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NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 1 Discussion

Introduction and Syllabus Review

Please respond to the following prompts:

Please introduce yourself and share your nursing background, including any experiences you may have had in a leadership role.

What are your goals for this course?

Post any questions you may have about the syllabus.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 2 Discussion

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Leadership Practice

Complete the assigned readings and the “Leadership Styles Questionnaire” (Northouse Chapter 4).

In three well developed paragraphs (450–500 words total), address the following prompts:

What do your responses to the questionnaire reveal about your leadership style?

How will this style influence your intended professional role (upon graduation from your program of study)?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 3 Discussion

Analysis of Leadership Traits and Strengths

Complete the assigned readings and videos to increase your understanding of emotional intelligence. In 450-500 words, complete the following prompts:

Provide an example of a nurse leader demonstrating emotional intelligence or an example where use of emotional intelligence could have altered an outcome of a situation you have encountered as a leader or with a leader.

Include two strategies to enhance emotional intelligence.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 4 Discussion

Conflict in the Workplace

In 450–500 words, address the following prompts. Be sure to maintain HIPAA confidentiality guidelines by not revealing personal details.

Share an incident in your professional nursing career in which conflict existed.

Objectively present the factors contributing to this conflict.

How did the response of the nursing leader influence the conflict?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 5 Discussion

Collaboration and Teamwork

In 450–500 words, address the following prompts:

Provide an example of an effective group or team at your place of work.

Identify the membership, mission, and goals of the group.

How does nursing leadership promote effective communication and interpersonal collaboration within this group?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 6 Discussion

Cultural Competence and Practice Change

How will cultural competence enhance your professional practice (your role upon graduation from your program of study)?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 7 Discussion

Nurse of the Future Leadership Competency

The Nurse of the Future (NOF) competencies include leadership among the skills necessary for future nurses.

Please respond to the following prompts using 350–400 words:

Review the NOF leadership competency and identify at least two examples of knowledge (K), attitudes (A), or skills (S) shared or demonstrated by the nurse leader you interviewed for your assignment this week.

How has this competency enhanced leadership ability in this individual?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 8 Discussion

Analysis of Ethical Leadership Style

Complete the assigned readings and the “Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 12).

In an initial post of 450–500 words, respond to the following:

Based on your responses to the questionnaire, what are your core values?

In planning for your future role, how will your values influence what you do?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 1 Assignment

Leadership Analysis

Complete the assigned readings and the “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Northouse, Chapter 1.

For this assignment, use a minimum of three scholarly references and it should be approximately three to four pages long, not counting the cover page or references list.

Include the following:

Comprehension: Share the findings of the questionnaire.

Application: Of the six dimensions in the questionnaire (trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process), which one is the most similar to your own perspective? Which one is least like your own perspective?

Analysis/Synthesis: What do the scores you received on the questionnaire suggest about your perspective on leadership?

Evaluation: What do your scores imply about your view of nurses as leaders versus managers? How are the results of this questionnaire beneficial to you as a leader?

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 2 Assignment

Annotated Bibliography - Nursing and Leadership Styles

Locate and read at least three scholarly articles on nursing and leadership styles. Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography).

For each article, determine the following:

Comprehension: Select a scholarly research or other article on the assigned topic and introduce the article in your own words.

Application: Apply the research findings or article content to course concepts.

Analysis: Provide objective and subjective analysis of the article.

Evaluation: Summarize the value of the content to nursing leadership and nursing.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 3 Assignment

Synthesis of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses as a Leader

Complete the “Leadership Traits Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 2) and “Leadership Strengths Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 3).

Your paper should include five to seven scholarly references, be five pages long, not counting cover page or references list. It should reflect the rubric in the following ways:

Comprehension: What are the findings of the questionnaires?

Application: Discuss how your identified traits and strengths can enhance your ability to lead? How can your identified traits and weaknesses impede your ability to lead?

Analysis/Synthesis: How can your identified traits and strengths compare to those you have observed in nurse leaders? Create a plan to develop your strengths and address your weaknesses to meet the anticipated leadership responsibilities of your intended role (upon graduation from your program of study).

Evaluation: Summarize the value of examining your leadership traits and strengths.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 4 Assignment

Annotated Bibliography - Conflict Resolution

Read three scholarly articles on nursing and leadership styles. Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography).

For each article, determine the following:

Comprehension: Select a scholarly research or other article on the assigned topic and introduce the article in your own words.

Application: Apply the research findings or article content to course concepts.

Analysis: Share objective and subjective analysis of the article.

Evaluation: Summarize the value of the content to nursing leadership and nursing.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 5 Assignment

A Plan to Resolve Conflict and Promote Collaboration

Imagine that you are a leadership consultant.

Use your example of conflict in your professional practice (from the Week 4 discussion) and build on the readings, videos, and peer input you received.

Critically analyze the situation and create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote collaboration among the group.

Your plan should include seven to 10 scholarly references and be seven to eight pages long (page count does not include the cover or references list). Review your conflict scenario and include the following

Comprehension: Review the details of the conflict scenario, identifying the type and effects of the conflict.

Application: Relate course content on delegation, empowerment, group dynamics, and constructive group roles and behaviors to the identified conflict scenario.

Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the internal and external variables contributing to the conflict. Create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote a high functioning health care team.

Evaluation: Summarize the value of effective conflict resolution skills for the nurse leader.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 6 Assignment

Leadership and Success of the California Nurses' Association

Watch the three-part California Nurses Association History videos and determine the role of leadership in the success of this organization.

Your paper should include five to seven scholarly references and be three to four pages long, not counting cover page and references list.

Your paper should include in the review:

Comprehension: Briefly summarize the efforts and outcome of the CNA.

Application: Relate core leadership concepts to the success of the CNA. Include the relationship of empowerment, government, and cultural competency to the struggles and success of the CNA.

Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the variables contributing to the success of the CNA group’s efforts.

Evaluation: Summarize the efforts of the CNA as a model to enhance APRN practice.

NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership

Week 7 Assignment

Nurse Leader Interview

Interview a nurse leader (chief nurse, associate chief nurse, director, supervisor, manager), a master’s prepared nurse with leadership responsibilities (nurse educator, nurse quality specialist, nurse risk manager, nurse case manager, etc.), or advanced practice nurse with leadership responsibilities (clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or nurse practitioner).

Analyze the leader’s role as it relates to a minimum of five of the major course concepts addressed (ethics in leadership, emotional intelligence, communication, conflict resolution, change theory, cultural competence/diversity, labor relations management, leadership models, management theory, motivational theory, Nurse of the Future competencies, interprofessional collaboration, and team building).

Provide a narrative summary of your interviewee’s responses to each of the concepts (but not a verbatim account) of the interview. Incorporate references to provide support and analyze the concepts you discussed. Include your impression of congruence between the leader’s self-reflection and your personal observations of demonstrated leadership. Include the following in your paper:

Comprehension: Introduce the leader, his or her credentials, title, job responsibilities, placement on the organizational chart/reporting responsibilities, education, experience, mentors, and pathway to their current role.

Application: Describe the predominate model/theory of leadership used by this leader. Describe their style of leadership.

Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify and illustrate the leader’s level of authority and influence within the organization. Discuss their sense of empowerment and efforts to empower others. Describe their intra- and extra-organizational responsibilities.

Compare your personal philosophy/style/model of leadership with this leader and share whether or not expectations/perceptions of this leader were accurate.

Evaluation: Summarize the leader’s behavior, strengths, successes, challenges and weaknesses.

Your paper should be nine to 10 pages long, not counting cover page or references list, and should utilize 10-12 scholarly references.