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Module 4 Case Background ReadingsFrom Strategy to Execution: A Step-by-Step Appr

Module 4 Case Background ReadingsFrom Strategy to Execution: A Step-by-Step Approach to Effective Supply Chain Outsourcing (2023)
What is Outsourcing? Definition, Advantages, and Examples (2023)
Outsourced Logistics: Choosing a 3PL or a 4PL? (2023)
The Power of Outsourcing for Supply Chain Improvement (2023)
The Pros and Cons of Ecommerce Supply Chain and Logistics Outsourcing (2023)
Outsourced logistics in a post-pandemic world (2023)
Striking a Balance Between In-House and Outsourced Logistics Management (2023)
Which Supply Chain Model Is Right for You? (2023)
Case Assignment
Begin with the background readings which provide a foundation in industry outsourcing trends and practices. Research what functions are often outsourced in logistics/supply chain and why.
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length.
Research the pros and cons of outsourcing in logistics (at least three pros and three cons must be discussed).
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length.
Research two examples of logistics/supply chain companies that outsourced and had different results. (Use examples that are not from this week’s readings)
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length.
Resources should be no more than three years old for this Case Assignment because the industry is changing rapidly, and the goal is to remain relevant throughout your career. 
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information, see Differences Between First and Third Person. The excessive use of quotes or unoriginal content will directly impact performance since it suggests lack of comprehension and indicates that a student may not have mastered the concepts.