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MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assignment

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assignment

Assessment 1 Information

Subject Code: MBA401
Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership
Assessment Title: Leadership a Country Comparison
Assessment Type: Written Analysis
Presentation Length: 1,500              Words                               (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30 %
Total Marks: 30
Submission: Via MyKBS and Turnitin
Due Date: Tuesday, Week 5, 11.55 pm

The Assessment Task

Students will complete a written analysis that will compare, contrast and analyse leadership in Australia to that from a selected country or region identified on the list provided.

Assessment Description

The global environment presents many challenges for contemporary leaders. First, you will look at a leader’s challenge in the last 12 months. This subject has focused on leadership styles, traits, characteristics and human resource management practices in the Australian context. A culture’s leadership practices reflect traditional beliefs and philosophies, which incorporate cultural settings, traditional wisdom and, in some cases, indigenous theories and knowledge about leadership. Therefore, becoming a global leader requires an appreciation of leadership behaviours across various culturally bound contexts.

Students will research leadership from a cultural context by completing an analysis that compares leadership in Australia with ONE country or region drawn from a list provided. You will discuss at least one (1) similarity and one (1) difference. Students MUST only select from the identified countries or regions on the list.

Students will apply theoretical concepts covered in the subject, supported by real-world examples, to assist them in their written analysis. Include the following elements:

  1. Discuss why awareness of global and cross-cultural leadership in the current environment is essential.
  2. Analyse leadership in the Australian context and the connection leaders have to develop the organisations’ human resources.
  3. Research and compare the key points you have made in the Australian context in contrast to leadership in your selected country or region.

Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist in completing the assessment criteria The written analysis will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Evidence of good academic practice with research, appropriate sourcing and referencing (see here for further details);
  • Proof of development of a body of knowledge in the field of contemporary leadership and people;
  • The level of analysis that the student performs;
  • The Clarity of the student’s argument;
  • The appropriate use of theory and relevant literature.

List of countries/regions for the assessment.

Choose ONE country or region from the following list to compare to the Australian context. Students may not choose any other country or region for this assessment.

Countries and Regions include:









Saudi Arabia


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Length Limits for Assessments

Assessment submissions that exceed the prescribed limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Discussion on the importance of global and cross- cultural leadership   (8 Marks) The paper is an in-depth critical discussion of the importance of global and cross-cultural leadership and includes up-to-date information about the current environment. In addition, relevant theoretical concepts or models support it. The paper critically discusses global and cross- cultural leadership, including up-to-date information about the current environment supported by relevant theoretical concepts or models. The paper provides a good discussion of global and cross- cultural leadership, supported by relevant information about the current environment, including theoretical concepts or models. However, some critical information may be missing, irrelevant, or inappropriate. The paper provides a fair discussion on global and cross-cultural leadership, including most information relevant to this assessment topic. However, some critical information is missing. The paper on global and cross-cultural leadership is incomplete, does not apply to this assessment task, or is not current.
Analysis of leadership in the Australian context and the development of human resource in the organisation   (9 Marks) An in-depth critical analysis of the Australian context and development of human resources in the organisation that theoretical concepts or models support. Provides a critical analysis of the Australian context and development of human resources in the organisation, which theoretical concepts or models support. Provides a good analysis of the Australian context, and development of human resources in the organisation includes theoretical concepts or models. However, some critical information may be missing, irrelevant, or inappropriate. Provides a fair analysis of the Australian context and human resources, including most information relevant to this assessment topic. Some critical information is missing. Information provided about the Australian context and human resources is incomplete, irrelevant to this assessment task, or not up to date.
Research and contrast to the leadership of the identified country/region   (8 marks) In-depth critical comparison of leadership in the identified country/region links clear contrast to the discussions of the Australian context. Provides a critical comparison of leadership in the identified country/region, which links clear contrast to the discussions of the Australian context. Provides a good comparison of leadership in the identified country/region, which attempts a contrast to the Australian context. Provides a fair comparison of leadership in the identified country/region, which contrasts little or less relevant to the Australian context. Missing or poor comparison of leadership to the identified country/region. Nonexistent or inadequate contrast to the Australian context.
Submission presentation quality   (5 marks) A high-quality written submission. Assessment requirements, including referencing, are well met. A very good quality written submission that adheres to assessment requirements, including referencing. A good quality written submission that mostly adheres to assessment requirements with attempts to reference. A fair written submission with room for improvement. The assessment mostly adheres to assessment requirements with some referencing. Poor quality of the written submission. There is little or no attempt to adhere to assessment requirements with no attempt to reference.

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