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Pertinent background and biographical info on the artist, band, or musical style. Mention any earlier groups or musical styles that may have

write the essay about the topic\

Suggested topics for the paper

-Analyzing lyrics about violence, racism, and Anti-Semitism in music

How to write a great paper: Online - Music Appreciation (AA) (2024 Fall Full Term - MUL1010-4)

How to write a great paper

To get a better idea of how to write a music paper successfully, please see the following guide (https://vpa.uncg.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/music-studies-guide-1.pdf) , as it provides a step by step instructions.

Your paper should be organized according to the following content guidelines (in this order): 1. Introduction: explain why you have selected this topic.

2. Pertinent background and biographical info on the artist, band, or musical style. Mention any earlier groups or musical styles that may have influenced the artist or style. Also, describe a musical evolution in the life of the artist or musical style. You can mention significant performances, albums, career milestones, personnel, and stylistic changes. However, the paper should focus on the artist/style/band's musical contribution, not on lists of albums and bands. Most importantly, the essay should not be biographical; I am mainly interested in the artist's music, not the artist itself.

3. Discuss the musical significance of the artist or style and how you feel their music extends the development of music as discussed in class. What is innovative about the artist’s music or style?

4. Analysis of one song or composition that best demonstrates what makes this artist unique, using the analytical methods and musical terminology we use in class, e.g., textures, rhythms, style, tempo, etc. You may quote song lyrics if it helps your case. Your analysis should back up and clarify any claims you made in the previous section.

5. Brief conclusion.

Your paper should cite five peer-reviewed sources. Two or three print sources (or E-versions found in the library: books, magazines, periodicals, etc. but not general encyclopedias or textbooks) and two or three online sources (other than Wikipedia). These and any additional sources you use (such as CD liner notes, artist interviews, videos or documentaries, etc.) should be appropriately cited within your text in MLA or Chicago format and included in a separate “Works Cited” page as part of your paper.

You must bring your final draft to the Student Writing Center at your local campus. They will help you with the mechanics and content of the paper.

This assignment is worth a total of 100 points (20% of your final grade), which will be broken

down as follows:

   https://palmbeachstate.instructure.com/courses/2265794/pages/how-to-write-a-great-paper?module_item_id=109512837 1/2

9/9/24, 10:11 PM How to write a great paper: Online - Music Appreciation (AA) (2024 Fall Full Term - MUL1010-4)

• 70 points for substance, the organization of information, and adherence to content guidelines (#’s 1-5 above).

• 30 points for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and proper Chicago/MLA citation format.

Examples of Turabian/Chicago citations are available at:

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/ (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/) https://palmbeachstate.libguides.com/c.php?g=953507&p=6879435


Examples of MLA citations are available at:

MLA Guide (https://palmbeachstate.libguides.com/mla)

       MLA 9th Workshop