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PC1201: In the following figure the rope and the pulleys are of negligible mass and friction is negligible: Fundamental of Physics Assignment, NUS

  1. In the following figure the rope and the pulleys are of negligible mass and friction is negligible. Calculate the tension in the rope and the acceleration of the 10-kg block.PC1201 Fundamental of Physics
  2. A 1.0 kg wood block is pressed against a vertical wood wall by 12 N force as shown in the figure. If the block is initially at rest, will it move upward, move downward, or stay at rest if 0.42 k  and 0.5? s  Justify your answer.
    PC1201 Fundamental of Physics
  3. A rocket is launched straight up with constant acceleration. Five seconds after the liftoff, a bolt falls off the side of the rocket. The bolt hits the ground 10.0 s later. What is the rocket’s acceleration?
  4. A good quarterback can throw a football at 27 m/s. If we assume that the ball is caught at the same height from which it is thrown, and if we ignore air resistance, what is the maximum range of a pass at this speed? What is the time duration for the ball to remain in the air before it is caught?
  5. In 1780, in what is now referred to as “Brady’s Leap”, Captain Sam Brady of the U.S. Continental Army escaped certain death from his enemies by running horizontally off the edge of the cliff above Ohio’s Cuyahoga River, which is confined at that spot to a gorge. He landed safely on the far side of the river, and it was reported that he leaped 6.6 m across the river while falling 6 m down the cliff.
    PC1201 Fundamental of Physics
    (i) What is the minimum speed with which he would need to run off the edge of the cliff to make it safely to the far side of the river?
    (ii) The world-record time for the 100 m dash is approximately 10 s. Given this, is it reasonable to expect Brady to be able to run fast enough to achieve Brady’s leap?
  6. A tennis player hits a ball at 2.0 m above the ground. The ball leaves his racket at a speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 5.0° above the horizontal. The horizontal distance to the net is 7.0 m, and the net is 1.0 m high. Does the ball clear the net? If so, by how much? If not, how much does it miss?

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