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Overview For this assignment, you will draw on the work you did in previous assignments: Analyze a theory of human behavior and integrate all you have

For this assignment, you will draw on the work you did in previous assignments: Analyze a theory of human behavior and integrate all you have learned into a clear and concise application of theory to your chosen case study, building on what you have used in the Weeks 5 and 7 assignments. As with all assignments, it is vital to support the application of your chosen theory with scholarly research in the Capella University Library.

By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and practice behaviors:

C4.GP.B Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for
use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work.
C6.GP.A Apply knowledge of human behavior and person-in-environment, as well as interprofessional conceptual
frameworks, to engage with clients and constituencies.
C7.GP.A Apply theories of human behavior and person-in-environment, as well as other culturally responsive and
interprofessional conceptual frameworks, when assessing clients and constituencies.
C8.GP.B Incorporate culturally responsive methods to negotiate, mediate, and advocate with and on behalf of clients
and constituencies.
C9.GP.A Select and use culturally responsive methods for evaluation of outcomes.
First, review the following Capella multimedia:

Case Study Treatment Plan.
Make notes about the case you selected that you think applicable to this assignment.

After you have reviewed the Case Study Treatment Plan multimedia activity, compose a paper (6-8 pages) that includes the following. Visit the Social Work Masters Program (MSW) Library GuideLinks to an external site. for help researching scholarly sources.

Introduce the client.
Describe the client’s demographic information and intersectionality (gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class, etc.)
Develop a statement of the presenting problem.
Research: Apply key components of a human behavior theory to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study.
Examples of human behavior theory include psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, feminist, etc.
Explain how the theory is applicable to the chosen case by describing at least one of the theory’s implications related to human behavior and development.
Assess: Assess the client from a developmental perspective and a person-in-environment perspective.
Apply at least one adult development theory to the assessment.
Examples of developmental theories include Peck, Levinson, Kohlberg, Gilligan, Maslow, Erikson.
Apply a person-in-environment perspective to the assessment.
Systems to consider include family, friends, work, social services, politics, religion, goods and services, and educational systems.
What systems provide the client with support?
What systems may be hindering the client?
Include the client’s intersectionality in your assessment.
Assess the client’s strengths and limitations.
Cite academic resources to support your assessment.
Intervene: Discuss a theory-based intervention plan for this client, including two short-term and two long-term goals.
Apply a human behavior theory to justify the intervention.
Examples of human behavior theory include psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, feminist et cetera.
Use scholarly research to support application of the theory.
Apply ecosystems theory to justify the intervention.
Use scholarly research to support application of the theory.
Discuss how the intervention plan addresses diversity.
Evaluate: Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the chosen human behavior theory.
Evaluate the cultural competence of the human behavior theory you selected for the Week 5 assignment, Theory Identification and Analysis.
Explain why the human behavior theory you selected is more effective than another human behavior theory of your choice.
Engage: Discuss how the chosen human behavior theory is most applicable to social work practice.
Contextualize your discussion within practice that engages with individuals, families, and communities.
Compare and contrast the theory you chose with one other theory to justify your choice.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Use Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for guidance in citing sources in proper APA style. See the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for more APA resources specific to your degree level.
Cited resources: A minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Length of paper: A minimum of six double-spaced pages (not including references list).
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Due date: Submit your assignment by Sunday at the end of this week.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work. (C4.GP.B)
Apply key components of a human behavior theory to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study. (C4.GP.B)
Competency 2: Apply knowledge of human behavior and person-in-environment, as well as interprofessional conceptual frameworks, to engage with clients and constituencies. (C6.GP.A)
Discuss how the chosen human behavior theory is most applicable to social work practice. (C6.GP.A)
Competency 3: Apply theories of human behavior and person-in-environment, as well as other culturally responsive and interprofessional conceptual frameworks, when assessing clients and constituencies. (C7.GP.A)
Introduce the client, including a description of the client’s demographic information and intersectionality. (C7.GP.B)
Assess the client from a developmental perspective and a person-in-environment perspective. (C7.GP.B)
Competency 4: Incorporate culturally responsive methods to negotiate, mediate, and advocate with and on behalf of clients and constituencies. (C8.GP.B)
Discuss a theory-based intervention plan for this client, including two short-term and two long-term goals. (C8.GP.B)
Competency 5: Select and use culturally responsive methods for evaluation of outcomes. (C9.GP.A)
Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the chosen human behavior theory. (C9.GP.B)
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
View RubricIntegrating the Theory Into Professional PracticeIntegrating the Theory Into Professional PracticeCriteriaRatingsPtsIntroduce the client, including a description of the client’s demographic information and intersectionality. (C7.GP.B)view longer description26 to >22.1 ptsDISTINGUISHEDIntroduces the client, including a description of the client’s demographic information and intersectionality, as well as a statement of the presenting problem.22.1 to >18.2 ptsPROFICIENTIntroduces the client, including a description of the client’s demographic information and intersectionality.18.2 to >0 ptsBASICIdentifies the client.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify the client./ 26 ptsApply key components of a human behavior theory to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study. (C4.GP.B)view longer description26 to >22.1 ptsDISTINGUISHEDApplies key components of a human behavior theory to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study, and explains how the theory is applicable to the chosen case by describing at least one of the theory’s implications related to human behavior and development.22.1 to >18.2 ptsPROFICIENTApplies key components of a human behavior theory to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study.18.2 to >0 ptsBASICIdentifies key components of a human behavior theory applicable to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify key components of a human behavior theory applicable to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of the chosen case study./ 26 ptsAssess the client from a developmental perspective and a person-in-environment perspective. (C7.GP.B)view longer description28 to >23.8 ptsDISTINGUISHEDAssesses the client from a developmental perspective and a person-in-environment perspective, and cites academic sources to support the assessment.23.8 to >19.6 ptsPROFICIENTAssesses the client from a developmental perspective and a person-in-environment perspective.19.6 to >0 ptsBASICAssesses the client from a developmental perspective or a person-in-environment perspective.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not assess the client from a developmental perspective or a person-in-environment perspective./ 28 ptsDiscuss a theory-based intervention plan for this client, including two short-term and two long-term goals. (C8.GP.B)view longer description26 to >22.1 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDiscusses a theory-based intervention plan for this client, including two short-term and two long-term goals, and discusses how the intervention plan addresses diversity.22.1 to >18.2 ptsPROFICIENTDiscusses a theory-based intervention plan for this client, including two short-term and two long-term goals.18.2 to >0 ptsBASICDiscusses a theory-based intervention plan for this client.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not discuss a theory-based intervention plan for this client./ 26 ptsEvaluate the strengths and limitations of the chosen human behavior theory. (C9.GP.B)view longer description28 to >23.8 ptsDISTINGUISHEDEvaluates the strengths and limitations of the chosen human behavior theory, and explains why the chosen human behavior theory is more effective than another specific human behavior theory.23.8 to >19.6 ptsPROFICIENTEvaluates the strengths and limitations of the chosen human behavior theory.19.6 to >0 ptsBASICDescribes the strengths or limitations of the chosen human behavior theory.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not describe the strengths or limitations of the chosen human behavior theory./ 28 ptsDiscuss how the chosen human behavior theory is most applicable to social work practice. (C6.GP.A)view longer description26 to >22.1 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDiscusses how the chosen human behavior theory is most applicable to social work practice, and justifies the choice of theory by comparing and contrasting it with one other specific theory.22.1 to >18.2 ptsPROFICIENTDiscusses how the chosen human behavior theory is most applicable to social work practice.18.2 to >0 ptsBASICIndicates how the chosen human behavior theory is applicable to social work practice.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not indicate how the chosen human behavior theory is applicable to social work practice./ 26 ptsCreate clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.view longer description20 to >17 ptsDISTINGUISHEDCreates a document that is clearly written, well organized, and completely free of grammatical errors.17 to >14 ptsPROFICIENTCreates clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.14 to >0 ptsBASICCreates a document that is not clearly written or contains frequent errors.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCECreates a document that is not clearly written and contains frequent errors./ 20 ptsFollow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.view longer description20 to >17 ptsDISTINGUISHEDFollows APA formatting guidelines for resources and citations without errors.17 to >14 ptsPROFICIENTFollows APA formatting guidelines for resources and citations.14 to >0 ptsBASICFollows APA formatting guidelines for resources and citations, but with errors.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not follow APA formatting guidelines for resources and citations./ 20 pts