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Prepare a case study report as described. Putting yourself in the shoes of Alice Winter, prepare a case report as per the Error! Reference source not found., keeping technology in mind throughout your

Prepare a case study report as described. Putting yourself in the shoes of Alice Winter, prepare a case report as per the Error! Reference source not found., keeping technology in mind throughout your analysis and recommendation(s). The audience for this case report is the Purchasing and Stores Manager, Harry Davidson, who is expecting your recommendation(s) on potential improvements to Qmont’s supply chain system for remote locations. Draw on as many of the technologies discussed in this course as are applicable to the problem when writing your case analysis. Guiding Questions and additional information: NOT try to out-guess or reformulate the case study format. The instructor will be grading based on these criteria. The headings and expectations for each section are designed to allow you to: demonstrate an appreciation for the issue(s) analyze the available data suggest what criteria must be met for a successful resolution suggest as many courses of alternative actions that you can think about (more than two) recommend one solution or course of action, or series of actions if using a combined solution as a recommended solution describe its implementation in as much detail as possible is strongly encouraged that you not limit your recommendations of possible technological tools and implementation techniques. Instead, draw on all of the possible and potential technological tools and techniques that you have read about throughout the five modules of this course. Many assumptions will be required to do this but that is okay. In fact, it is strongly encouraged. Just keep track of your assumptions and list them in point form at the end of your solution implementation narrative, under Assumptions, Presentations & Organization. Regarding the Case Study Format and Methodology, below are further details about each section and its weight. Remember to spend your word count (1,500 words) accordingly. For example, the Organization Background section is worth 1 mark (3% of your total case mark). If you spend 300 words on this section, you will not leave yourself enough word count to effectively address the other, more heavily weighted sections like Analyzing case data, which is worth 6 marks (20% of your total case mark). All this to say that you should concentrate your words, and efforts, on those areas that have the heavier weightings. Requirement Marks Organizational Background 1 Defining the issues 5 Analyzing case data 6 Decision criteria 2 Alternative analysis and evaluation 6 Action and implementation plan 3 Assumptions, presentation & organization 7 TOTAL 30