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NURS 6512n Week 3 – Digital Clinical Experience Orientation – Patient: Tina Jones

Open Text QuestionActivity Time: 3 min

Please describe what you look forward to most in your upcoming activities within the DCE.

Student Response: I look forward to completing a head-to-toe assessment and communicating with the patient.  

Model Note: There are many opportunities to learn and practice your clinical skills within the DCE, and we hope you are looking forward to all of them!


Started: May 22, 2022 | Total Time: 104 min
Hello my name is xx . I’m here to interview and examine you

03/12/23 8:13 PM EDT

how are you today?

03/12/23 8:13 PM EDT

Not so great… My foot really hurts right now.
Tell me what’s going on ?

03/12/23 8:14 PM EDT

I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!
on a scale of 0 to 10 how can you rate your pain? (Clarified to On a scale of 0-10 how would you rate the pain in your right foot?.)

03/12/23 8:15 PM EDT

I’d say a 7. It hurts a lot, and the pain pills haven’t kicked in yet. (Clarified to how I would rate my foot pain on a scale.)
how long has this being going on?

03/12/23 8:16 PM EDT

Well, I got the scrape a week ago, but the scrape and the pain got a lot worse in the last few days.
How does this happen?

03/12/23 8:17 PM EDT

I was going down the back steps, and I tripped. . . I caught the railing, but I guess I kind of turned my ankle a little bit. And I scraped up my foot on the edge of the step.
What have you been using on the your foot (Clarified to What have you been doing for the scrape?.)

03/12/23 8:18 PM EDT

I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. And I put Neosporin on it. (Clarified to what I have been doing for the scrape.)
Are you taking anything for the pain ?

03/12/23 8:19 PM EDT

Yeah, I had to start taking pain medication.
what pain medication are you taking?

03/12/23 8:19 PM EDT

It’s called tramadol.
besides the medication what else do you do to manage your pain?

03/12/23 8:21 PM EDT

I just watch what I eat and try to stay away from sweets.
Tell me more about you medical history?

03/12/23 8:21 PM EDT

I’ve had asthma since I was little, and I have sugar diabetes, too.
How long have you been diabetic

03/12/23 8:22 PM EDT

I was diagnosed when I was 24.
what medications are you taking for your diabetes

03/12/23 8:22 PM EDT

I don’t take medicine for it anymore.
I’m sorry you have to go through this pain but will see how i can help you feel better

03/12/23 8:24 PM EDT

you welcome (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:24 PM EDT

you are welcome (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:24 PM EDT

are you able to move you foot

03/12/23 8:25 PM EDT

Um, my ankle’s starting to hurt when I move it.
have you had any x-ray of you ankle

03/12/23 8:25 PM EDT

Yeah, they did.
what was the result (Clarified to Do you know what the X-ray of your injured foot showed?.)

03/12/23 8:26 PM EDT

The x-ray was normal. Nothing broken. (Clarified to what the foot xray showed.)
great (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:26 PM EDT

are you have fever

03/12/23 8:27 PM EDT

I don’t feel feverish right now, but last night I had a high temperature.
what was your temperature last night

03/12/23 8:27 PM EDT

Last night it got up to 102.
did you take any medication for your fever

03/12/23 8:28 PM EDT

I really didn’t do much for it at home.
have you noticed any discharge on your wound (Clarified to Does your scrape have pus?.)

03/12/23 8:28 PM EDT

Yeah, there’s definitely pus. (Clarified to if my scrape has pus.)
how often do you change your wound dress a day (Clarified to How often do you change your bandage?.)

03/12/23 8:29 PM EDT

Every morning and night. I was keeping an eye on it. (Clarified to how often I change my bandage.)
whats the color of the drainage

03/12/23 8:30 PM EDT

It’s… white or maybe off-white.
ok (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:30 PM EDT

have you taken any antibiotic for your wound

03/12/23 8:34 PM EDT

No, the ER only prescribed the pain meds.
are you experiencing pain anywhere else besides your ankle (Clarified to Do you have pain elsewhere than your foot?.)

03/12/23 8:35 PM EDT

The pain’s worse in my foot, but I feel it moving up into my ankle, too. (Clarified to if I have pain elsewhere than my foot.)
are you able to wiggle your toes?

03/12/23 8:36 PM EDT

I guess I can wiggle my toes a little, but it really hurts a lot to move my foot any.
is you foot warm or cool to touch

03/12/23 8:36 PM EDT

Yeah, it feels pretty warm.
describe your pain

03/12/23 8:37 PM EDT

It’s throbbing and like, sharp if I try to put weight on it.
what other conditions have you been diagnosed with (Clarified to What is your past medical history?.)

03/12/23 8:39 PM EDT

I’ve had asthma since I was little, and I have sugar diabetes, too. (Clarified to what health problems I have had.)
does the pain wake you up at night

03/12/23 8:41 PM EDT

I feel the pain at night, but I have been able to get to sleep.
do your pain keep you from participate in activities or things you enjoy

03/12/23 8:42 PM EDT

Well, with my church friends, we do Bible study or we have a meal. With my other friends, I’ll go over to one of their houses to watch our shows or just hang out. And on the weekends, we’ll go out to a bar or go dancing.
How has the pain making you feel about yourself (Clarified to How do you feel about your appearance?.)

03/12/23 8:44 PM EDT

I am who I am, you know? I don’t like stressing out about what I look like or anything like that. (Clarified to how I feel about my appearance.)
are you still able to get out and socialize like you usually do (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:46 PM EDT

have your family and friends been helpful (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:47 PM EDT

keep the bandages dry between change

03/12/23 8:50 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
clean wound wound with a soapy washcloth. you may do this in the shower (Clarified to How are you cleaning the wound?.)

03/12/23 8:51 PM EDT

Since it happened, I’ve been washing it with soap and water, and if it seemed irritated, I would put some peroxide on there and then rinse it off. (Clarified to how I am cleaning the wound.)
wash wound with soapy washcloth (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:52 PM EDT

are you allergic to any medications

03/12/23 8:53 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
Are you allergic to any medication?

03/12/23 8:53 PM EDT

Yeah, I’m allergic to penicillin.
any food allergies

03/12/23 8:54 PM EDT

Nope, no food allergies that I know of.
are you allergic to latex

03/12/23 8:54 PM EDT

what pharmacy do you use

03/12/23 8:55 PM EDT

I always fill my inhaler prescription at the pharmacy near Mom’s house.
do you know the name of the pharmacy (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:55 PM EDT

what pharmacy do you get your medications from?

03/12/23 8:56 PM EDT

I always fill my inhaler prescription at the pharmacy near Mom’s house.
I want you to wash your wound with soapy water

03/12/23 8:59 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
dry wound gently with clean towel (No matching questions found.)

03/12/23 8:59 PM EDT

dry wound gently with clean towel

03/12/23 9:00 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
apply antibiotic ointment to wound

03/12/23 9:00 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
apply a dry clean bange

03/12/23 9:01 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
do wound care twice a day

03/12/23 9:02 PM EDT

I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. And I put Neosporin on it.
take your medications , monitor your temperature , eat a balance meal, drink lots of fluids and plenty of rest

03/12/23 9:04 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
lets talk about your diabetes (Clarified to Tell me more about your diabetes..)

03/12/23 9:05 PM EDT

I don’t think there’s a lot to say about it . . . it seems pretty under control, and it’s just type 2 anyway. (Clarified to to tell you about my diabetes.)
when was the last time you had a asthma attack

03/12/23 9:09 PM EDT

It’s really rare for me to have an attack now. Three days ago I had some breathing problems, but I guess probably my last full attack was in high school.
what did you take when you had the breathing problem (Clarified to Can you describe your breathing problems?.)

03/12/23 9:09 PM EDT

When my asthma acts up, I feel like my chest is tight, like I can’t really take in air. And I usually wheeze. (Clarified to to describe my breathing problems.)
what medication are you taking for your Asthma

03/12/23 9:10 PM EDT

It’s just a regular Proventil inhaler.
how often do you use your inhaler

03/12/23 9:10 PM EDT

Not often. Maybe two or three times a week.
sorry about you have to go throw this

03/12/23 9:14 PM EDT

Treating high cholesterol helps lower your risk of stroke

03/12/23 9:15 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
It sounds like that was a challenging time for you

03/12/23 9:16 PM EDT

 Examined right eye.

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:20 PM EDT

 Examined left eye.

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:20 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:22 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/12/23 9:23 PM EDT


Exam Action
03/12/23 9:27 PM EDT

hello my name is isatu, i’m here to interview and examine you

03/13/23 6:50 PM EDT

what brings you in today?

03/13/23 6:50 PM EDT

I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!
treating high cholesterol help lower your risk of stroke

03/13/23 6:52 PM EDT

Thanks for telling me.
It sounds like that was a challenging time for you

03/13/23 6:53 PM EDT

 Examined right eye.

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:55 PM EDT

 Examined left eye.

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:55 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:57 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed posterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left upper chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left middle chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:58 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:59 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:59 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior left lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:59 PM EDT

 Percussed anterior right lower chest wall

Exam Action
03/13/23 6:59 PM EDT


Exam Action
03/13/23 7:53 PM EDT

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