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Scenario/Plan to Counter a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) Threat Counter-proliferation efforts to deter, prevent, and mitigate WMD threats to the

Scenario/Plan to Counter a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) Threat
Counter-proliferation efforts to deter, prevent, and mitigate WMD threats to the U.S. homeland and its critical infrastructure, our allies, and other international partners continue to evolve.

Using the information you compiled for the Unit IV Topic Selection Outline, you will now conduct research in planning to counter a WMD threat using the state or non-state actor that you selected in Unit IV.
(US was selected as a state actor) (Unit IV Topic Selection Outline is attached)

For this assignment, present a scenario in which you will research and develop a plan to counter a WMD threat by either a lone offender inspired by a terror group or movement or a non-state actor (terror organization). You are an analyst for a government agency tasked with constructing a plan to deter, preempt, and defeat a threat.

Use the information presented in Unit I through VI readings and lesson presentations along with outside research to address the criteria below. (Note: You are not limited to these topics, and you can expand further, if needed.)
In the Introduction section, you will determine the who, what, where, when, and why.

See below.

Provide a background of the entity (individual, group, or organization) and the background of their WMD capabilities. Identify the parties who are in possession of the WMD, the research that is available on the WMD, the development of the WMD, and the use or intended use (philosophical perspectives) of the WMD.
What is the threat of the WMD, and why?
What information is known on the threat to date, and what governments and their associated entities are involved in preempting, deterring, preventing, and defeating the threat?
What is threatened (e.g., civilian population center, infrastructure)?
In the Plan section, you will focus on how to deter, prevent, and defeat the threat. See below.
Who will be involved? Will you use counter-proliferation or non-proliferation efforts?
Detail the type of coordination that is needed with federal, state, and local entities.
What means will be used (e.g., diplomatic, military)?
What active and passive defense measures are in place?

The research scenario/plan must be at least five pages in length. You must use at least three outside sources (scholarly, peer-reviewed, or authoritative) beyond your textbook as references.
(Chapter 4 and 5 attached and cited on 1st page)

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.