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Part 1. `Reading` the Landscape  This part of the assessment is about getting ‘inside’ the literature and your own and others` lived experiences

The requirement of the assignment as below :-

part 1 of this assignment as a PDF document (A4, single spaced, 12 pt font, with all group members names clearly identified) – using a series of subheadings to denote the different tasks and your collective responses,part 2 as an mp3 file,part 3 as the last page on the PDF document submitted for part 1.

Select an ‘-ism’ or social ‘phobia’ (e.g. sizeism, sexism, classism, homophobia, cisgenderism/transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, motor elitism, etc) that is evident in health and physical education (HPE) as you have observed or experienced in primary/kura tuatahi in Aotearoa NZ. Please note that racism and ‘diagnosed conditions’ (such as Autism, ADHD) cannot be selected. Having selected a `ism` or social `phobia` complete the following tasks.

Part 1. `Reading` the Landscape 

This part of the assessment is about getting ‘inside’ the literature and your own and others` lived experiences of learning, (in)equity, diversity, and inclusion in education settings and demonstrating your understanding of who is taught what. Focussing on your selected `­ism`, social `phobia` you need to:

detail how this `-ism` or social `phobia` is defined in the literature, using multiple academic sources,identify what factors contribute to this `-ism` or social `phobia` playing out in education settings in Aotearoa (considering the broader social context, history, politics, …..),outline what the literature indicates are the key impacts (short and long term) for the `marginalised` students when this `-ism`, social `phobia` is evident in education settings,describe the effects of the hidden curriculum for learners when this this `-ism` or social `phobia` is evident in education settings (who learns what),in a brief paragraph, identify 2 to 3 pedagogical actions that you could take as an educator to respond appropriately to this ‘-ism’ or social ‘phobia’.

This should not take the form of an essay, and instead should be presented under subheadings linked to each bullet.

Part 2 – This Part 2 is doing by another student because it is a group assignment so expert should not do this.

Part 3. Being the change you want to see in the world 

Legislation and policies set out requirements and guidance to inform how educators uphold and operationalise rights and responsibilities in education that contribute to social good and the equitable delivery of education. With reference to the Education Act (Legislation) and the National Education and Learning Priorities (Policy), in no more than 1000 words:

Detail specific aspects the named legislations and policy as they relate to diversity,Describe what the legislation and policies expect educational institutions (not individual teachers) to enact as they work toward ‘social good’ and or ‘elimination’ of `­isms` or social `phobias’,Describe how legislation and policy provide challenges and opportunities to you as future educators responsible for meeting the needs of all learners.Provide a short critique of how these polices and legislation support the adoption and enactment of an intersectional perspective