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Provide an overview of courthouse violence. Your paper should include current st

Provide an overview of courthouse violence. Your paper should include current statistics, recent incidents, and measures that courthouses have taken to improve safety.


Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.

Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.

Cite at least three scholarly sources for this assignment. Scholarly resources include: peer-reviewed journal articles, books, the class textbook, or reports/documents from the government (.gov sites). A scholarly source does not include general sources from the internet (.com, .org, .edu, and .net sites are not scholarly). Scholarly resources should be current (no older than five years). If the class textbook is used as a source, then two other scholarly sources must be used.

The CSU Global Library Links to an external site. is a great place to find resources.

Your paper must be formatted according to the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..

If you need assistance with your writing style, start with the links under the Research Help and Writing Help tabs on the CSU Global Library’s Links to an external site. homepage.

Review the Module 4 grading rubric, which is listed below the assignment, to understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

Prior to posting, proof read your submission for clarity, grammar, punctuation, and APA.