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read the following article to learn about how stress affects various systems wit

read the following article to learn about how stress affects various systems within the body:
American Psychological Association. Stress Effect on the Body. Published on November 1, 2018. Accessed on Jul 17, 2022 at: https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/body
Note that while the article above provides an introduction to each system of the body, you will need to conduct additional research to fully complete your essay (you should consult a minimum of three quality sources).
Case Assignment
Choose one of the systems of the body that was discussed in the article from the list below:
Musculoskeletal system
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
Nervous system
Reproductive system (male or female)
In the introduction to your paper, discuss the components of this system (i.e., which organs and/or anatomical structures are involved and what their normal functions are) (1 or 2 well-developed paragraphs).
Describe the effects of acute and chronic stress on the system of the body that you selected (2 or 3 well-developed paragraphs).
Which health conditions are associated with the impacts of stress on this system of the body? Are these conditions treatable and/or reversible once they have developed? (2 or 3 well-developed paragraphs)
Draw conclusions about how to avoid the negative impacts of stress on these systems (1 well-developed paragraph).