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NSG6340 Practicum III: Adult Health – Primary Care Week 3 Discussion

NSG6340 Practicum III: Adult Health – Primary Care Week 3 Discussion

Week 3 Discussion

Case Study: Adolescent Health Conditions

An 18-year-old white female presents to your clinic with a 2-week history of intermittent abdominal pain, periodic cramping, diarrhea, and low-grade fever. She admits to smoking ½ PPD for the last 2 years, denies illegal drug or alcohol use, and has a positive history of Crohn’s Disease. Answer the following:

What are the top 3 differentials, with the presumptive final diagnosis listed first?

What focused physical exam findings would be beneficial to know?

What diagnostic testing needs completion, if any, to confirm the diagnosis?

Using evidence-based treatment guidelines, note a treatment plan.

Submission Details: Post your response in the Discussion Area by the due date. Engage with at least two peers’ posts by the end of the week.

Week 3 Midweek Assignment

Instructions – iHuman Case Study

Complete the iHuman case study titled “Chana Kumar V3 PC” following the course objectives and weekly content. iHuman cases enhance clinical reasoning, diagnostic skills, and patient care plan development grounded in clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice.

Submission Details: Once completed, click “Submit.” iHuman case studies are assessed based on History Taking, Physical Exam, and Differential Diagnoses. Your instructor will review your completion for points earned. Complete the Week 3 Project iHuman case study by the due date assigned.

NSG6340 Practicum III: Adult Health – Primary Care Week 3 Project

Instructions – APEA Review Course Modules

Access the APEA Review Course Modules on Hematology and GI. Complete the assigned modules each week and submit proof of completion to the designated Submissions Area. Failure to comply will result in an incomplete grade.

Submission Details: Submit proof of completion of the APEA review course to the Submissions Area by the due date. Name your document SU_NSG6340_W3_Project1_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

NSG6340 Practicum III: Adult Health – Primary Care Week 3 Project 2

Instructions – APEA myqbank

Complete 150 weekly practice questions from the Patient Management Bank using Tutor Mode for maximum benefit. Submit proof of completion to the designated Submissions Area. Failure to fulfill this requirement may result in an incomplete grade.

Submission Details: Submit proof of completing at least 150 My Q-Bank practice questions weekly by the due date. Name your document SU_NSG6340_W3_Project2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Week 4 Discussion

Case Study: Common Chronic Diseases

A sixty-year-old baker presents with increasing shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, and fatigue. Past medical history includes high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. Answer the following:

What is the chief complaint?

Based on the provided information, what are your top 3 differentials, listing the presumptive final diagnosis first?

What treatment plan would you consider utilizing current evidence-based practice guidelines?

Submission Details: Post your response in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

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