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MAKE THE LINOIT PUBLIC “Create a new canvas”: “Access to Canvas (Public)” When y

MAKE THE LINOIT PUBLIC “Create a new canvas”: “Access to Canvas (Public)” When you select “For my own private use,” only you can see the canvas. When you select “Show stickies to everyone,” everyone can see the canvas. When you select “Everyone may post stickies,” everyone can post a sticky. Assignment Requirements 5 Key Points: Five sticky notes that contain key points related to the challenges for students with disabilities as they transition to college. Be sure to put the heading. 5 Useful Technologies for College or On the Job: Five sticky notes that describe useful technologies (e.g., hardware, software, apps, devices) that help students with disabilities overcome barriers or challenges in college or on the job. (Note: you will need to review previous chapters to identify technologies that you think would be useful. Refer back to the barriers and think about the technologies that can help overcome the barriers. The sticky note(s) needs to contain (1) the name and description of the technology, (2) a sentence or two on how it will the learner overcome the barriers, and (2) a URL to the technology. You will need to copy and paste the URL into the note. Be sure to put the heading. 5 Useful Technologies to Achieve Independence at Home or in the Community: Five sticky notes that describe useful technologies (e.g., hardware, software, apps, devices) that help students with disabilities overcome barriers or challenges to live independently at home and/or function in the community. (Note: you will need to review previous chapters to identify technologies that you think would be useful. Refer back to the barriers and think about the technologies that can help overcome the barriers. The sticky note(s) needs to contain (1) the name and description of the technology, (2) a sentence or two on how it will the learner overcome the barriers, and (2) a URL to the technology. You will need to copy and paste the URL into the note. Be sure to put the heading. Two Transition Website Links (with descriptions) Links to 2 websites that contain useful information about supporting students with disabilities as they transition to college or work. Give a brief description of the website on the note Be sure to put the heading. 1 Video Embedded (with descriptions). One Youtube video (or another video) related to students with disabilities at the college level or at work or the use of one of the technologies that you recommend. The Video must be embedded (see Linoit Resources) not just links. 1 PDFs or Word document: This document needs to relate to supporting students with disabilities at the college level or at work. I would prefer that it be technology-related, but that is not a requirement. 2 Transition-related Images: Include at least 2 images displaying the transition of individuals with disabilities to college or work and/or independence in the home and community. They could be put in any of the sticky notes or posted independently Descriptive note in Canvas Submission: By the due date, you will submit a brief note in the Canvas submission. In this note, you will share the following: Write a brief paragraph (3-4) about what you learned about using technology to support the transition of students with disabilities to college or work, and/or their independence at home or in community settings.