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Points to consider while selecting a topic for dissertation help

Points to consider while selecting a topic for dissertation help

Dissertation writing is a common requirement that is required to be fulfilled by each and every major a student pursuing higher degrees like PhD. It is a long piece of work that requires significant amount of effort and time in order to achieve success. It is therefore important to pay adequate importance while writing a dissertation. One of the most important area that needs attention is topic selection. The role of topic selection is significantly higher in achieving success in a dissertation. The important points that need to be considered while selecting a topic in writing a dissertation are briefly indicated as follows:

Topic Must Be Researchable

The first and the most important requirement that needs to be looked into while selecting a topic for dissertation is that it must be researchable. After reading the topic, it must present a question that can be researched well to get an appropriate answer to it. A researchable topic allows the researcher to do adequate amount of research work in order to find out something new. This type of topic selection which has good potential to do research work is likely to generate maximum marks to a student in dissertation.

Good to Select Topic that Provide New Findings

It is always good to do some research before selecting a research topic. A topic that is not extensively discussed by the past scholar, or a topic that will result into newer findings is likely to provide good potential to score best marks. Research work is carried out in order to find out something new that does not exist, or to know a topic in a better way. It is therefore important to always look for getting new findings from doing the research work, and topic selection should therefore be done in a way that satisfies this criterion.

Must Select Study Relayed Topic

Many times it is seen that student select topics that is no way related to the subject study. As for example, student is studying Human Resource Management and the topic selected is from accounting subject. These types of mistakes should always be avoided while selecting a research topic. The subject and the study should be considered as a basis while selecting a research topic. This will help in proving the exact learning gained by the students from undertaking the course, and provide the supervisors a good basis in awarding marks to the student.

Get it Approved from Supervisor Before Starting to Work

There can be several alternatives possible, and it is therefore important to get a topic approved by the lecturer before starting to work on it. Lecturers have good knowledge and experience and they can provide significant insight in improving the selected topic. It is therefore always a good decision to select an appropriate topic and get it approved from the Lecturer by way of doing a research proposal. Once the topic is approved by the lecturer, it is good to start working on it.

These are some of the basic points that need to be considered while selecting the topic in writing a dissertation. It is important to follow these points even if a dissertation help service is sought by the student.

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