PUBH 5060 Safety Data Prepare a summary report of occupational fatalities in 2022 using the information provided in the 2022 Census of Fatal Occupatio
Assignment 1
PUBH 5060
Safety Data
Prepare a summary report of occupational fatalities in 2022 using the information provided in the 2022 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). You can access the CFOI data through the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website at
Data requirements
• You must report on 2022 fatality data
! You may include other years in your tables/charts and summaries as long as 2022 is included
• You must select at least three of the following variables to report on with at least one demographic variable (race/ethnicity, age, gender) and one work-related variable (event, industry sector, occupational group)
• You may report on more than three variables as long as your report is no longer than 10 pages (not including cover page and references)
Report requirements
• Cover page that includes the assignment name and number, the course number and name, your name, and the due date
• Report body
! Introduction describing the data you are reporting on and why you selected the variables
! Tables/charts of the data you are reporting on
! You may use the charts from the website, but if you are using tables you will need to create those yourself in Word using the data from the website
! Description of what the tables/charts are telling you using complete sentences
! Discussion summarizing what you found
• References
! APA format
! Use at least one other resource (peer-reviewed article, textbook, or governmental website [.gov or .edu]) to provide supporting information on your table/chart descriptions
Other requirements
• Body of the paper must be double-spaced using Calibri 11-point font
• References do not need to be double-spaced but do need to be in APA format
• At least one paragraph must be written for each set of tables/charts. Paragraphs require a minimum of two sentences.
• No more than 10 pages not including cover page and references
• Paper MUST be submitted as a Word document – no other file types will be accepted