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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior
All in One Solved MCQs

  1. The belief that “discrimination is wrong” is a value statement. Such an opinion is the_____ component of an attitude.

Ref: The belief that “discrimination is wrong” is an example of the cognitive component of anattitude.

  1. Leon Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance would be determinedby all of the following EXCEPT _____.

the importance of the elements creating the dissonance.
the degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements. the rewards that may be involved in dissonance.
the extent to which attitudes are widely held by society.
Ref: According to Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance, the desire to reducedissonance would be determined by the importance of the elements creating the dissonance, thedegree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements, and the rewards thatmay be involved in dissonance

  1. If attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, individuals will most likely _____.

change their behavior change their attitudes
Page No.2/713 change either their attitudes or behavior Ref: When experiencing cognitive dissonance, one can change the behavior, change the attitude,or decide that the behavior is not important after all.
4) _____ describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from an evaluation of itscharacteristics.
engagement involvement
Ref: Job satisfaction describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from an evaluation ofits characteristics.
5) Job _____ measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his
orher job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self-worth.
commitment satisfaction
Ref: Job involvement measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with hisor her job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self­worth.Employees with a high level of job involvement strongly identify with and really care about thekind of work that they do.

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6) _____ commitment refers to an employee’s obligation to remain with an organization formoral or ethical reasons. Affective
Continuance Theoretical
Ref: Normative commitment refers to an employee’s obligation to remain with an organizationfor moral or ethical reasons. For example, an employee who is spearheading a new initiativemight remain with an employer because he feels it would negatively impact his employer if heleft.
7) _____ refers to an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm forthe work she does.
Employee engagement
Normative commitment Cognitive support
Job enrichment
Ref: Employee engagement refers to an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, andenthusiasm for the work she does. A recent study of nearly 8,000 business units in 36 companiesfound that business units whose employees had high-average levels of engagement had higherlevels of customer satisfaction, were more productive, had higher profits, and had lower levels ofturnover and accidents.
8) People with positive _____ believe in their inner worth and basic competence. Locus of control

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Self-monitoring behavior
Core self-evaluations
Levels of enrichment
Ref: People with positive core self-evaluations believe in their inner worth and basiccompetence. They are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self evaluations.

  1. Quietly continuing to do your work, even though you’re dissatisfied, is an example of_____ response to dissatisfaction.

exit voice
Ref: Loyalty is passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, including speakingup for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and itsmanagement to “do the right thing”.

  1. Steve is unhappy with his job. He takes every possible vacation and sick day andsometimes shows up for work late. He is expressing his dissatisfaction with a _____response.

Ref: Neglect is passively allowing conditions to worsen, including chronic absenteeism orlateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate.

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  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of physical ability?

Ref: Nine basic physical abilities are dynamic strength, trunk strength, static strength, explosivestrength, extent flexibility, dynamic flexibility, body coordination, balance, and stamina.

  1. The relationship between _____ and job performance is likely to be an issue of growingimportance during the next decade.

gender marital status
Ref: The relationship between age and job performance is likely to be an issue of increasingimportance during the next decade. Workers 55 and older are currently the fastest-growing sectorof the labor force. In addition, federal legislation has outlawed mandatory retirement at the ageof 70.

  1. According to your text, which is the most likely explanation for the higher absentee ratefor women?

Women tend to have more illnesses that keep them from work than do men. Traditionally, women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family. Women tend to be less satisfied with their jobs than men and are consequently absentmore often.
Women generally have jobs for which a temporary replacement can be hired so absencesare more permissible.

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Ref: Most research on women’s absenteeism rates has been conducted in North America andNorth American culture has historically placed home responsibilities with women. Traditionally,women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family.

  1. _____ is the learning concept of reinforcing closer and closer approximations to thedesired new behavior.

Classical conditioning Social learning Ref: We shape behavior by systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves theindividual closer to the desired response.
15) An example of _____ is when an employee receives a one-week suspension from workand is fined $200 for stealing company property.
negative reinforcement
Ref: Punishment is causing an unpleasant condition in an attempt to eliminate an undesirablebehavior.

  1. Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called _____.

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negative reinforcement
positive reinforcement
Ref: Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior is called extinction. When abehavior is not reinforced, it tends to gradually be extinguished.

  1. All of the following are TRUE about both positive and negative reinforcement EXCEPT:

Both positive and negative reinforcement result in learning.
Both positive and negative reinforcement strengthen a response.

Both positive and negative reinforcement tend to weaken behavior and decrease itsubsequent frequency. Both positive and negative reinforcement increase the probability of repetition.
Ref: Positive and negative reinforcement result in learning, strengthening aresponse and increasing the probability of repetition, while punishment and extinction weakenbehavior and tend to decrease its subsequent frequency.

  1. A slot machine is an example of _____ reinforcement. negative

continuous fixed-ratio
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Ref: In an intermittent schedule, not every instance of the desirable behavior is reinforced, butreinforcement is given often enough to make the behavior worth repeating. Evidence indicatesthat the intermittent, or varied, form of reinforcement tends to promote more resistance toextinction than does the continuous form.

  1. For a salesperson who is paid commission, reinforcement occurs on a _____ schedule.

Ref: When the reward varies relative to the behavior of the individual, he or she is reinforced ona variable-ratio schedule. Salespeople on commission are examples of individuals on such areinforcement schedule, as the reward is variable in relation to the number of successful calls thesalesperson makes.

  1. The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting is referred toas _____.

classical conditioning self-management
behavior modification
Ref: Behavior modification applies reinforcement concepts to individuals in organizations andhas become more popularly called OB Mod. It represents the application of reinforcementconcepts to individuals in the work setting.
21) The four management functions include all of the following EXCEPT _____.
controlling planning
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Ref: Fayol’s functions of management have been condensed down to four: planning, organizing,leading, and controlling.

  1. _____ studies behavior as it relates to concerns such as absenteeism, turnover,productivity, and performance.

Psychology Kinetics
Organizational behavior
Ref: Organizational behavior is a field of study that applies knowledge about individuals,groups, and structure to make organizations work more effectively.

  1. According to the text, the best approach for obtaining knowledge about human behavioris_____.

using common sense
an observational approach a theoretical approach
a systematic approach
Ref: You can improve your predictive ability by replacing your intuitive opinions with amore systematic approach.

  1. What behavioral science discipline has made the MOST significant contributions tounderstanding individual behavior?

Social psychology
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Ref: Psychology is the science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change thebehavior of humans and other animals. Psychology’s contributions have been mainly at theindividual or micro level of analysis, while social psychology, sociology, anthropology, andpolitical science have contributed to our understanding of macro concepts such as groupprocesses and organization.

  1. _____ has helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, andbehavior between people in different countries.

Social psychology Political science
Ref: Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.Much of our understanding of organizational culture, organizational environments, anddifferences between national cultures is the result of the work of anthropologists or those usingtheir methodologies.

  1. _____ means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender,race, and ethnicity.

Workforce diversity
Affirmative action
Organizational culture
Ref: workforce diversityaddresses differences among people within given countries.27) The
_____ assumption assumes that people who are different will want to assimilate.

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workplace diversity
Ref: The melting-pot assumption is being replaced by one that recognizes and values diversity.However, this is being replaced by a set of beliefs that recognize and value diversity.

  1. Which of the following groups will NOT increase as a percentage of the workforce?

Hispanic men and women black women
white males
Asian men and women
Ref: By 2050, Hispanics will grow from 11% of the workforce to 24%. The percentage of theworkforce that is black will increase from 12 to 14 percent and the percentage that is Asian willincrease from 5 to 1 percent. White males, who once dominated the workforce, will become aminority.

  1. A(n) _____is a situation in which an employee must define right and wrong conduct. problem

ethical dilemma
argument principle