Please read the article “‘I’ll Do My Own Research’: Why Americans Don’t Trust Experts Anymore” by Stephen Altrogge. The link is in Canvas,
COM 101
Research Proposal
(20 points, 750 words)
Students read an article and then generate a possible response to specific points made by the
writer. The student finds research to support that response. In an essay written for the
instructor, the student explains how a given piece of research will be used in the upcoming
research-based persuasive essay. The assignment engages comprehension, analysis, and
metacognition. The relevant course objectives are: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10.
The Task
Please read the article “‘I’ll Do My Own Research’: Why Americans Don’t Trust Experts
Anymore” by Stephen Altrogge. The link is in Canvas, but if it does not work, paste this link into
your browser:
Review the assignment sheet for the Research-based Persuasive Essay. This proposal lays the
groundwork for that paper. I am your audience for the Research Proposal. You can use the first
person. You need to identify what content from the article that you’ll be addressing, and you
need to have some idea of what you want to argue. It does not have to be absolutely for
certain, but you need some direction.
Find four sources and in a single discussion paragraph for each one, identify the source, briefly
explain its content, and discuss how and where you plan to use the data in the persuasive
essay. Do not utilize quotations.
Tell me what shall be the focus of your persuasive essay and what you opine. Briefly explain
your rationale and describe the types of information you will need to make your case. The
thesis should occupy a single, well-developed paragraph.
Each source (four total) should be identified by author or title and the relevant content
summarized. Explain how you plan to use the data in your essay. Do not simply state the
obvious, such as “I plan to use the article to support my claim.” Be more specific without using
quotations. Each source should be discussed in one paragraph.
Ask me questions and voice concerns about composing the upcoming research-based
persuasive essay. My comments shall focus on your questions. If you do not ask questions,
you’ll receive a C at 70%.
Works Cited
MLA format required.
Guard against:
Writing a rough draft of the upcoming persuasive essay. Doing so will result in a D at 65%