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MBA 515 Fall 2023 Group Assignment  You are required to design a new dashboard that could improve the decision making in an organisation (it must not be one that already exists at your organnisation

MBA 515 Fall 2023

Group Assignment 

You are required to design a new dashboard that could improve the decision making in an organisation (it must not be one that already exists at your organnisation). The organsation must be one that one of the group members works for. 

You do not need to provide the actual data of the orgnisation (though this may make your task easier), but you must be clear how this data would be collected by the organisation, including its source and its nature (structured/unstructured etc.). You must decide how this data would be presented on the dashboard and provide a graphic showing either a real dashboard (based upon organisation data or a potential dashboard. It must have all elements clearly labelled.

Your final dashboard must include a minimum of 4 separate graphics that could aid the decision making of your orgnisation at the level of management that you will specify and clearly explain, in your report.



Your report (3000 words maximum) must include:

•        An abstract (no more than 300 words and not included in word count)

•        Contents page (not included in word count)

•        Brief overview of the organisation and section of interest. (no more than 500 words, excess word count will be penalised)

•        A clear outline of the level of decision making that which be aided by the dashboard.

•        A pictorial representation (and description) of the dashboard, with key elements labelled

•        A detailed discussion of the data required to be included in the dashboard

•        A detailed discussion of each graphic included in the dashboard and its ability to aid the required decision making.

•        A conclusion summing up how the dashboard aids the organisation (no more than 500 words)


A project outline is to be submitted in advance of the report, must include a 500 word overview your project including: the name of your organisation, the level of management for which your dash board will be designed, the decisions that you are seeking to aid in designing the dash board.


Do not place large amounts of material in appendices as these will not be read other than for checking that the material exists. It will not contribute to your grade.


All group members must keep a log (in the form of word document) of their individual contribution to the report and development of the dashboard. All members of the group will sign, and submit, an individual version of this log with that individual’s contribution clearly highlighted. If you do not submit a signed log, you will not be awarded a grade.


This is a group activity and a group mark will be awarded, it is up to the members of the group to manage this process and each other’s contribution. 


The usual rules concerning plagiarism will be adhered to.


Submission of report: 14th December 2023

Presentation: 10th-13th December 2023

Project Outline: 13th November


MBA 515 Fall 2023

Group Assignment 

Grading Criteria for Group Project

Project Outline: 5% of Overall Grade

Clarity of management level and decision areas addressed by dashboard


Out of 5

Project report: 15% of Overall Grade

Abstract and Contents Page /1

Introduction /2


Clarity of overview of organisation and level of decision making for which dashboard is required   

Performance Indicators/3


Description and explanation of performance indicators relevant to decisions



Appropriate selection of data for decision making




Appropriate selection of visualisations on dashboard

Quality of writing/2



Conclusion /1


How the dashboard complements the Organisation/Operation Level Strategy.

Total (Report)



Out of 15


Presentation: 10% of Overall Grade


Quality of Presentation /10



Out of 10



Overall Total

Out of 30


MBA 515 Fall 2023

Group Assignment