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Scenario Case Study: You will individually develop and complete three scenario case studies, each with a different deliverable focus (PowerPoint prese

MBA 5005 – Managing Human Capital

For the assessment of MBA Unit 5005, there are three assessment tasks you have to fulfil in order to complete the unit.

Details are given in the unit descriptor and on “Studyboard@VIT”.

Some clarification on each assessment:


Discussion Participation: You will be assessed based on your accessible login on LMS, using the CHAT on the LMS. Also, your interaction through email etc. with faculty and coordinators in Australia will be considered. No assessment is undertaken by any other facilitator.


Individual Report – Scenario Case Study: You will individually develop and complete three scenario case studies, each with a different deliverable focus (PowerPoint presentation, reports, communication exercises). The scenarios are based around a single organisation and may include reporting student assessment of the impact of introducing performance management; handling economic shock in organisations or crisis management planning.


Small Group Presentation: In groups of 3-4, you will complete a power point presentation. The presen- tation is based on a single global organisation and must include human resource turnaround strategies; research informed cultural improvement initiatives; specifying senior executive position requirements and utilising available linked in profiles to identify candidates.

Assessment time table:

  1   Discussion Participation: 20% weightage Week 4, 6, 8, 10
  2   Individual Scenario Case Study: 40% weightage Week 7
  3   Small Group Presentation: 40% weightage Week 12

Each week our LMS will guide you for that particular week, these all are the course requirement of our MBA programme. For each assessment, our “Studyboard@VIT” will provide details on assessment task and guidelines including how you will be assessed on each assessment task, marking criteria and so on.

The Following Instruction strictly applicable all through our MBA Programme;

  • 1. The assessments are an important part of unit progression and are to be attended to diligently. Hence, no attempt at an assessment means no marks.
  • 2. No assessment is allowed beyond a time limit as given and announced and therefore, to be submitted in time. Late submission would attract 10%-mark deductions for each day late submission.
  • 3. Assessment must be followed as per the guidelines provided. For example, if the assessment is on writing report with 2000 words, the word count is important. Where the word count deviates by more than 10%, there will be a 10% mark deduction.
  • 4. All assessments must be submitted to VIT, Australia and will be checked, marked and provided with feed back. All assessment must be undertaken by VIT, Australia.
  • 5. Assessment can be submitted only on LMS who will scan the assignments/answer papers and will submit on the same day to VIT, Australia.
  • 6. The final mark is the weighted assessment marks across the entire unit.
  • 7. Students are required to achieve at least 40% in each assessment component and an overall mark of 50% to achieve a pass grade in the unit. If a student does not achieve 40% in an assessment and the overall mark for the unit is more than 50%, then a mark of 49% will be recorded for the unit
  • 8. The authorised agent/ local facilitator can help students understand the various parts of the assessment and also will be appointed as “Invigilator” (supervision only) for the assessment.

Note – For all assignments, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri, with 1.5 line spacing, 5 centimetres left-hand margins and bold headings. Whenever you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you must make reference to the writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.

For further Enquiry or clarification, you can contact coordinator through emails.

Further details on each assessment for MBA 5005 is given in the subsequent pages.

Assessment 1

Discussion Participation: Weightage 20%


  • 1. In this class, on line discussion will count towards your overall grade for the course. The purpose of the discussion board is to frame and promote collabora- tive learning. Active and regular participation is not only important from the lecturer’s point of view but is also important for you in learning the course content and in developing your thoughts and position on various topics.
  • 2. You are expected to participate in at least 3 different forums. You should begin at least one thread and provide at least three posts in response to other participants’ threads. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.
  • 3. While on discussion: You agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.
  • 4. While on discussion: Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Incorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics. Stay on topic. Provide evidence of critical thinking in your responses or interactions Avoid summarizing.
  • 5. During the discussion: Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.
  • 6. In discussion: Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics. Use proper etiquette.
  • 7. Remember that being respectful is critical at all times in the classroom, online and during forum chat discussions.

Assessment 2

Individual Scenario Case Study: Weightage 40%


Students will Individually develop and complete a scenar- io case studies. This assignment requires that you write a 3,000-word individual report. The scenario is based around a single organisation and may include reporting student assessment of the impact of introducing performance management; handling economic shock in organisations and crisis management planning. This will involve criti- cally assessing the issues presented in the case alongside theory/literature and making recommendations for im- provements to the management systems/approaches used by the case study organisation. Recommendations should demonstrate your understanding of best practice concepts in the academic literature and should provide examples of how organisational policy and practices can be revised to improve efficiency and/or effectiveness of operations.

Process of the written Assessment:

In a scenario case study, you should investigate a business problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.

Case study report should be written in appropriate busi- ness language so that your analysis and discussion have an objective tone. Your writing should be clear and con- cise and be in your own words. Use headings to guide the reader and include tables or diagrams that make the case clearer. The scenarios are based around a single organisa- tion selected by the students, where based on the real case, student need to develop and complete a report based on three different areas:

  • 1. Introducing performance management
  • 2. Handling economic shock in organisations
  • 3. Crisis management planning

What to be included in a case scenario?

  • Introduces the case, including the background and the scenario.
  • Describes the purpose and the background of the study and the specific questions you are trying to answer.
  • Describe what you found through your investigations,e.g. the main themes that came out in interviews, responses to questionnaires, significant observations.
  • Explain the significance of the study and what can be learnt from it.
  • Note that a case study is a study of a situation so you can’t generalise the results to all other situations. That means your report should focus on what can be learnt about that situation and the individuals involved.
  • Recommendations provides proposals for future action to solve the problem or improve the situation.

Uses of case scenarios strengthen practical thinking as well as allow students to study those specific examples and apply that knowledge to new, though relatable, situations. The effectiveness of this instructional strategy is accom- plished through an appropriate situation in which a prob- lem relates to both the interests and experience levels of the involved students. Scenario case studies also provides the opportunity for group brainstorming.

How to present a high-quality scenario case study?

  • Analyse the problem
  • Provide solution
  • Reveal real business difficulties
  • Include specific, quantifiable results
  • Build suspense, have a satisfying conclusion
  • Solve a generalizable business problem

The characteristics of a Scenario Case Study are:

A case scenario is a detailed report of a company, industry, person, or a project over a particular time period. Cases are used as a basic tool for group discussion which enables the participating student to take up the roles of key players in actual business situations. The case method describes real management issues in real companies.

Please take note for your assignment:

  • a. Structure the written report: Background information is relevant, Issues are logically ordered, Recommendations clearly relate to the issues.
  • b. Identify main issues: Prioritise choices, justify and prioritise issues chosen rovide solution
  • c. Analyse the issues: Each issue is discussed using relevant concepts and principles. Insight is shown in analysing the information.
  • d. Discuss alternatives: Consider all viable short term and long-term alternatives to solve each issue. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
  • e. Explain resources: Individuals from the case, time frame and monitoring processes required for the recommendations to be put into practice uild suspense, have a satisfying conclusion.
  • f. Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are explicit and succinct, appropriate headings are used, grammar and spelling are accurate.

Assessment 3

Small Group Presentation – Weightage 40%


In groups of 3-4, students will complete a power point presentation. In this presentation you should investigate a business problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. The presentation should be written in appropriate business language so that your analysis and discussion have an objective tone. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.

Process of the Presentation:

The presentation is based on a single global organisation selected by the small group of students, where based on the real case, student need to develop and complete a power point presentation with different issues focus as detailed below:

  • 1. Resource turnaround strategies
  • 2. Research informed cultural improvement initiatives
  • 3. Specifying senior executive position requirements and utilising available linked in profiles to identify candidates

For the presentation, software packages such as Power- Point or Prezi can be utilised. The presentation should last between 12 and 15 minutes.

complexity of the real world “messy” problems by learning from the information presented by other teams.

What are the key stages in the learning and assessment process?


The module leader will facilitate the setting up of groups but you as a group need to allocation/select the examined company. Team members will have the responsibility to schedule meetings out-with class time to allocate tasks to individual team members, monitor progress and make arrangements for a rehearsal of the presentation prior to the event. Students must keep a record of all the group meetings.

Stage Two – Giving the Presentation

The presentations have three main objectives:

  • 1. To give students the opportunity to develop and test their skills of presentation in a supportive environment;
  • 2. To give students the opportunity to get feedback on the level and depth of their analysis from tutors and peers which will help them to improve the quality of their work for subsequent courseworks; and
  • 3. To allow students to develop a deeper insight into the complexity of the real world “messy” problems by learning from the information presented by other teams.

Stage Three – Improving Your Performance

The focus of the presentation stage is to give students feedback which will help them to improve future performance (see below for further details of how the presentation is evaluated)

Presentation structure

Your presentation should have the following structure (max 10 slides or equivalent):

  • Team members (1 slide)
  • Introduction of the organisation, background information, outline of the structure (1 slide)
  • Outline of the key issues (Q1 above) (2 slide)
  • Outline of the key issues (Q2 above) (2 slide)
  • Outline of the key issues (Q3 above) (2 slide)
  • Conclusion and Recommendation (1 slide)


Submission requirements

The submission of this coursework includes two steps:

  • 1. Upload the group presentation including voiceover to Turnitin submission link.
  • Prepare and upload a word document including the text of your presentation and the snapshot of the slides.