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Michael Martinez ihuman case Key Findings and Problem statement and management plan

Michael Martinez ihuman case Key Findings and Problem statement and management plan

Michael Martinez ihuman Case: Key Findings

Cough with yellow sputum for 2 days

Fever reaching 102°F

Reduced appetite

Redness in the throat

Runny nose persisting for 2 days

Breathing difficulties with fast breathing

Retractions between the ribs


Exposure to secondhand smoke

Swollen lymph nodes in a specific area

Michael Martinez ihuman Case Problem Statement

The patient, an 18-month-old boy, is dealing with a 2-day history of breathing difficulties, fever, and a productive cough. Additional symptoms include a runny nose and reduced appetite. Immunizations are up-to-date, and developmental milestones are age-appropriate. Physical findings consist of a temperature of 102°F, fast breathing with an oxygen saturation of 92%, throat redness, and audible wheezing and crackles in the lungs. Exposure to secondhand smoke is a notable risk factor.


To prepare:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and think about applying knowledge of EENT conditions to pediatric patient assessment.

Access i-Human Patients and review the case study, considering the health history required.

Identify appropriate physical exams and diagnostic tests for the patient’s condition.

Consider possible conditions for a differential diagnosis.

Develop a treatment plan that includes health promotion and education strategies for EENT conditions and families.

Assignment: Interact with i-Human patient Michael Martinez ihuman case, complete the case study, and refer to the i-Human Graduate Programs Help link for guidance.

Michael Martinez ihuman Case: Management Plan Management/Treatment Plan

Due to the patient’s breathing difficulties, intercostal retractions, and a pulse ox of 92%, hospital admission is necessary for observation and supportive care:

Supplemental oxygen via nasal prong for pulse ox <90%

Vital signs checked every 4 hours

Intravenous hydration with normal saline for poor oral fluid intake, as needed Per the American Academy of Pediatrics, bronchodilators are not recommended for bronchiolitis, as they do not alter its course.

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