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Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment

Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment

Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment

Preparing the presentation

·  Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™ to create the PowerPoint presentation.

·  Length: The PowerPoint presentation should be no more than 8-10 total slides (excluding title and reference slides).

·  Speaker notes should be used and include in-text citations when applicable.


see attachment

  • attachment



    Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are written to provide recommendations that are intended to assist providers in making decisions for specific circumstances or disease conditions.  CPGs are based on systematic reviews of the best available evidenced based medicine research.   Interpreting and learning to apply guidelines into practice is necessary to develop and enhance diagnostic reasoning skills.  Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment

    Activity Learning Outcomes

    Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

    Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

    1. Read and interpret a primary care related CPG for use in practice. (CO 3)

    2. Identify the CPG recommendations and strength of evidence. (CO 3)

    3. Compare and contrast the diagnosis and treatment of a patient seen in the clinical setting to the recommendations given in the CPG. (CO 3)

    Due Date: 

    Students will be RANDOMLY assigned a CPG on a disease topic by their instructor.  Students will post a brief, narrated, PowerPoint presentation along with a copy of their CPG and a written transcript of their presentation. This will allow others to view their peer’s presentation in order to provide an evaluation before Sunday.    Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment


    1. Students will RANDOMLY be assigned a CPG on a disease topic.

    · CPG: Whelton, P., Carey, R., Aronow, W. et al. ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA. (2018). Guidelines for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Executive Summary: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Hypertension, 71, 1269-1324.

    · Disease Topic: Hypertension

    2. Students will provide a brief, narrated PowerPoint presentation following the directions and rubric listed below.

    3. In addition to the presentation, students will provide a written transcript to the assignment box for the instructor’s reference. (NOTE:  A written transcript is a word for word script of exactly what is said in the PowerPoint Narration. It is not a paper and does not need to be in APA format.  See the transcripts under each lecture in the weekly lessons for examples).

    4. Application in your clinicals:

    · Patient is a 71 year old male with PMH of HTN, HLD, BPH, prostate cancer seen for lab result follow up.  Non compliant with BP journal. Yesterday woke up feeling dizzy, asymptomatic today. Used to follow a diet low in carbs and fat, as well as Zumba classes at the gym. But stopped and has gained weight. Plan: Hepatic steatosis: strongly recommended to start a diet low in fat. Weight loss is the recommended treatment to prevent progression to liver failure. HTN: uncontrolled. Asymptomatic today. Continuous start in 100mg in the AM and start norvasc 5mg at bedtime. Consult Sleep Medicine to r/o OSA. DASH diet and exercise. F/U in 2 weeks. If BP >1160/100 and having signs and symptoms such as: chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, fainting, slurred speech, facial a symmetry, weakness, headache, vomiting, visual changes, numbness and tingling, decreased urinary output, go to nearest ER.  Mixed HLD: Uncontrolled. Continue Tricor and add Lipitor 10mg qhs. DASH diet, exercise and weight loss period repeat lipid panel in three months  Hyperglycemia: check hgA1C. to prevent progression to diabetes, please start a low carb/sugar diet. exercise for 30 minutes today , five times a week.  Decreased GFR: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, avoid NSAIDs. Recheck CMP  Orders: Lipid panel basic, HGB A1C, CMP , Lipitor 10mg tablet once a day, Norvasc 5mg tablet at bedtime Follow up in about 2 weeks with PCP. Nursing Presentation Paper Assignment

    Preparing the presentation:

    The presentation should be developed using the following guidelines:

    · All presentations must be in PowerPoint format

    · Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to read.

    · The presentation should be no more than 15min.

    · Submit a written transcript of your presentation (see definition above) Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling should be observed in all slides.

    · A reference slide should be included as the final slide and APA format should be observed.


    Category Points % Description
    Disease & Background 15 15% Identify the disease condition and give a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the U.S.  Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease and typical clinical presentation seen in patients with the condition.
    Publication & Applicability in Primary Care 15 15% Identify the author, organization or group that developed the CPG along with the year of the original guideline publication.   Discuss why the CPG is applicable in the primary care setting.
    Key Action statements and Body of Evidence 30 30% Provide each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements” up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations.  Identify the evidence strength for each recommendation.  If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones.
    Application in your Clinical Rotation 30 30% Using an example of a patient from your clinical rotation with the same condition, discuss how the diagnosis and treatment of your patient compared to the recommendations given in the guidelines.
      90 90% Total CONTENT Points= ______ out of 90 points
    Category Points % Description
    Presentation Quality 10 10% PowerPoint and Kaltura are used for the presentation.  Slides are well organized and aesthetically pleasing.  Student’s narration is understandable and well-paced.  Written transcript provided. References are cited.
      10 10% Total FORMAT Points= ______ out of 10 points
          ASSIGNMENT TOTAL= _______ of 100 points






    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content Possible Points = 90 Points

    Disease & Background The student:  1. Identifies the disease condition 2. Gives a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the US 3. The student briefly summarizes the disease pathophysiology 4. Identifies the typical clinical presentation seen in a patient with the disease (4 critical elements)

    15 pts


    All 4 critical elements are present and complete

    14 pts

    V. Good

    All 4 critical elements are present but some information may be only partially addressed or inaccurate

    12 pts


    3 critical elements are present

    8 pts

    Needs Improvement

    2 critical elements are present

    0 pts


    1 or less critical elements are present


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicability in Primary Care

    The student:  1. Identifies the author, organization or group that developed the CPG 2. Student denotes the year of the original guideline publication 3. Student identifies any subsequent revisions (student’s reference should be the most recent version), and  4. Student discusses the applicability for use of this CPG in the primary care setting  (4 critical elements)

    15 pts


    All 4 critical elements are present and complete

    14 pts

    V. Good

    All 4 critical elements are present but some information may be only partially addressed or inaccurate

    12 pts


    3 critical elements are present

    8 pts

    Needs Improvement

    2 critical elements are present

    0 pts


    1 or less critical elements are present


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Action Statements & Body of Evidence

    The student:  1. Provides each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements” up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations 2. Provides the body of evidence strength for each, and  3. If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones (3 critical elements)

    30 pts


    All 3 critical elements are present and complete

    27 pts

    V. Good

    3 critical elements are addressed but some information may be only partially addressed, or not completely accurate

    25 pts


    2 critical elements are present

    15 pts

    Needs Improvement

    1 critical element is present

    0 pts


    0 critical elements are present


    30 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication in Clinical

    1. Using an example of a patient from their clinical rotation with the same condition 2. Student discusses how the diagnosis and treatment of their patient compared to the recommendations given in the guidelines 3. Specific examples of what was done well or what could have been done better is noted  (3 critical elements)

    30 pts


    All 3 critical elements are present and complete

    27 pts

    V. Good

    3 critical elements are present, but some information may only be partially addressed

    25 pts


    2 critical elements are present

    15 pts

    Needs Improvement

    1 critical element is present

    0 pts


    0 critical elements are present


    30 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format Possible Points = 10 Points

    Presentation 1. The student used PowerPoint and Kaltura & presentation was professional in quality 2. Slides were well organized and aesthetically pleasing 3. Student’s narration was understandable and well-paced 4. References were noted 5. Presentation was under15min in length (5 critical elements)

    10 pts


    All 5 critical elements are present

    9 pts

    V. Good

    4 critical elements are present

    8 pts


    3 critical elements are present

    5 pts

    Needs Improvement

    2 critical elements are present

    0 pts


    1 or less critical elements are present


    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductions

    Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

    0 pts

    Manual Deductions

    0 pts

    Manual Deductions


    0 pts
    Total Points: 100

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