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Part 2 - From this, create a separate Excel Spreadsheet that is a RACI chart - List at least 20 of the high-level summary tasks and then across the top all the key resources (at least 10). Put an R, A, C, I in the

Part 1 - Using the Microsoft Project files that you updated for Assignment Module 4, add resources to your project using the resources sheet. Please define all type of resources including Work, Material and Cost. At a minimum, complete the following fields for each human resource: Resource Name, Type, Initials, Max, Std. Rate, Base (Calendar). You can choose to use role names or birth names. For other resource types, complete Cost/Use. Once the resources have been added to the project file, assign those resources to the tasks that you defined in the project schedule. Multiple resources can be assigned to the same task. Resources should not be assigned to summary level tasks.

Part 2 - From this, create a separate Excel Spreadsheet that is a RACI chart - List at least 20 of the high-level summary tasks and then across the top all the key resources (at least 10). Put an R, A, C, I in the spreadsheet for each of the roles - leave blank those roles that have nothing to do with the activity. Use RACI or Responsible, Accountable (Decision maker, taking actions, Approver), Must Be Consulted, Informed only. Embed RACI Chart in your PMP.

Part 3 -Complete section 5 of the Project Management Plan Template.

Submit your PMP (with RACI Chart) and MS Project (mpp and pdf) file of your project with resource assignments.