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MBA401 People,Culture and Contemporary Leadership

MBA401 People,Culture and Contemporary Leadership

Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code:MBA401
Subject Name:People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership
Assessment Title:Trust and Workplace Relationships
Assessment Type:Individual Report:40%
Presentation Length:1,500              Words                               (+/-10%)
Total Marks:40
Due Date:Tuesday,Week13,11.55pm

The Assessment Task

Students will write an individual report to demonstrate the depth of their learning and development of knowledge arising from their participation in the MBA401 subject. This report will require undertaking research that is relevant to the topic statement.

  • Students must draw on fundamental academic theories (minimum 3) relevant to the chosen topic.
  • This assessment does not have one correct textbook answer. Instead, the assessment requires students to discuss possible assumptions and make effective arguments with a logically detailed conclusion.
  • Students will use a report structure for the writing of this assessment.

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Trust and workplace relationships

Trust is an important influence for effective communication, cooperation, problem-solving and performance in the workplace.Social conflicts in the work place can hamper personal relationships and limit group cohesion and effectiveness. In an organisational context, trust is an issue of behavioural competence, with people trusting those they believe can solve problems and deliver desired outcomes. Is conflict always negative, or can it also be constructive?

Leaders, therefore, need to build a culture of trust in the workplace towards organisational effectiveness.

TOPIC STATEMENT:Apply the concept of trust and human behaviour to discuss how a leader can develop better workplace relationships.

Assessment Description

Assessment 3 is the summative assessment of the subject. A summative assessment means that students must draw on the theory discussed in any of the 12 weeks of workshops. Students are to demonstrate the level of their overall subject understanding, drawn from a semester’s learning and subject engagement, and with considerations of theory, drawn from academic research, in a practical setting. In addition, the following should be explored and included in the report:

  1. Explore the critical nature of relationships between people in an organisation, especially concerning leaders and followers.
  2. Identify how leaders may create, reinforce, or destroy organisational culture through employee interactions.
  3. What role might trust between leaders and followers play in building working relationships within the organisation?

Discuss at least three theories or concepts you have explored in MBA401. You may also provide practical examples drawn from contemporary business.

Report Structure(this is a guide to assist in how you can frame your report)

Introduction (150 words) – Present your response to the statement and outline the aim and structure of the report

Discuss the critical nature of the relationships between leaders and followers(400words) – here, you are responding to statement 1.

Analysis of how leaders may influence organisational culture (400 words) – here, you are responding to statement 2.

Analyse the role of the leader and the importance of trust (400 words) here. You are responding to question 3.

Conclusion (150 words) – You will summarise the analysis and critical theories discussed. The conclusion is where students tell the reader what they found, not how they found it.

Reference List

Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct?

What are the penalties for academic misconduct?

What are the late penalties?

How can I appeal my grade?

Click here for answers to these questions: http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/.

Length Limits for Assessments

Assessment submissions that exceed the prescribed limit by more than 10% will cease to bemarkedfrom the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

Discuss the nature of relationshipsbetween people in an organisation.   (10Marks)The paper is an in-depth critical discussion of the relationship between leaders and followers supported by theoretical concepts or models.The paper critically discusses the relationship between leaders and followers supported by theoretical concepts or models.The paper provides a good discussion of the relationship between leaders and followers supported by theoretical concepts or models. However, some critical information may be missing, irrelevant, or inappropriate.The paper provides a fair discussion on the relationship between leaders and followers, including most information relevant to this assessment topic.However,some critical information is missing.The paper on the relationship between leaders and followers is incomplete, does not apply to this assessment task, or is not current.
Analyse how leaders influence organisationalculture.   (10Marks)An in-depth critical analysis of the leaders influence on organisational culture supported by theoretical concepts or models.Provides a critical analysis of the leaders influence on organisational culture supported by theoretical concepts or models.Provides a good analysis of the leaders influence on organisational culture supported by theoretical concepts or models. However, some critical information may be missing, irrelevant, or inappropriate.Provides a fair analysis of the leaders influence on organisational culture including most information relevant to this assessment topic. Some critical information is missing.Information provided about the leaders influence on organisational culture is incomplete, irrelevant to this assessment task, or not up to date.
Analysetheroleofthe leaders influence on trust.   (10Marks)An in-depth critical analysis of the role of the leaders influence on trust,supported by theoretical concepts or models.Provides a critical analysis of the role of the leaders influence on trust,supported by theoretical concepts or models.Provides a good analysis of the role of the leaders influence on trust,supported by theoretical concepts or models. However, some critical information may be missing, irrelevant, or inappropriate.Provides a fair analysis of the role of the leaders influence on trust including most information relevant to this assessment topic.Some critical information is missing.Information provided about the role of the leaders influence on trust is incomplete, irrelevant to this assessment task,or not up to date.
AssessmentStructure and Presentation (5Marks)Sequence and structure are logical and easy to follow; excellent overall presentation.Sequence and structure are logical and easy to follow; good overall presentationStructured well enough to make sense;could be better organised and more tightly focused upon the topic; may lack focus, engagement or overall summary.Mostly coherent structure and presentation;may have some sections where reasoning is difficult to follow. It could be more clearly and logically organised.The assessment lacks coherent structure and presentation. Describes disconnected segments of information or the use of many direct quotes
Writing and Referencing   (5Marks)The assessment is an excellent use of relevant and appropriate sources of literature.Correct referencing throughout. The assessment contains perfect grammar and spelling.Very good use of relevant and appropriate sources of literature.Correct referencing and good grammar and spelling.Good use of relevant and appropriate sources of literature. Good referencing standard.Good use of relevant sources of literature. Mostly correct referencing. Some grammar and spelling errors.Few, if any, literature sources included and poor referencing. Poor spelling and grammar