this diagnosis.

References: (Include at least three relevant sources following APA guidelines)